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*~Hanson Posers~*

I'm sure we've all encountered one of them while chatting in Chat Rooms such as the one, or one... or maybe even personal homepage chat rooms. Nevertheless, these posers are 'dorks who don't have anything else better to do with their time!' First of all, despite the fact that Hanson always state that they do not go online and chat without future notice, it's probably not true. They've said so before themselves that they surf the net a lot and are really into the internet....therefore, I'm sure that they also chat in chat rooms, they just probably don't go on as themselves.... I mean, they probably don't go on as 'Ike, Tay, and Zac Hanson the brother band.' They probably keep a lower profile while online. Other than that, probably the only time you'd find them as themselves (Screen names such as 'MMMBop' or 'Hanson' or something like that) is when it has already been pre-mentioned beforehand. Another thing, I'm sure that they're not egotistical freaks who go online just to hear people scream for them over the net. (Well, they don't really scream but you know... caps such as "OH TAY!!!!! IT'S YOOOUUUU!!!" =P)

Second of all, I cannot enforce any more than to say please please PLEASE do NOT give out any of your personal info to these posers! I'm not saying that ALL of them are dangerous, but some of them are sometimes 'Hanson haters' and try to get your personal info as to hack your system or send you destructive viruses through e-mail. So in this case, do not give anything concerning where you live, phone number, e-mail, even your full name. Don't go," Oh hi Isaac! I can't believe you're actually talking to ME on-line! I'm Amy Smith and I'm 14 years old! Here's my address: 123 Cherry Lane Atlanta Georgia! Here's my number! 555-1234" No, no, don't do that, don't give that kinda info over the net to Hanson posers, much less anybody you meet on the net. I mean, telling your FIRST name and age n stuff are ok, but don't giving out your phone number, and please not your address! Unless you wanna see some stranger on your doorstep the next morning. I know I know, I sound paranoid but this kinda stuff HAS happened over the net before. Many people have received e-mails saying stuff like "Cool stuff for all Hanson Fans" in the Subject box. Therefore, they open it up and download it and whadda ya know, their 'puter dies on them right there. No, it wasn't 'cool stuff for Hanson Fans', au contraire my dear, it was a virus sent to your 'puter. (If you don't know what a virus is, it's exactly that.... a virus. It makes your comp 'sick' and it pretty much dies out on you by acting all funky n stuff. If this happens, tell yer parents immediately and contact your internet provider and get rid of tha virus as soon as possible.)

Third, if a Hanson poser actually convinces you as to believe that he is one of the Hanson brothers (or family member or friend), and says something like this to ya," Hey, well, we're gonna be doing a gig over in your town next week, if you want, I can slip you a backstage pass. Meet me by the ice-cream stand and I'll give you the pass." Do not, do NOT go waiting by the ice-cream stand the day of the concert waiting for Ike, Tay, or Zac. You'll probably more likely end up getting kidnapped instead of getting to go backstage!

If you notice, in professional chat rooms like Hansonline and Hansonhitz's, they have professional operators that are online 24/7. They moniter the people that come in, and if anyone much less as says something like, "Hey everybody, it's Tay here. Just thought I'd drop on in to see what you guys are up to." They'd get kicked out immediately. They have their reasons, most likely the same reasons we have listed above, it's for your safety... so that you guys won't end up encountering some Hanson Poser on the Net.

Finally, if you HAVE gone online as a Hanson poser before or are doing it now, please don't. I don't think you'd like it very much if someone went online as you... just don't do that. If you have a real itch to do so, just go online as someone else.... someone, say Elvis Presley? Hmmm, that oughtta be interesting. =D

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