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The Infinite Business

The Creation More Benefits Benefits For Everyone Space The Final Frontier

          There is a way that we, meaning "society" can create a new and better way of doing business, and run our affairs more like the way it is depicted on the TV show star trek, where people do work to challenge themselves, not to make money.

In life today, the person who works at a job they like are in the minority, those who love there work are becoming extinct. The amount of money that can be made at a job carries a lot of weight when it comes to choosing a career.

The way we do business encourages people to want money over what they really wish to do.

The way we see business, or the way we stretcher a business can effect many lives, I think the Internet is slowly making people realize that you don't have to follow the way every one else thinks, that every one else could be wrong, its all in how you look at it, or at least your not wrong for thinking differently.

Its like surfing, you know, the kind that's done on the water, surfing could have been seen at one time as a way for a guy to show off his masculinity as it was very unusual for a women to surf, but today this view couldn't work, we cant see it like this any longer, because a lot of women surf, we must change our view to say a surfer surfs to challenge or thrill them self, people show their bravery or courage and skill instead of their masculinity.

The way we look at the world can dictate how we live and can be very limiting, unless we are willing to open up our minds to change and think for the betterment of every one as well as ourselves.


          Lets create a small infinite business so as to keep it simple, we will create a lemonade stand.

Our lemonade stand sells ten bottles a week at two dollars a bottle and our cost a bottle is a dollar fifty a bottle. This makes our cost at fifteen dollars a week. In a month in a month these cost are sixty five dollars, and yearly our cost seven hundred and eighty dollars. We could then factor in an amount for insurance, emergency and expansions so the total costs would be $2,000.00 a year so lets say our costs for everything would fit in this $2,000.00 a year.

For an infinite business, this setup to generate the moneys needed to run the business for a year, and in this case we will assume that this account has been set at a five percent interest rate, this then would mean that $40,000.00 would be needed to generate the $2,000.00 needed to run the business for a year.

This at first would seem to be rather silly, using $40,000.00 to generate $2,000.00 to run your business, but this is done every day, and dare I say, for a lot less of a reason, just ask the banks who make billions yearly doing exactly that. Seeing this as a good move instead of being a silly move is one way we have to change how we see things.

Because we generate the money for our business in this way, it will be automatically generated every year to Infinity, hence the name Infinite Business.

Of course this is a lot of money to put into an account simply to run a lemonade stand for a year, but first I am not really trying to open a lemonade stand, but simply show some what for now may seem like unusual business principals, and second, this kind of thinking would give us a very narrow view, especially because it is not only for a year, but Forever and ever.

However in twenty years, because its automatically generated, it would have paid for its self, and this is only the first and smallest of the benefits of doing business the Infinite way.

More Benefits

          To a business person, the best benefit is the fact that because all costs are paid from your Infinite account, all moneys from sales are pure profit. you have no overhead costs. Because all costs are automatically paid from your Infinite account forever, all the money that goes in the cash register, is pure profit, Wouldn't that be nice. Another benefit is that you could, if, since you were making lots of pure profit, make sure that your employees were being paid real good, by continuing to increase your Infinite account until your people were being paid unheard of amounts of money for their trouble.

Another benefit is that if your business was destroyed somehow, and you couldn't operate for a few months or even longer, you would not have to worry about losing your employees because you, as smart as you are, would find them something worthwhile to do, like helping at a food bank for say ten hours a week to receive their normal weekly pay, BECAUSE their pay is automatically set into your Infinite account.

They could be paid to do something useful, while your insurance or your emergency money set into your Infinite account would put you back in business as soon as possible, and you could go back to normal without having to retrain any new employees.

Benefits For Everyone

          You may think that if people were given a life where they didn't have to worry about money, even if they were not working, that they would become lazy, and surely some would, but you know, most people have interests in something or other, and since money will not be the limiting factor, then only intellect would limit you in a chosen field. Could you imagine how many more VCR's, Video cameras, Computers, and other consumer goods would be needed if everyone could afford and want them. Whole new factories with lots of automation would be needed to keep up with the demand.

Of course all this would require us to make enormous changes in the way we think about everything. This is the most demanding aspect of this whole concept, Even small changes can be hard, this approach would require everyone to cooperate and trust each other in ways that most of us couldn't imagine possible at this point in time, but I am sure as w! e get started, and things slowly improved, trust and cooperation would become the norm, because it would work.

We would finely be moving toward prosperity where things actually would be getting cheaper and cheaper, everyone would be making more and more, instead of the dismal downward spiral we are currently on, where most things become more expensive while your pay fails to even keep up with the cost of living, or if your one of the few who are prospering, as a consequence of the many that are not, you must lock up everything you own, including yourself and your family, avoid some parts of the city because it's dangerous to be there for those who are prospering, and these areas are getting larger and larger with more and more people, which makes it more dangerous every year.

Imagine no more poverty or home invasions, or any of the terrible circumstances we have been creating. We all cause these things to happen, and like a drug addict who can't see they simply have to stop using drugs to ge! t of them, We can't see that we all to blame, that we are even now creating our world the way we want it to be, dispite any consequences.

We have the power with a little foresight, in a free country like the US and Canada to make things the way we want, without having to revolt like the people of other lesser free countries have to. Sure it would be a real challenge, and we may not get everything right the first time around, but we can quietly change to an upward spiral a little at a time. I know one thing, we are moving in the wrong direction right now.

Space Finely

          Well it looks like we are finely going to start building the international space station. Do you know why it has taken so long, it is simple, Money, or the lack of it. And do you know why after going to the moon, humanity has only been puttering around in space, or on the edge of it, Its simple, Money.

Space is really expensive, even the most powerful countries cant really afford it. Even multiple countries can only afford to putter around the edges.

Can you imagine what we would be capable of if money was not the limiting factor. Just imagine, an Infinite account powering our space programs. I would bet as in the past, it would seem like science fiction becoming reality all over again. I think it would be wonderful.

the biggest draw back is that it would take so long to set up, probably many generations for a whole society to operate in this way. The people who start the first Infinite businesses would only benefit from a few benefits, and in some cases the benefits would not come until the next generation, but I must say we would at least be moving in the right direction, which is better than we are doing now.

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