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My Experience With New Radicals At the Details Magazine Snowboarding & Music Festival!

My Experience With New Radicals At the Details Magazine Snowboarding & Music Festival!

On Saturday, March 13,1999 New Radicals were scheduled to perform at Details Magazine's Snowboarding & Music Festival. This page has all of the details of what happend to me at this show!

I got to Big Bear at about 1:00PM (that's me with the hat) and so we watched a few bands play. Mirainga, Furslide, and Zebrahead.

In the middle of Furslide's show I looked at the "backstage" area and I saw Sasha! I ran over as fast as my legs would carry me!

I ran over and there was this SUPER nice guy with BLONDE dreadlocks who was "backstage" so I smiled at him in hope of getting back there. He asked "do you wanna go back here???" I said, "DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO ASK!? OFCOURSE!" I could have kissed that guy for letting me back there! First I said 'Hi!' to Sasha. I took a picture with out him noticing.

Then I saw Stuart (the drummer!). I gave him the biggest smile I could get out and he smiled back. I said "ARE YOU WHO I THINK YOU ARE?". he said "NO," then he laughed. I said, "yeah, you are!". so he did a little side hug to me and grabbed my camera and took a little self photo of us!

Then I saw James. He just smiled. Then I saw Brad! He has THE most beautiful teal colored eyes I've EVER seen! He smiled for the camera then I went on to look for Gregg.

I asked James. He said he didn't know. Then I asked Stuart. He said Gregg left for a while but would be back soon, "dammit" I thought. Then the guy with dreadlocks said I had to go before security got mad. So then I stood infront of the entrance to backstage.

At this point I could barely stand up. Then guess who bumped into me?? NONE OTHER THAN GREGG ALEXANDER! I tried to get his attention but he pretended not to see me. So I just took about 10 pictures of his back and his bald head (lol). Then this voice came over the loud speaker, "We have some bad news folks. New Radicals wont be performing."

I asked the DJ guy why and he said that they thought it was too dark and too cold to play, but too bad IT WASN'T! Oh well. It's hard to decide to be mad at the fact that I didn't get to see them play or to be OVER JOYED at the fact that I got to MEET them and take pictures. But, it all was a very fun experience!

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