Lake Trout
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Lake Trout

Above pic, Brown Trout

Lake trout is one of my favourite fish. When fishing for lakers the weather should be cool, few clouds and not windy.

If you are fly fishing for Trout and they are not biting very much, a safe thing to do is, take a long eye dropper and stick it carefully down the Trouts mouth and suck out the food in its stomach. Look a the insects in the dropper, look at the colour and type. That can tell you what the Trout is eating so you can ajust your flys to what it is eating.

A few years ago Oregon University did a study to see what is in side a fresh water trout. Averaged together 75% of a trouts stomach is insects, and 25% is other.

When fishing with lures try to use spoons or something that is shiny and flashy, that attracts them.

In spring Rocky points often attract small lake trout to shallow water on top of the points, while larger fish remain in deeper water off the points.

In the summer trout go as deep as necessary to find water near 50 degrees farenheit. In the great lakes lakers may plung to 100 feet or more.

The comfortable temp for Lake Trout is 50 degrees farenheit.

Currently (07-20-97) the record Lake Trout is weighed in at 72.25 lbs on Great Bear Lake, NT

Here are some good tackle to use

1) Rapala Minnow

2) Mepp's Spinner's

3) Jig head's or spinners with skirt

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