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I'll refuse reality,

just for a little bit

I'll take a little trip,

on the sugar coated wings of my faery keeper,

temporarily barrowed for this midnight voyage.

I'll fly a little ways,

to my land of imaginary dreams

where all is right with me.

Just give me a sip of that drink

i'll be just fine

it was in my mind

just a little slip

It doesn't bother me that your gone,

somehow i already knew,

promise you'll have fun

do things that are dumb

though you're the only one

I'll just smile and wave,

and start to dig my grave

with the help of flimsy orange tipped nails

and a hammer that splashes on the ground

I say so long to joy

as i prepare for the coming of my death

with open books

and ready pencils,

i am dictated the circumstances of my pardon

the black board is full,

and so is my head

but head master goes on,

and i'll be be up past dawn

good by sweet season, leave me to hell.......

Email me ! Please please..........even if you hate my poetry....okay...well you don't really have to
