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Picture Perfect

Ugly Pic of Me

BEWARE ! I'm not joking, you may be blinded.....

The Ugliness That is Nora :

Soon enough I hope to have a picture here to
blind you, but until then, you will have to use your imagination to visualize the monster...I'll start at the top and work my way down...I have reddish brown hair that is naturally curly, which means it is constantly tangled, hard to take care of, and always puffs in the wrong places...I have a big Jewish nose...not to be anti-semetic, I am myself of Jewish heritage...light blue eyes to match my sickly pale light skin, think the movie "Powder" and you have an idea of how pale my stomach is.....not that you should care...I have been blessed with large everything, a fat body, a big nose, big feet, big hips, everything except for that I want to be gets me to think that I am 15 & 1\2, puberty has long taken it's toll on my nerves, and yet I have not developed in to a volumptuous young heartbreaker...hmmm....did I mention my state of obesity ? Okay...enough about my looks...

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