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Boggle Poems

The next five poems were written on scraps of paper meant for boggle, when I went on this trip to the snow with this Methodist church, and my Rabbi would have a coniption fit if she saw this, so don't show her....did i mention i don't believe in god (in case she does she it...might as well get it all off my back )Anyways, I've strayed a bit off topic...I don't exactly have titles for these next five poems, so I'll just call them Number 1, and so on. They were written while I was surrounded by snow, and people who hate me, well, mostly people who hate me, or people who annoy the hell out of me.

Number 1

Each tree,

Each leaf.

Each molecule of snow,

The vast wilderness

before us

Behind us no regrets.

Inside my mind,

around, and around,

My life....

must turn back <--

Damn it, I misplaced the control panel....

Number 2

I love...

No, I won't say it.

I won't, because I know you.




You would be overwrought.

So I'll take caution.


Oh, I can't keep it in forever.

Gotta get it out ! FREEDOM

I love...

No, I won't say it.

Another day, another time, another life.

Number 3

The face of the innocent.

The naive.

Give it 2-3 years.

Society will twist it.

But only you can turn it....

Turn the other.

About face.

When I tap on your shoulder,

you won't feel a thing...

numbed out by the novocaine in the water.

It's okay,

So am I.

Number 4

It is just, justified.

Kill the poor...

Guns are unrequired.

Only a narrow mind is necessary.

Restrict welfare,

Rid the world of Affirmative Action.

All we need in this world is each other.

I'll let you in,

Turn on the light.

I am the poor.

so I'll close the door.

Call me if you change you mind, your perspective, your life.

I'll try not to hold my breathe.

Number 5

I know a little man,

Not so small in size;

He does the best he can,

By cutting all his ties.

I know a clumsy girl,

Graceful in her walk;

She's as solid as a pearl,

By trying not to talk.

I know a stupid world,

Clever at the time;

keeping hate and evil curled,

By beating up what's mine.

Email me !

