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Love Not So Forgotten

Chapter 1

August 10th, 2001

Kelly sat in the doctor's office and flipped through a magazine. She hadn't been feeling well lately and finally found the time to get herself checked out. "Ms. Kerbach?" The receptionist called out. Kelly slowly stood up and followed her through the door and to an available examining room. "Dr. Russell will be with you shortly." She said closing the door after her. Kelly removed her clothing and put on the hideous paper gown and sat on the table. "It's probably a flu or something. He'll probably give me some antibiotics and I'll be fine." Kelly told herself out loud. Dr. Russell knocked on the door and slowly entered, "Good morning Kelly, and what brings you here today?" Kelly began rambling off the various symptoms she had been having for the last two months. "You know I was in Sweden and I really haven't had my period since before I left and I thought I was sure it was because of the time change and the stress of work as of lately." Kelly said. Dr. Russell stepped out of the room briefly and told his nurse something. "Is everything ok with me?" Kelly asked a bit concerned. "Yes, you seem to be in good health Kelly I am just having my nurse run an extra test. Tell me, have you been spotting?" Dr. Russell asked as he poked and prodded around her body. "Um no not really." Kelly replied. Within 5 minutes the nurse knocked on the door and whispered something in his ear and then left. "Well Kelly, you are going to be fine. You are pregnant. When was your last period?" Dr. Russell said smiling. "Pregnant? Are you sure? NO, this can't be." Kelly said slightly raising her voice. Dr. Russell was a bit alarmed, "You aren't happy about this? Well let's figure out when this baby is due and we'll go from there." Kelly calculated in her head the last time she had her period, "May 15th was the last one." Dr. Russell quickly figured the due date in his head, "Well according to the formula used, your baby would be born somewhere around Feb. 22nd, 2002. So you are at least 10 weeks pregnant going on 11 weeks. That would explain your nausea and your loss of appetite, and your fatigue." Kelly was still in shock. She knew who the father was and she hadn't heard from Kevin since the end of June. She was still angered but tried to move on with her life. "I can recommend an excellent Obstetrician for you. She is actually right across the hall. Dr. Lagel is her name. I can call and see if she can see you within the hour if you'd like." Dr. Russell said trying to comfort Kelly. "Yes, that would be great." Kelly replied. Dr. Russell picked up the phone and called over. He managed to get Kelly in within the half-hour. "Thankyou so much Dr. Russell." Kelly said shaking his hand. "Kelly, just promise me one thing. Please don't do anything rash. I am here if you want to talk." Dr. Russell said before exiting the room. Kelly got dressed and walked up to the front desk and paid her lab fees and headed across the way to be re-examined by Dr. Lagel. From what Kelly could see she ran a very efficient office. She was ushered in promptly and told to remove her clothes again. When Dr. Lagel entered the room Kelly noticed how unbelievably beautiful she was with her dark black hair and her chestnut colored eyes. "Hello, Ms. Kerbach. I believe we have someone brewing inside of you?" Dr. Lagel asked trying to lighten up the mood. Kelly couldn't help but giggle and felt very comfortable knowing that she was going to be taking care of her for the time being until she decided what she was going to do.

Kelly left the office with some pre-natal vitamins and her next appointment. Somehow Dr. Lagel had turned her mood around. She was actually happy about carrying the baby. She turned on her cell phone and it beeped indicating that she had messages on her voice mail. The first one was Laura frantically trying to reach her. The second was Emily just checking in and hoping that things went well at the doctor's. She glanced at her watch and saw it was noon. "Shit!" Kelly yelled. She had to be back at work in 30 minutes. Considering it was across town she knew she wasn't going to make it. She dialed the number and explained and luckily her manager was in a good mood and just told her to get there in one piece.

Kelly arrived back home. Her mother and father were arguing once again and her brother was sitting in front of the TV, playing Sega Dreamcast for the millionth time. She was glad that she was joining Laura at college. They had just opened up a great teaching program and with her good grades and glowing recommendations flew right in. She received a scholarship and was virtually going for free and that included living as well. Things turned out better than she had expected. Laura was going to be her roommate and she was thrilled. She was leaving in a few days and was furiously trying to wrap things up. Almost everything was packed. She walked through the house and into her room plopping down on her bed. She inadvertently rubbed her belly and quickly realized that there was something growing inside of her, something that her and Kevin made. She started to cry heavily and buried her face in the pillow so the rest of the family wouldn't hear her. She figured by her due date that she would be able to at least finish the fall semester provided she carried it to term. She didn't know whether or not to call up the school and cancel her coming or to just go and make the best of one semester. She heard her phone ring and the better half of her told her to pick it up. "HEY GIRLIE!" Laura screamed into the phone. "Hey Laura, what's going on." Kelly said rather unenthusiastically. "Ok what's wrong, did the doctor tell you that you are dying within 6 months?" Laura said trying to make a joke. "Laura, I don't really want to talk about it over the phone, but I do need to talk about it. You want to have dinner?" Kelly asked whispering into the phone. Laura agreed and she hung up the phone wondering what had Kelly so down. She met up with Kelly at Chevy's an hour later and hugged her tightly when she saw her. They were seated and Laura had temporarily forgotten why she was there after seeing their waiter who was extremely cute. "Should I leave you two alone?" Kelly said abruptly. Laura snapped out of her daze, "I am sorry. So you have me worried, should I be?" Kelly leaned over the table and whispered in Laura's ears that she was pregnant. "OH MY GOD!!!!" Laura yelped. "Is it um, well you know who?" Laura continued her ranting. "Would you mind keeping it down. Yes it is his. He was the only who I have been with, unless for some reason I conceived by immaculate conception which I think is highly doubtful." Kelly said keeping her voice down. Laura rubbed her head in disbelief. She was happy about the recent discovery but also concerned what Kelly was going to do. She knew that Kelly wouldn't have the pregnancy terminated it was against her beliefs. Whether or not she would tell Kevin was another thing. Both of their heads turned when they heard Sally yelling as she ran towards their table. "You guys won't believe this. I just heard this. You know Kevin's girlfriend, Kirsten? Well apparently they briefly got back together and I don't know if this is true but he broke up with her after she told him that she could never have children. She apparently told him she was pregnant and lied about it." Sally said catching her breath. Kelly tried hard to not break down and cry. She was only going to tell a few select people. Her parents not being one of them. She couldn't even fathom how they would react and didn't want to find out, at least not just yet. Sally pulled up a chair and began rambling about her day not even noticing Kelly's dumfounded expression on her face. Laura knew that Kelly wanted to keep this a secret and she would do that until she told her differently. "You know what I think I am going to go home. I need to make a few calls." Kelly said pushing her chair back. Laura understood and smiled at her as she walked out of the restaurant. "What's her problem?" Sally asked. "Nothing, Sally, just let her be." Laura replied.

Kelly sat in her car and dialed Kim's number on her cell phone. She was hoping she would be home. She heard the phone pick up and was relieved. "Hey Kim, what's going on?" Kelly asked. "Hey, Kelly, I just got home. Is something wrong? Not that I don't mind you calling me. It's just that we always communicate via the internet." Kim replied knowing that something was up. She heard Kelly's faint sobs and became very concerned. "Kim I am pregnant." Kelly said flatly bursting out into heavy sobs. Kim was startled and dropped her phone on the floor, "Ok sorry about that, I dropped the phone. I am assuming it is his, right?" Kelly told her everything and felt more relieved. She didn't know whether or not Kim was still talking to Aj, she hadn't really divulged much as of lately. "You want me to try and get a hold of Kevin for you?" Kim asked furiously flipping through her address book. She had her radio on in the background and shrieked when she heard the announcement. "BACKSTREET BOYS ARE COMING TO THE BAY AREA FOR A CHARITY CONCERT TO BENEFIT SCHOOLS. THEY WILL BE HERE SEPTEMBER 8TH, AT THE SAN JOSE ARENA. TICKETS GO ON SALE THIS SATURDAY AT TICKETMASTER. THE LINE UP WILL BE BACKSTREET BOYS, 98 DEGREES, FIVE AND CHRISTINA AGUILERA." The radio announcer yelled. "Ok well they just announced a concert on September 8th at the San Jose Arena Kelly. Tickets go on sale Saturday. I am going to try and get a hold of Aj and see what he can do in terms of tickets. I'll keep you posted. As for your little dilemma, just really think what you want. Don't think in terms of what Kevin wants just think about you and the baby." Kim said hoping Kelly wouldn't jump to any conclusions. Kelly hung up the phone and headed home. The thought of seeing Kevin again brought up a lot of mixed emotions, but she tried hard not to dwell on them. She was exhausted and desperately needed sleep.

Chapter 2

Message 1: Kelly, it's Kimberly. Pass the word on about the concert. I have tickets and backstage passes. I have tickets for you, Laura, Sally and Emily. I am bringing Margo and my brothers. I'll talk to you soon, hope you are ok.

Kelly listened to the message carefully and then deleted it. She was happy about going to the concert but didn't relish possibly seeing Kevin. She had been more nauseous today and it was bothering her. But intermittently she thought about the life growing in her and she would just spontaneously giggle. She had stopped off at the bookstore and bought the book, "What to expect when you are expecting." So far it was making a lot of sense. She was leaving for school the next day and packed up what little was left out. She saw her cell phone lying on the bed and heard it beep. Someone must have called while she was in the shower. She retrieved the message and had to brace herself when she heard the deep booming voice.

"Hey Kelly, its Kevin. I know you haven't heard from me in a while and I was wondering since we are going to be in the area maybe we can just hang. Anyhow, give me a buzz ok?" Kevin said on the message.

Kelly looked in the mirror and saw she was ghost white. She sat down and played the message over. She looked up in her address book and found his number. She picked up her cell phone and started to dial the number but quickly turned the phone off. "I can't do this. Why is this happening to me?" Kelly shouted feeling the tears well up in her eyes once again. Lately she couldn't talk on the phone in the house without her brother eavesdropping or her mother or father asking her to get off. She had a great plan on her phone and used it to the hilt.

Laura had already returned to school and was decorating her half of her new dorm room. It was considerably larger and she only had one roommate and it was her best friend. This was going to be a good year she told herself. She heard a knock on the door and saw a FedEx man standing in the doorway. "Laura Pope?" He asked. Laura nodded. "You are a hard person to track down. I have a package for you. Could you sign here?" He asked handing her a clipboard. Laura signed on the dotted line and he handed her the rather large package. She closed the door and frantically tried to get the package open. She finally got it open and took the note out and read it.

Hey my little Kiwi, Ok sorry I just had too. I saw these and knew how much you wanted them so I just had to send them. I hope things are going well for you. I am, as you probably know, going to be up in San Jose at the beginning of September. I hope you can make it. I would love to see you. Anyhow, take care and give me a buzz sometime and leave a message if I am not here.



Laura shrieked as she dug into the box and found three packages of Tommy underwear for women. "OH MY GOD, HE FOUND THEM!!!! YAY FOR NICK!!!!!" Laura screeched jumping up and down. At the bottom of the box was a Tommy Hilfiger leather jacket. "OH MY FREAKIN LORD!!!" Laura continued her ranting pulling the jacket on and inspecting it. "He got the size right and everything." Laura danced around the room singing "I want it that way!" She couldn't wait until Kelly got down here. She had most of her stuff shipped and all she was bringing was a few boxes and her suitcases full of clothes. She dialed Nick's number and like she expected she got his answering machine. She heard a knock on the door and hung up the phone forgetting to leave a message.

Kelly arrived the next day to find the room empty. Laura had told her that she would be there when she arrived and wondered where she was. Kelly began unpacking. She was relieved to get out of the house and was ready to get down to some serious academic business. She was hoping her nausea would let up soon, it was getting rather hairy and could feel herself losing weight.

"HEY!!!! You are here. Yay!!!!! Like my new leather Jacket? Nick sent it!! Can you believe it!! He also sent me Tommy underwear for women. I mean after all this time he sends me this. I just don't know what to make of him." Laura said all in one breath. "Wow that was really nice of him. The jacket is the bomb." Kelly said feeling her stomach churn in different directions. "Still nauseous?" Laura asked calming down. "Yeah, and it's getting worse. These hormones do a number on your body I tell ya." Kelly replied rubbing her tummy. "Oh I found out that the school will be closed or on recess temporarily on the 6th and 7th of September. So I booked us tickets up to San Jose around 5:00pm on the 5th. Kim said she would pick us up and we could stay at her house. Sally and Emily are coming up the night of the 7th and Emily's father booked them a hotel room down in San Jose. I believe it is the Hotel De Anza. This is going to be so great I tell ya." Laura started her rambling again. Kelly loved the way she would get carried away with things but it was making her dizzy.

Kelly sat down on her bed and took a few deep breaths. "Ok you just got really green on me. You ok?" Laura asked. Kelly focused her thoughts, "Yeah, just a little dizziness. I'll be fine." "Well we have to go down to the student union and get our id's so primp really fast cause they are going to close soon." Laura said gently pulling Kelly off the bed. After they took their pictures Laura showed Kelly around campus a bit so that she wouldn't feel so lost at the beginning of classes. Kelly suggested they go to the bookstore and ended up purchasing most of her textbooks for the semester. "Why are these books so freakin expensive?" Kelly asked amazed at her total. "I have no idea but I guess that is how they make their money." Laura replied shifting her books in her arms. So have you heard from Kevin?" Laura asked carefully. Kelly's head shot up, "Um, well yes he left me a message but I don't think or rather I don't know if I'll call him back." Laura became a bit exasperated, "What? You don't think you will call him back? Are you nuts? The man makes an effort and you flat out refuse?" Kelly gave Laura a look, "If I want to talk to him I will, just drop it ok?" Laura saw a friend from one of her previous classes and stopped to talk to her. "Hey, Laura, I am going to go back to the room and organize things some more. I'll see you later." Kelly said slowly walking away. Laura hadn't even really noticed. Once she was in a conversation she seemed to block everything out. Kelly shut the door and walked towards the window and gazed out onto the campus. It seemed rather empty but she knew that would change in a matter of days with students returning from vacation or new students arriving.

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