The GENERAL CONTEXT of such use is:
negative power:
academic freedom
a full account of the selection process
American educational credentials
American society stricto censu
a negatively constructive societal system
a proposition/axiom
arbitrary power
a theory of classes
autonomous power
collateral power
cultural arbitrary
de facto power
economic power
exchange of powers
financial power
identifying possible relationships for school systems
institutional and social conditions permitting a cultural arbitrary
in power
'laissez-faire' habitus in society
language of authority
legitimation and accreditation of government
legitimate violence
leveraged power
linguistic and cultural capital
liberation and exposure of corruption as the means of concealment of corruption
medical 'selection' (an example)
negative dispositions/predispositions
negative sociology
negative societal parameters
noblesse oblige
pan-econometric monism
pedagogic action
pedagogic justification
pedagogical mediations
pedagogic work and educational systems summarized
political power
power of appointment
power of attorney
power of sale
positive power
power basis
power efficacy
power foundations
power legitimacy
power relations
power symbolism
reality and the misconceptions of sociologists
relative power
ruling classes
scholastic hierarchy of abilities
school-social market correlate
social conditions
social essence
sociological negativity
societal power
societal powers transition
structural homology
symbolic power
symbolic violence
technical competence and academic/social selection
the homology of violence
the negative dimension of society
the negative sociology of 'the general interest'
the powers that be
the pressing sociological question of the moment
the ruling ideas
the systemics of academic evolution
traditional economic conduct
ultimate rationale
ultimate truth
Also see Father Jerome's BLOG, for info about his latest Book,
"God, Lucifer and You! A ScienceBook of Quantum Physics and Reality, for 5 year old Kids and Adults!"