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American Music Awards 1999

The boys started out with a pre-recorded skit to the song "All I Have to Give." They couldn't lip for the life of them, but we will let that slide. Then all of the sudden, a mass of girls run after our boys. The boys run throughout the studio looking for safety. Nick runs into a fake tree, but nothing happened to him. The boys end up cornered by the girls and jump off the building. They end up on stage and the music for the Matty's Remix of Everybody plays. Kevin gets stuck on his cord and can't get off. They have some skanky female dancers come out and start dancing. The lights gave me the biggest headache and I refused to watch the rest. I saw the crowd, and NO ONE was clapping or anything. Their performance was not for the American Music Awards, but more MTV style. The guys looked good, but that's the only plus. Sorry boys. Grade: D

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