Hints & Tips
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Hints & Tips

Warm fronts usally bring fish into the shallows to feed. Wispy cirrus clouds and south winds generally signal the approach of a warm front.

Moderate winds do not mean bad fishing, the winds make chopy waves reducing light penetration. Light-sensitive fish will come to feed like Bass and Walleye.

If you are out in a boat look for buyos, that usally means shallow, go look at it. If it looks promising "rocky,weedy, or dead trees" throw your line in and try.

When boating allong islands look for weeds sticking out of the water.

Unless the fish are biting lots try to get on the side of the island out of the wind, the fish might bite more and it is easier to cast.

When you stop at a spot don't change your lure then, because you just waste time, change when you are moving to another spot.

If you are going to a streem or river look for a spot that quickly gets deep and is out of the current.

When you fish dont keep reeling the line at the same speed. Be patient and tug on the line then speed up and slow down to make it look real.

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Walleye or Pickerel

Email: jeffrey@vianet.on.ca