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All About Us

Name: Well, I was given the name Kelly at birth, but during my 19 years on earth, I have gotten the names Laa Laa, Frickin, and BSB Princess, so call me which ever one you please.

Age: 19...Yay for presents!

Location: California baby!

Fave BSB: Kevin Scott Richardson

Least fave BSB: um, hmmm...Howard Dwaine Dorough. I would have to say that he is no longer extremely hated by me, but he is still my least favorite.

Fave BSB song: I can't just pick one, so here they all are: I Want it That Way, The One, Back to Your Heart, If you Knew What I Knew, Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely, That's the Way I Like it, All I Have to Give, AND Like a Child.

Least fave BSB song: Roll With it (very pointless), I'll Never Break Your Heart (The King of LIES itself), Anywhere for You (Whining from all our boys), and No One Else Comes Close (This made the album cut BECAUSE?).

If you could ask the BSB one question, what would it be: Probably why they never answer certain questions. They always go in a round about way, but never answer them directly.

If you could change one thing about the BSB, what would it be: I wouldn't change anything about them, but I would really like to have the opportunity to meet them, so I guess to be more open to the fans. Yes, I know they are pretty open to the fans, but it's just not connecting for me.

How long have you been a fan and how did this obsession start? lol...I have been a fan for over 2 years now. This obsession, like the rest, started with me. At first, I heard QPG and loved the song, so I bought the cd. I never thought any of them were cute, well except Howie (don't kill me). After I saw them on Rosie the first time, I died. I was just in BSB heaven. So, since then, I loved them for music and looks.

If you could change one thing about the fans of BSB, what would it be and why? Well, I have to admit that the fans have gotten better. When I saw BSB, all I heard was screaming and not no jumping on them or anything or running past the baracades, but there is a change that I think still needs work on. Us fans need to treat them more like human beings and not Gods. They are exactly like us in every shape and form, except the money making aspect, but we are the same. We don't need to put our nose in their personal lives and certainly don't need to invade their privacy. Just keep that in mind if you ever meet them. I can certainly say, from experience, that they will respect you a lot more if you treat them like a normal person.

Fave BSB quote: "When you're on the road, it's difficult to keep up w/your laundry, so you find yourself without a clean pair of underpants. You have no choice, but to pop back on yesterday's pair. They tend to be pretty snug, though, which is lucky!" Kevin Richardson AND "Without God all things aren't possible"~ Brian

Least fave group: N Sync or maybe C-Note...Not sure anymore

Other Favorite Artists: Jessica Simpson, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, 98 degrees, Christina Aguleria, Jennifer Lopez, Sugar Ray, Matchbox 20, Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock, and many many more. I am the cd queen over here :)

Say one thing to the fans of this site: To all our fans, we love you so much. We thank you for your continous love for our humor and thanks for being true fans. God Bless and if you have time, e-mail us :)

Describe each guy:

AJ~ He can be hott. I love him one moment, and the next, I hate him. So I guess he is

Brian~ He is the turtle. BBBBBB-rok. lol. Anyway, he will always be the best role model in the group. He has a great heart and a good persoanlity. He is a man of God, and that is ALWAYS a plus in my eyes.

Nick~ My little Nickolas has grown up. He is now, the KING OF PELVIC THRUSTS. Nick is hott and i just happen to love He always brings a smile to my face, even if it's something dumb. I always bash Nickolas, but I still love him!!

Howie~ He is the nicest guy I have ever met. If he wasn't so ugly, he would have me hanging on his He is also very vocal about his love for God, and I thank him for that.

Kevin~ He is my sexy man. Why does he have to be so freakin hott? Doesn't he know that his sexiness makes single girls, like myself, drool over something we can't have? I think he does it on purpose. Anyway, Kevin is my favorite and I love him to death. I think Kev and I would get along really good, but I won't know that for sure till I meet him, whenever my dream will come true.

Name: Po

Age: 18

Location: Good ol' California

Fave BSB: Nickolas Gene Carter of course :)

Least fave BSB: Howard Dwaine Dorough.. although I don't hate him as much as I used to.

Fave BSB song: Umm.. I Need You Tonight.. The One

Least fave BSB song: No One Else Comes Close and INBYH

If you could ask the BSB one question, what would it be: I would ask them what things they do to annoy each other.. and make them answer it!

If you could change one thing about the BSB, what would it be: I would have them release the same singles in the US so we don't have to pay more for them :oP.

How long have you been a fan and how did this obsession start? About 2 years... Laa Laa made me listen to the CD over and over until I knew all the words.. she dragged me into it.

If you could change one thing about the fans of BSB, what would it be and why? Make them nicer to each other.. cuz if you think about it, we're fighting over guys who don't even know we exist.

Fave BSB quote: "Hooo! Um, I don't think so too much, um, ah, maybe a few here and there, but, um, hey, I don't know-yeah, we do, basically, sometimes." -Nick

Least fave group: N Stink and all the rip off boybands

Other Favorite Artists: Enrique Iglesias, Christina Aguilera, 98 degrees, Blink-182, Switchfoot, and a whole bunch more :)

Say one thing to the fans of this site: Thanks for supporting us and KTBSPA.. and the Backstreet humor of course.

Describe each guy:

AJ~ Freaky, flirty, seems fun to hang out with, unique, trys to act bad, but is really a sweet guy.

Brian~ Aww our turtle, great sense of humor, sweet, cute.

Nick~ HOT!!!, sexy, cute :), likes to goof off, HOT!!!, funny (but doesn't always mean to be), HOT!!!, sweet, did I mention HOT!!!?

Howie~ Nice guy, needs braces, needs a haircut, greasy, but he's nice :)

Kevin~ gorgeous, talks s-l-o-w, nice, serious.

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