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MTV UK Interview

MTV UK Interview

  MTV UK. 5.3.99

"It's almost as if we have a whole society that's completely lost touch with... the idea of doing something that makes them feel alive, instead of just doing something that's gonna make their parents or their teachers or their impressions of what they should be... The other thing is tv culture...thats another thing that people...and celebrity culture and all the information that gets thrown at us...those are the other things that I think people that should use a more discerning questioning eye towards... Mankind should be getting simpler and life should be getting simpler with all the...y'know...

With the technology we have, we should be making things more convenient instead of making people feel like their entire world's are gonna crash when the computers crash y'know...

I think that the real secret is gonna be with people talking one on one to each other and getting a feel for how they think ...(the) way they think....mankind and humanity can go to.

The video was trying to say something in addition to y'know,scooters and mopeds being ridden through a mall knocking things over...

I think that the shopping mall was meant to represent society and the world and how ...if we want love and good things and joy and equality and all these to things to actually happen,we can't be afraid of proverbially taking over the shopping mall or challenging the powers that be that run the shopping mall....

At the end of the day if things do change in the world,we want it to be for the better and all of us we want to be...something going to be ...about the happiness and the uplifting of the human spirit so...we figured we'd reflect that in the celebratory tone at the end of the video."

Thanks to Paul Heaton for the transcript!

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