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AKA tiny tuna

I know I know, Mackerel are salt water fish, but I just had to put this page on. If you live by a warf or some sort of dock by the ocean, read this.

Mackerel are a tastey fish, and not very hard to catch.

Mackerel usally run in schools, so if your out in a boat troll untill you find some Mackerel. A really good method to catching them is, troll untill you find a good spot, then throw in a line with 2 - how ever many hooks you want. Put on some sort of live bait and drop in the line.

You can catch up to 5 Mackerel at once. If you hook a Mackerel wait a couple seconds, because when A Mackerel is fighting or making some sort of action, it attracts more over to it and then they bite the other hooks and you have a nice dance.

If your fishing from a warf do it when the tide is coming in, because they usally come in with the tide.

One killer lure (I cant rember the name) is green with a bit of silver, about 1/2oz and one treble hook on the end. That will produce Mackerel.

When I go fishing for mackerel, It is usally at my cottage In Port Elgin N.B. Off a old warf.

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