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Aesop Gala:
A Success

Performed: August 29, 1998

When a dozen young people from St. Jamestown arrived at the doorstep of Trinity Basement Theatre, 51st Division Constable Jim Coghlin wondered what he was getting himself into. What benefit could a theatre program be to kids who looked as if they didn't even want to be there? And how did he get talked into playing the lead role? To everyone's delight, what happened over the next two weeks was like "pulling a rabbit out of a hat", as Jim later put it.

Trinity Basement Theatre (619 Sherbourne St. at the corner of Sherbourne and Bloor) was just starting its summer workshop series, where children ages 9 to 16 brought to life Aesop's fables such as "The Ant and the Grasshopper" and "The Tortoise and the Hare". The classes, run by P.M. Productions along with government "New Hires" worker Natasha Gascho, turned out to be much more than just the basics of acting, singing and dancing.

As the kids soon found out, they would be performing "for real" at a special Aesop Gala on August 28, not just for parents, but for politicians, for CBC and CITY TV cameras, and for the adult actors who would present some of the very same material a few weeks later. And they did not disappoint. The capacity audience (including Al Leach and Bill Graham's representatives) was surprised at the high quality of the show, commenting afterward on its "very professional nature." Ward 25 Councillor Pam McConnell framed the evening with a speech about getting kids off the streets and doing something productive.

"Aesop is an ideal show for kids," says Workshop Liaison Martin Ray Guy. "Somehow it's very convincing when young people portray animals on stage." The Aesop musical is not the only item on the menu for aspiring young actors at Trinity Basement Theatre. Throughout the regular theatre season, they get the chance to perform in chorus roles alongside mature actors. Casting Director Mann Munoz says, "Working alongside professional and semi-professional performers is probably the best way for a new actor to develop some skills." He adds, "We're always looking for young local talent."

Young people, ages 9 and up, interested should contact us for an audition. For more information call (416) 944-1493.

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