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What the hell am I doing ?
Why the hell did I come ?
I know you well nervosa
I do not feel out of place with you....
funny how you displace me,
yet I am not unaccustomed to your presence.
I must flee this place,
Discharge the sickly feeling in my stomach.
Overought with anxiety
Completely taken down by YOU !
god how stupid I am.
I put myself here.
I create my ill of ease.

Yes, yes I know.
There is no basis for my feelings.
I have no reason,
none at all to feel discomfort...

Self Distruction opens it's mouth.
Light bounces off the grotesque teeth...
I prepare myself to be taken in,
Swollowed whole and slowly digested.

To disconnect is all I know.
There is no other path to tread,
no other way out.
the Solution is confusing,
the Problem is nonexistent.
I laugh at my self.

Open the door.
Smiles and made up excuses,
I trudge my way home.
Mind wonders.
you there with her,
Both laughing at this crazy girl...
Why the hell did I leave.

Oh nervosa my good friend.
You are always here for me....
Deep inside I know the truth.

There is no attraction between
my two good companions.
There is no reason for displacement among them....

Oh well....
the music plays on...
life will prevail

Email Me !
