Ender series section completed. New layout used for that section.
I'm making a new section called Moonlight Shadow. I haven't decided whether it would include lots of images or just a layout design. Anyway, it will be the presentation section for new layouts.
New layouts uploaded.
New introductory poem.
New layout uploaded, version 4.
Anyone remember Zansuken? It was first started by Gothan/Pikuan sometime in 98. The staff consisted of about 5 people. It was handed over to Son Goku and I joined the staff because the original staff was dropping out. I'm reviving it but only as an antique of a site with several parts missing. I couldn't find some pages so I'll recreate those. I'm releasing this version in the next two to three months.
I finished early so I'm releasing it today. Go to Zansuken. I'm going to bring back Zansuken with my old friends that worked on that site. We haven't decided on a location yet so it will temporarily be located here.
A new link added, Shreaks of a Mad Scientist. I'll be adding clips from Tekkaman Blade.
I couldn't get the vcd cutter working so there will be no more movie clips until I find an alternative. For now I'll just add lots more pictures to the image gallery.
New logo made.
New entrance image made.
Pot of Gold Award redesigned.
Will upload a few movie clips once I find a good server and also must redesign the awards once again since I lost the original templates. But I'll probably wait a while and see if someone wants an award first because why remake it if no one is signing up for it.
Fixed the guestbook. Will continue on the other stuff.