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All 'bout dat guy I am but not am but...ah, forget it

So ya want to know about my online alter ego, Nobie? Here ya go!

Name: Nobie

Gender: Guy, Male, Man, Boy, you know that gender

Date of Birth(according to my realm): Frugaltak 20, 2345

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 113.52657 lbs.

Age: Try figuring it out using the DOB(Ha ha. Let's see ya try.)

Skin: Yellow

Eyes: All black

Favorite Food: Curry anything...I'm serious.

Favorite Drink: Coffee, black (but double Mocha fraps come in a close second!)

Special Features: Bionic coffee making arm, alien sneaker on right foot, and long hair-like flesh

Pet: Nobiepooch, loyal guard and companion. Complete with auto-boot that kicks people in the rear

Hobbies: Drinking coffee, messing with other peoples' minds, and distorting reality

Favorite Quotes: "Hyumhadoh?!" "Cee-rap!" "Who wants fudge cakes with their cans of sludge tonic?"

Hey, watch for more profiles from Nobie's Friends.

Coming soon:



Dat's enough now

Nobiepooch's Profile! Da dum da dum! Go here to see it, if you dare, and I bet you do, so shut up and listen and I'm just rambling on and on and...

Goin' back is a way of life nowadays
