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BSB at CHS: Ch. 10-12

Chapter 10

The rest of the week seemed a blur to all the friends and the weekend came rolling in. AJ had planned a nice romantic dinner with Antonia, to celebrate their 3 month anniversary. He wanted the evening to be special, so he told no one about it. The phone rang, and AJ picked it up after 3 annoying rings.

"Hello?" Aj said hesitantly.

"Hey Aj, it's Nick." a voice said cheerfully on the other line. "I wanted to see what you are doing tonight?"

AJ paused and then said, "I am busy, sorry."

Nick asked, "What ya doing that makes you so busy?"

"I am going out with my girlfriend." Aj said rather harshly.

Nick pursued to ask questions and finally AJ gave in. "I am going to dinner and the movies, you wanna come so you can leave me alone?"

Nick said excitingly, "I never thought you would ask, but yes I wanna come. I'll ask someone, so we can make it a double date."

"Fine, just leave me alone." AJ hung up the phone and resumed his previous activity.

Kelly and Laura were flipping channels, when the phone rang. Laura's mom picked up the phone and 2 seconds later said, "Laura, phone's for you. Nothing new with that. It's always for you."

A smirk came on Laura's face and politely said hello.

"Hey Laura, it's Nick."

The other end of the line was silent. Laura made a check for reality and then proceeded with the phone call.

"Hey Nick. How are you?"

"I'm great and you?"

Before Laura answered, she motioned for Kelly to come by the phone. "I'm good. Just bored right now. Kelly and I were flipping through channels."

"So that means I have a chance on taking you out tonight?" Nick said abruptly.

Laura almost passed out. She pinched herself, and yes this was real. She answered, "Hell yeah...uh, I mean, sure...what time shall I expect you?"

"Around 7. We are going to go to dinner and movie. Dress casual, but not too casual."

"Ok, I'll see ya then," said Laura, who hung up before he could say another word. After she hung up, a big scream escaped her mouth. Kelly jumped back in fear and questioned her friend.

"What's your problem?" asked Kelly.

"" Laura said in between breaths. Kelly smiled, but laughed at her friends reaction. The girls ran to Laura's room and began picking out clothes for Laura to wear.

After 5 minutes of searching, Laura's room was unbearable. Piles of clothes were everywhere and she had not found one outfit she liked.

"Kelly, what am I going to wear? I wanna look nice for Nick and I have nothing." Laura said depressingly. "I know! We will go to your house and take your clothes. I am sure I'll find something there."

Before Kelly could say no, Laura was out the door and in the car. Kelly drove back to her home and as they approached the driveway, a unfamiliar car was parked outside. Kelly was skeptical, because she knew her parents were out of town, but hopped out of the car and opened the door to the house. The girls stepped into the house and sitting on her couch was Kevin and Brian. Kelly almost screamed, but controlled her reaction. Brian stood up and started walking towards them.

"Hey guys! We have been waiting for you." Brian said in a scary voice.

Kelly remarked, "Brian, this is no horror movie and one would definately not take place in my house. How the hell did you get in here anyway?"

Kevin answered, "We picked the lock, stole some food, and made a mess in the kitchen." The cousins laughed, while Kelly gave them a nasty glare. Kevin noticed she didn't like the joke, so he stopped laughing. Brian quickly got the hint.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have a date to get ready for." Laura said, running to Kelly's room. Kevin grabbed Kelly's arm.

"Who's Laura going out with?" he said questioningly.

"Why should I tell you that? It's none of your business anyway." Kelly said with her nose in the air. She walked away and went to help her friend pick out the "perfect" outfit.

Kevin followed Kelly, only to figure out who Laura was going out with. Brian questioned Kevin, but just stood there and pretended he knew what was going on. Kevin stood outside Kelly's door, listening to the girls converstation. The girls didn't reveal much, or so he thought they didn't. Kelly suddenly walked out the door and ran smack into Kevin.

"Damn," shouted Kevin. Kelly, who felt no pain, glared at Kevin.

"Why the hell were you spying on us?" Kelly said as she stared at Kevin.

"I wanted to know who Laura was going out with, sheesh." Kevin said in pain. He walked in her room and plopped on her bed.

"And who invited you in here?" asked Laura.

"I did." Kevin responded as he felt the pain in his stomach.

"I am sorry Kevin," Kelly said, walking in with ice for Kevin's head. "But don't spy on us next time, ok?"

Kevin agreed and laid back down on her bed. Laura glanced at her watch.

"Oh shit! Nick is gonna be here any minute and I have nothing to wear." She ran to the phone and called his house. No answer. She hung up and cried. Kevin sat up. He pointed to a light blue shirt and a pair of khaki pants.

"And why weren't you in here earlier? Laura said, as she grabbed the clothes and made a mad dash to the bathroom. She came out 10 minutes later, fully clothed and ready to go.

The four friends sat patiently in the living room waiting for Nick's arrival. He soon came and the two departed, leaving Kelly alone with Kevin and Brian. Kelly soon realized she was in the room with two guys and no parents. A huge smile came across her face, and she was completely satisfied.

Chapter 11

Laura and Nick stood patiently waiting in front of the movie theater. Laura kept staring at Nick, thinking how good he looked tonight. He caught her staring and smiled. Her face instantly turned red. She smiled back and they continued waiting. Soon after, AJ and Antonia arrived. The friends greeted one another and then Antonia started talking to Laura.

"I had no idea you and Nick were going to be here?" She said surprisingly.

AJ interrupted, "Baby, they are hanging with us tonight."

Antonia's smile turned to a frown. She glared at AJ, and wanted to tell him a piece of her mind, but didn't want to make a scene. AJ reached to grab her hand, but Antonia pushed it aside. They got their tickets and soon found some seats. Nick stood up to go get some food and asked Laura, "Do you want anything?" She shook her head and he left the room.

AJ and Antonia were cuddlying close. Nick came back with popcorn, and as he walked past Antonia, tripped, and popcorn went flying. Most of the popcorn landed on her lap, covering her light blue skirt with grease. She stood up and yelled, "You fucking dumbass. Look at my clothes now. You are...AHH." She walked out of the theater and stormed into the girl's bathroom.

Antonia walked in the bathroom, cussing away. She went to a sink and splashed some water on her face. She looked at her skirt and wanted to scream. Instead, she just sat in the bathroom for a few minutes to cool down. As she walked outside, AJ was standing there waiting. She pretended not to notice him and continued walking. He quickly caught up and asked, "Babe, are you ok?"

She wanted to scream, but quietly said, "I am fine AJ. Can we just go watch the movie?"

He nodded and the two walked back in the theater.

Meanwhile, back at Kelly's house. Kevin, Brian, and Kelly were playing pool. Kevin and Kelly teamed up against Brian, only because Kelly sucks at pool. It was Kevin's turn. He walked slowly to the ball he wanted to hit, as he bent forward, Kelly's head bent as well. She kept staring at Kevin and thought how good he looked tonight. Yet she kept thinking of how she ran into him again. She felt a sudden tap on the shoulder. "It's your turn Kelly," Kevin said with a smile.

"Kevin, I'm not to great at this," she said as walking away from the table. He pulled her back and said, "I'll help ya, don't worry."

He grabbed her a pool cue and placed it in her hands. He stood behind her, and soon had his arms around her, showing her how to hold the cue. Kelly felt a chill run up and down her spine. How she wished his arms would stay around her, because she felt a sense of security with them there. She took her turn and hit the white ball in. The three friends chuckled and Brian made his way to the ball.

"This is how you are supposed to do it Kelly," Brian said, acting like a pro.

"Watch him hit the white ball in," said Kevin. Brian glared at him and took his turn. The game was official over. Brian won and Kevin lost.

"I am going to go home," Brian said while yawning. "You coming Kev?"

"If it's alright with Kelly, I think I am going to stay awhile longer," Kevin said.

"Sure, of course you can stay," answered Kelly.

Kelly and Kevin said good bye to Brian, and then made their way back inside.

They sat down on the couch and began flipping through channels. Kelly was getting aggravated by the fact that nothing was on. Kevin asked, "So, how long your parents gonna be gone for?"

"Only the weekend," Kelly said, somewhat depressed.

"Well, at least yours leave. Mine never go anywhere without me or my brothers!" Kevin said.

"That's not too bad," Kelly said, trying to reassure Kevin. He looked at her and smiled. He moved a little closer to her. He bent his head to meet her lips, when the phone rang. He jumped back and Kelly just sat there. She got and answered the phone.

"Hello?" she said rather rudely.

"Hey Kelly, it's mom." said a cheerful voice. "I was just calling to check up on you."

"I am fine mom, but I really have to go. I have another phone call." Kelly responded.

"Ok, I'll c-ya tomorrow." Kelly and her mom hung up. She went back by Kevin, who went back to sitting on the other side of the couch. She glanced at him, but he was too engrossed in the TV that he didn't even notice her. She sat down, folded her arms, and watched the television.

Chapter 12

After the movie, Nick and Laura decided that they would split up from AJ and Antonia. Nick felt bad for ruining her skirt and their evening.

"Antonia, please, I am sorry for spilling popcorn on your skirt." Nick pleaded, "I have been trying to apologize all night, but you keep pushing me away. So I decided that Laura and I would leave and let you and AJ have your romantic evening without us tagging along."

Nick grabbed Laura's hand and they walked away. A huge smile came on Antonia's face and she grabbed AJ's hand, kissed him, and ran to the car.

"Kelly," Kevin asked, "Can you take me home? I forgot that Brian took the car."

"I guess I can," Kelly replied. "It's not like I have anything to do anyway."

Kevin got up and made his way to the front door. Kelly sat on the couch in disgust about what had happened today. After a minute of reflection, she got up and practically ran out the door.

They got in the car and Kelly blasted the radio as loud she can. Kevin turned it down and asked, "Kelly, what is wrong? You were fine earlier."

"Nothing is wrong Kevin." Kelly answered, trying to play off her emotions. "Where the hell do you live anyway?"

"Why do you want to get rid of me?" Kevin asked. "What did I do?"

Kelly mumbled, "It's more like what didn't you do."

"What did you say Kelly?" Kevin asked.

"Nothing at all." Kelly replied quickly.

Kelly turned the corner and Kevin pointed to a huge two story house settled on the corner of a quiet residental street. Kevin hesitated for a moment before he got out, and then thanked Kelly for the ride. She sped off and drove like a maniac back home.

Nick and Laura were waiting for a table, when AJ and Antonia came in. Laura pretended like she didn't notice them, but AJ asked if they could join them. Nick agreed and soon the four sat down at the table for dinner. The waitress handed them menus, but AJ said that he and Antonia did not need one.

"AJ, I am not sure what I want," Antonia said with a confused look on her face.

"I am ordering for us, babe." AJ said with a smile on his face.

"Oh no you are not!" Antonia said as she got up and grabbed a menu. "Alexander Jame McLean, did you think that ordering for me would make up for all the bad things that have happened tonight? If so, you are wrong. I am fed up to here and I can not take anymore of this."

She threw the menu down and stood up to leave. "I don't even know why I am still here."

"Antonia, babe, please, don't make a scene." AJ said quietly.

"Why not make a scene here like we did at the movies? I am sure we are known everywhere now, especially because of your dear friend Nick."

She started walking out the door and AJ ran after her. She pushed him aside and said, "AJ, I do not wanna see you for a long time, ok?"

She left and AJ stood there and hanged his head low. He came back to the table and said, "Enjoy your dinner."

Nick was about to speak, but stopped before he did anything wrong again. He turned to Laura, "I am not in the mood to eat now. I feel real bad for AJ. Is it ok if we continue this another time?"

Laura was sad at first, but then agreed with Nick and they made their way to the exit.

Nick drove Laura home in his green Durango. He pulled in the driveway, parked the car and kissed Laura good night. She got of the car and made her way inside. The first thing she did was call Kelly.

"Hello" said Kelly, in a sleepy tone.

"I am walking on clouds, " Laura said to her friend.

"Well, at least you are." Kelly said in a disgusted tone. "I hate guys. They are so unpredictable. grrrr."

"Nick is such a good kisser," Laura said, not paying attention to her friends problems.

"I wish guys would just fall off earth and all die," Kelly said. "Maybe I can like kill the whole guy population and then my life would be ok. I would not have to look at another hot guy again."

"KELLY!" Laura said loudly. "Reality check. Guys are meant to be on earth. Why are you so bitter?"

"Kevin is a dumbass," Kelly said abruptly.

"I like him," Laura responded. "He helped me pick out the perfect outfit."

"Anyway, I need to go," Kelly said. "All this talking of guys makes me sick, but I am glad you and Nick had a good time."

"Kelly, I am not nearly done with everything." Laura continued. "I have to tell you about AJ and..."

"I DO NOT CARE RIGHT NOW," Kelly said loudly. "Sorry Laura." Kelly hung up the phone and Laura sat there holding the phone and began cussing out Kelly. She finally hung it up and went to get ready for bed.

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