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Why a BSB concert is better then N Sync concert?

Well, as you all must know by now, I, Kelly, yes I am using my real name, went to a N Sync concert over Thanksgiving weekend in Las Vegas. I was given the opportunity to go after my BSB concert in October and after a week of thinking about it, I decided to go. Now I knew that no concert could compare to BSB. I had that instilled in my mind and therefore I automatically made N Sync worse then BSB.

Let me give you a background of my obsessions. BSB will always be the number one boyband in my mind, but at one time, I did like N Sync. I am sure all BSB or N Sync fans have "crossed the line", but I did like N Sync. I had posters in my room and bought everything I could that had both BSB and N Sync. All my friends called me a teenbopper and no I am not one. After about 6 months of liking N Sync and BSB, I found that I could not like both the same. NOT because they copied each other or all those other lame excuses teenyboppers saw when trying to conform a fan, but because I found that my liking N Sync was only because they were another boyband. I still listened to their music and have always loved their music, but my obsession with them as people, had changed.

Now, back to the concert. As you guys all read in my story about my BSB concert, I had the most awesome things happen to me. Staying at the same hotel as BSB, talking to Howie, having 6th row seats one night, going twice, etc. Well, me and my 2 friends (yes we are all in college and love boybands), thought that maybe I could have the luck again and meet N Sync. The closest we got was being right in front of the VIP section filled with N Sync's family. Call that a drag.

Anyway, now to the concert. The opening acts were Ateens (whoever the hell they are) and Wild Orchid (kick ass girl group). Johnny Wright then came out and introduced himself as the "good" manager and then went on about some of their legal problems. Ok, I was really pissed by now, becuz ONE, I don't give a shit about their problems and TWO, so what if Lou is a slime ball, cut him some slack. THEN, the security dude comes out and says all the DO NOTS of the concert. A total set back for all fans. Neither of these two things were displayed at BSB or any other concert I have been too.

The guys finally came on and sang about 10 songs, maybe more. They sang most of their songs from their album, plus BYE BYE BYE. I like that song, but I find it ironic that N Sync and BSB BOTH have songs telling the girl to leave...hmmm. A few cute highlights. N Sync did this music scene thing from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and then the 90s. In the 60s they were the WONDERS. I love them. I was sitting there singing along and N Sync did a awesome job putting that together. Then for the 70s they were the Jackson 5. That was cute too. For the 80s they were Michael Jackson I believe, not sure. And the 90s, they were themselves.

They ended the concert with Sailing and they flew above the audience. Now I heard from many BSB fans that N Sync copied BSB, but flying during a song does not mean copying. They both flew, but during different things.

Overall, N Sync's concert was immature compared to BSB. I had fun, but after the concert my friends and I were talking about their lack of pelvic thrusts and how the sound was REALLY bad. As most BSB fans who went to a concert, nothing can compare to DON'T WANT YOU BACK. I don't discourage anyone not to see N Sync, but do be prepared for a different experience and the immaturity in a boyband. I guess you can say N Sync lives up to the name of boyband.

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