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Sound Samples

Sound Samples

This page has all of the sound samples from "Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too". Click on the type of sound to hear it's song. Note: I know that some of the MP3's aren't working... I am working on getting them back up one-by-one.
  • Mother, We Just Can't Get Enough-- #1 #2, MP3

  • You Get What You Give-- #1 #2 #3, MP3

  • I Hope I Didn't Just Give Away the Ending-- #1, #2, MP3

  • I Don't Wanna Die Anymore - Real Audio, MP3

  • Jehovah Made This Whole Joint For You - Real Audio, MP3

  • Someday We'll Know - Real Audio, MP3

  • Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too - Real Audio, MP3

  • In Need Of A Miracle - Real Audio, MP3

  • Gotta Stay High - Real Audio, MP3

  • Technicolor Lover - Real Audio, MP3

  • Flowers - Real Audio, MP3

  • Crying Like A Church On Monday - Real Audio, MP3

  • To Think I Thought (Import Track!) MP3

  • The Decency League (Import Track!) MP3

  • Someday We'll Know (Instrumental!) MP3

    Gregg Alexander's Solo Music

  • Five & Dimes & Petty Crimes

  • Michigan Rain

  • Cruel With Me

  • In the Neighborhood

  • Loving You Sets Me Free


  • Listen to "Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too" Backwards!

  • Click here for a radio interview with Gregg Alexander

  • Real-Audio Album Preview

  • MPEG Album Preview

    For Danielle Brisebois sounds, click here!

    Thank you to Tower Records, Cocytus. These MP3s are strictly for testing purposes... You may only download all songs if you own the CD...

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