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All That 1999

The boys are welcomed by many youngsters as they take their seats on the stage. Aj starts off 'I Want it That Way' and Brian starts the vocals. It was to my surprise that the vocals for this song live, aren't the greatest. Brian sounded ok, and then Nick did his verse. He sounded the best out of all of them. The chorus began and Howie was a little too high there. Aj came in and sounded great on his solo, but jacked it up later on. Kevin sang and I felt a chill up and down my spine. He took my breath away. Howie did his solo, and did the same damn coreography as he does in the video. That boy needs some new moves. Well, here is where the hideous sounds come into affect. Nick starts it off with a ok sound, but the background, Howie and AJ, needed some help. AJ starts singing the upper parts, but is so off. Howie and him don't blend well and Brian, Kevin, and Nick are the only ones saving it. Well, overall the performance sucked (no offense boys) but they looked hott. One problem, AJ, get rid of those leopard hats. Grade: C-

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