I was always told that being an introvert was never a popular characteristic. A negative personality trait, if you will. I don't think so. I find that introverts tend to be incredibly thoughtful and intelligent people.
The surge in intelligence, by introverts such as we, begins early in life. We were often the targets of the class bully. Our daily beatings made us strong. We may have lost our lunch money, but at least, we're not in jail.
The main reason why introverts tend to be more intelligent than extroverts is because we are more likely to keep our mouths shut. Let me explain:
Extroverts have a driving passion to be the center of attention. They have a comment about every subject in the world and they have a joke for every situation. In one conversation, an extrovert will make ten statements to ever one introvert comment.
Let's break it down. An extrovert will make nine non-sensical statements and maybe one brilliant statement. When you look at the one brilliant statement with the nine idiotic statements, you are left with ten statements of sheer lunacy.
"Football is not a feminine sport. That's like the time I was able to finish my thought. Do the hor devours have any veal? Did you know that I once saved a kid from drowning? It's not the quantity but the quality. Yes, my tie is silk. Children learn more from what they learn at home and what they don't learn at home. We should use guns to clear the streets."
One the other hand, an introvert has a chance to only make one statement. The process begins to think and rethink a thought, until at the right moment he/she speaks. And with one brilliant solitary statement the next Einstein (a well known introvert) is born.