My Seabee Photo AlbumWelcome to my online MCB5 photo album. These are a few photos from Dong Ha, I will be adding more as time permits.Some of these photos are from the MCB5/'67 yearbook
Vacation Pictures
The "Batch Plant Crew" |
Camp Barnes, Dong Ha, VN 1967
This is photo of Camp Barnes and surrounding area. ASP1 (Ammo supply point) is up front, surrounding the batch Plant. |
Home Sweet Home
This is where we lived for 8 months. I'll never forget the red dirt. Everything was red. It rained a lot during the Monsoon season, but that's not what the sandbags are for. |
Chief Davis... You said "yes sir" to this man, not because they made you, but out of respect. (Not to mention he was one hell of a boxer!)
The day three of my friends died...
"Heroes! Hell no, just CB's doing a job for which you enlisted; and wanting to get back to normal living as soon as possible. Just to show the cockeyed world that just any so and so don't start a rumpus and get away with it. Just to prove that there is still a wee drop of "Embattled Farmer's" blood still fllowing in American veins. Just to prove that highly trained craftsmen are more vital to an efficient war machine than ever heretofore realized. Lastly, just to prove that the American, though an individualist, disliking regimentation, can be regimented and do a far better job than the totalitarians because they are far more intelligent and have something to fight for."
Text from a letter of commendation to the men of CBMU#642
9June1945 from Maj. C. C. Cambell, U.S. Marine Corps.
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