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MTV's Video Music Awards 1998

The 1998 Video Music Awards starts off with a skit with BSB and Ben Stiller. It was so damn hilarious, but the guys have to work on their acting skills. Kevin just wasn't convincing. Ben, or should I say Trent, was the 6th BSB. He is known for his "sparkling." Anyway, the boys were up for 2 awards and snagged one of them. When they won the award, the camera caught a glimpse of *gasp* Leighanne. Yes, the hoochie was there wearing a top showing her mid-drift. But we will skip that part. They accepted their award and did their thanks you's (thanks for mentioning God), but Nick never spoke. They cut the boy off. That's what he gets for letting Kevin talk so slow. Anyway, next they performed "Everybody." Now I have to admit, the first time I saw this, I hated it with a passion. I never thought the BSB would do a routine so provocative. I got over that, and noticed that they did a great job and Kevin looked hott. Brian was laughing about something the whole time, guess we will never know what. Overall, they looked great, sounded great, and performed great. Grade: A-

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