Welcome to Laa Laa and Po's BSB humor page (see title above). Well enough of that cheesy intro stuff and on to... everything else! The info you will read (and hopefully find amusing) isn't your average BSB junk.. most of it we made up. So enjoy yourselves and make sure to tell us what you think. Sign the guestbook PLEASE.. we'll pay you.. okay we're not that desperate :). However, mean entries in the guestbook will be DELETED! If you have a problem with the site, the Backstreet Boys, or us, then e-mail us... don't jack up our guestbook. If you have not entered through our main page, please do and make sure to read the new disclaimer letter. Thanks bunches! KTBSPA!
OMG, we FINALLY updated. Check out the update page and find out where the heck we have been, by clicking the link
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