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Welcome to our opinions! On this page, you will find reviews of CDs, TV appearances, videos, basically anything that concerns the BSB. Also, we grade the stuff we review, so an A is the best, just like in school! That should make you happy. Anyway, these reviews are what we think and if you don't like it, TOO BAD! Have a nice day :) The reviews with a * have just been added.

NOTE: We moved our Concert reviews on this page. Thanks!

Laa Laa's Shania Review

Po's US Album Review

Laa Laa's Fanatic Review

Po's European Album Review

Let the Music Heal Your Soul Review

Laa Laa's All That Review

Laa Laa's Jay Leno Review

Laa Laa's 1st Rosie Review

Po's I Want It That Way Review

Laa Laa's 1998 MTV Video Music Awards

Laa Laa's 1999 All That Review

Laa Laa's American Music Awards 1999 Review

Laa Laa's Total Request Live- INBYH


Why a BSB Concert is Better then an N Sync Concert

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