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Jay Leno Review

by Laa Laa

In August of 1998, the BSB appeared on Jay Leno, while they were in Los Angeles on their summer tour. The guys came out wearing all black and looked oh so sexy. AJ's hair was dyed a light red, but it looked gross, cuz it's not blonde. AJ dear, how many times do I have to tell you, dye your hair BLONDE!! Howie, oh boy did he have problems. He winked like every 2 seconds. I bet his eye was real tired after that performance. Kevin looked like he wanted to fall asleep while they were singing. His eyes looked bloodshot. Hint for Kevy, get more sleep. Nick, he looked good with his new (well it was new then) haircut. He didn't sound nasal or anything. Go Nick!! Brian, far as I can remember Brian hasn't changed his appearance since 1996. He looks the same in every god damn appearance. But hey, I'm not complaining. The guys sat on stools, getting ready to sing the song that I am annoyed with, "I'll Never Break Your Heart." Don't get me wrong, this song is pretty the first time around, but after they sing it on every show they appear on for like the next 6 months, it gets annoying. Back to the Leno appearance. The guys sat in there usual order for the song; AJ, Howie, Nick, Kevin and then Brian. While they were singing, Howie steps on poor Nickolas' foot, Kevin mouths the words, and Howie winks a lot, which is no surprise. After they sing, Leno talks to them for like 2 minutes about nothing important, and that's it. Grade: C

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