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Meezer vs Machine.... A true story

The Auto-Litter Box Killer

Several month's ago I purchased one of those thing's and I'm going to tell you a story of my experience and Bogart's (my 15# Birmin) attitude to wards those things! I purchased one for $200.00. I thought the invention was an excellent idea being an engineer type. I purchased the Auto-Litter box on a Friday, and after minor assembly it was in operation Sunday night. I keep their litter box under the bathroom sink, they just open the door and use it and all odor's don't enter the house, exhausted outside and no one the wiser.
Went to work on Monday and told a few friend's about the new litter box I purchased and after a few crack's and such, a very good friend, who I've known for some 25 years, mentioned that a Meezer might get caught in the darn thing when it started operating, which I promptly discarded as lack of experience on such matters.
After work, I left for the house to see how this new invention accomplished it's task cleaning all that stuff we human's tend to delay for some reason or other. Upon opening the door, I was greeted by Simon (my female tortie point) who began jibbering & meowing over who knows what. Then Bogart appeared with tail held high, puffed out to the size of a coffee can, yeowlling and strutting around like he just killed Godzilla! Looking around the place for a half chewed bug or even a little mouse, I looked in the bathroom, only to find the remnants of the Auto-Litter Box, pulled out from under the sink, RIPPED into 4 large pieces, litter all over the place, and some of you know what strewn everywhere is, and some even inside the shower!
I started cleaning the mess up while thinking to myself of the information I discarded from my friend as not applicable, the thought "IT MIGHT OPERATE WITH THE MEEZER INSIDE"! Realizing that this now $200.00 worth of scrap plastic and wire, once a technical marvel of human invention, now dead do to a Meezer With Attitude.
I mentioned this experience to several club member's, after a few bout's of hysterical laughing, all agreed that I should return this item(s) to the place of purchase. After a few days of getting opinions, I went to the pet store to return the merchandise. In hand I had all the paper work, invoice and such. After much discussion I found that the guarantee does not cover abuse!
After some grumbling, I put the remnant’s of the Auto-Litter Box on a shelf, out of the way I thought. Bogart found the remnants and commenced to making sure that he indeed had killed it! I have most of the pieces, I offered the item(s) for sale, "CHEAP" and have had no takers at this time.
In my opinion I think that the manual way is much cheaper and safer for all interested in trying to purchase something easier for human kind! ....
Bogart-The Auto-Litter Box Killer, and Humbled Human, Demitri

The Adventures OF Mr. Ching!!!!!