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Our BSB Adventure

Concert Review for 10-21 and 10-22 performances:

Most people just go directly into why the concert kicked ass, but I think we need to tell you the WHOLE story of why we love BSB more then ever. So sit back, grab some popcorn and get ready for the story of OUR ADVENTURE TO A BSB CONCERT!

Day 1

Thursday morning approached and I (Kelly), was more excited then ever. I prayed every night for nothing to go wrong for the concert of my lifetime. This concert meant more to me, becuz I have never seen my favorite group live and my dream was actually coming true. I also was able to see my 3 best friends in the process. I have no school on thursday, cuz I am in college, so I slept late, and lounged around for hours. At 11:15am I get a phone call from my friend Sally, who was coming from Los Angeles to Fresno by train. I was shocked to hear from her, cuz she was supposed to be on the train. She was sad and then started in about how the bus to Bakersfield left a group of them and she didn't know what to do. She cried and cried and finally told me to go with out her, if that's what it came down to. I told her that I could not do that and to kept trying to find a way here.

I hung up the phone and cried. No one was home to comfort me. I needed someone to help me, because if Sally was not going, either was Laura and I. Sally was driving us from Fresno to San Jose. While the whole thing of getting Sally here went on, Laura was traveling from Santa Barabra to Fresno. Sally and her were meeting up in Bakersfield and they were to call me. I waited till 12:50, Sally called stating she was going to San Jose by plane. I was like great, but what about Laura and I. Laura was supposed to call by 1:15, but never did, so I was freaking out that she didn't get on the train.

FINALLY my dad came home and I had him drive us to San Jose. For those not in Cali, San Jose is almost 3 hours from Fresno. For 2 hours, I thought my life was over. I cried like there was no tomorrow. I started doubting God and boy was that not a good thing. Anyway, Laura got here at 3:30 and we left for San Jose.

We arrived there in search for Sally and Arthur, our friend who goes to Stanford. We finally found them after a 20 minute cell phone convo. We got in line for the BEST night of our life.

It took 20 minutes to get inside, but it was well worth the wait. Our seats were in the upper section, row 5, but we could see everything well. Mandy Moore opened first, and her whiney self got the crowd pumped. I honestly thought she sucked, but others liked her. Then EYC came on and we left to get our souvenoirs. I could not watch those ugly creatures doing provactive moves. NASTY!

Around 9:30, the boys came out. I loved the pentagon stage. It makes the crowd feel apart of the concert and has a whole different affect then the regular stage. Of course the boys opened with Larger than Life and actually sang it on key! They sang all the songs off the new album, and also sang their hits from the old album. The ended with a encore performance of I Want it That Way. Now I forgot the order of songs and everything, but let me tell you a little about how each guy was that night.

AJ~He was not as crazy and wild as he usually is. He looked fine as hell and had lots of fan interaction. He was by us a lot, so I saw the freak more then I wanted. J/K.

Howie~As all of you know, we hate Howie. But that hatred has changed to the fact that we can stand Howie. He was the sweetest BSB on stage. He waved constantly to all the fans and was cute *gasp* with his rapping part.

Nick~LET ME SAY THREE WORDS: PELVIC THRUST KING. Ok, this boy has majorly worked on his plevic thrust and he makes me and Laura drool more then ever. He was so cute trying to dance and flirted with the girl dancers a lot. We saw him a lot during the concert as well.

Kevin~GOD, can this boy get any sexier? I was drooling the whole time I was watching him. I screamed like a teenybopper everytime he came near me. He too loves pelvic thrust, but hey, I am NOT complaining.

Brian~We saw him the least, cuz he was on the other side of the pentagon. He was the cutest little turtle you have ever seen. His parents were there that night, so he said hi to them. Not much about B-Rok.

We spent the night at Stanford college, but you don't need to know about that :)


Friday afternoon, and Arthur drove us to San Jose, where my friend Kim, who is another older BSB, was staying at the De Anza hotel. We arrived there and I called her cell phone so she could come greet us outside. I was like hey we are here. She said u are not gonna believe who is here and I was like who. She said the BSB. I was like THEY ARE?? She said calm down, and I will be down in a second. She came down and we walked to the entrance right past TOMMY SMITH. He was checking out, so we didn't bother him, but Kim talked to him earlier. She also talked to Ro-Ro the dancer. They were both nice guys, says Kim. We went to her room and SCREAMED at the top of our lungs. Nothing good ever happens to us, so we pinched ourselves to see if it was real.

We went downstairs to say bye to arthur, then went to make phone calls. I was on the phone with my mom, when I heard screaming. I hung up, ran to the lobby. There was NICK CARTER standing 3 feet from us. We stood in shock as he signed a few autographs, then left. We then went upstairs and to scream again and then took showers. After Laura and I finished our showers, we went exploring again. Well, turns out we went down at the right time, cuz HOWIE DOROUGH walked right past us. He smiled and winked at us and said Hi. I mean he waslked RIGHT past us. I have an extremely close pic, so hpefully it comes out. I think my flash blinded him.

The next 4 hours were a bore. Then I went to my 2nd BSB concert with Kim and we had 6th row tickets. I got to see the pelvic action right in my face baby! let me tell u, it kicked ass. The boys were very playful that night and were not serious that much. I won't bore you with the scene by scene details, but let me tell you what happened AFTER the concert.

We get back at the hotel and go grab Laura and Sally to go to the lobby. We hang out in the lobby for 20 minutes, then HOWIE comes in. I was like "Hey Howie, great concert tonight." He said thank you and smiled. Then I said, "I like your Tommy Backpack." He must have thought that was funny, cuz he had a smirk on his face and then said thanks and went upstairs. After that moment, I knew all the times I ranked on Howie were useless. I am not saying Howie is fine, but I have way more respect for the weasel. Then AJ walks in and I am shouting HEY AJ. He waves and smiles at us. Then Brian's parents walk in and we all shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. LITTRELL and he didn't respond. Mean person. Then KEVIN walked in and BOY did he look FINE. He didn't motion towards us or anything, but smiled the whole time. I took pics of all this happening. Supposedly Brian, Nick, and Leigh Anne, were at another hotel.

Now, that is my BSB encounter. It has been 2 weeks since my concerts and I am still in a state of shock of what happened. I believe it was all a dream, but then I pinched myself and it was reality. I will never ever forget this day and I hope that someday I can actually tell them what they mean to me. I am proud of myself for treating them like humans when they walked in and when I talked to Howie. They respect us fans more when we don't treat them like Gods. I thank the Backstreet Boys for the real deserving weekend we had and I thank God we actually got there.

Here are the pics. They are in order from first appeared, to the end. Enjoy!

Here is the UPCLOSE Howie pic. I think I blinded him, that's why he is sticking out his tongue.
Oh Howie, my new dear friend. Can u ever forgive me? Didn't think so, but that's ok rat boy.
This is from the 2nd floor of the hotel. Kim had fun leaning out, right girl?
See that white shirt? That's Howie walking in. Damn pic came out dark.
There's AJ walking towards me baby! I swear, he keeps making me fall for him every day. And he waved at me *sigh*.
Ok, yes I noticed it was them too late. So here are the backs of Mr. and Mrs. Littrell.
See that white hat? That's Kevin. AGAIN, damn pic came out dark. Oh well, I can see him.
DROOL...I love this boy. YUMMY. Ok, I am over the obsessing part, but isn't he HOTT??

NOTE: This is a true story. You may NOT take these pics at all. If we catch our pics anywhere, actions will be taken. Personal use is okay. Again, if we catch our pics anywhere but here, we will hunt you down and make Lou Pearlmen sit on you.

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