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Entertainment Asylum

Okay, note from site maintainer: This chat includes comments from the Hanniganites involved in the chat. We cleared out several rows for all of us, but all I could get was from row 73. Nick and I shared a computer, don't be confused. John (then TAFKABH) had us all sending the same message to be answered, and you'll see what happened, and just so you know, a lot of the people in this chat have since changed their screen names. Also don't be confused when we mention video. This chat was also done in Real Audio.

All the questions and Alyson's responses are in bold. On with the chat!

You have just entered room “The Bowl”
Row 73

N HaHa:hi!
CIRCA 414:hey
CIRCA 414:nick
N HaHa:hi there!
CIRCA 414:Are you ready for tonight
N HaHa:yep. hey john
CIRCA 414: Hey Taf I saw your name up there too
CIRCA 414: I put all the hanniganite member in my Buddy list
TAFKABH: Ya'll ready?
N HaHa: cool
N HaHa: very
CIRCA 414: Ready as I'll ever be
TAFKABH: Ya'll have a copy of the message?
N HaHa: yep
CIRCA 414: I wish I downloaded that video thing
CIRCA 414: No
N HaHa: i'm happy being here with you guys
TAFKABH: Not me, I'm just glad to be HERE!
CIRCA 414: Ditto
N HaHa: natalie sent the message already. it's my turn on the comp now
CIRCA 414: Oh okay
TAFKABH: Hang on, I'm sernding the message a few thousand more times!! :0)
CIRCA 414: I wated to dowload it but dad said there was a virus going around
N HaHa: okay
TAFKABH: God I love cut and paste!!!!!!
N HaHa: same here. i'm actually asking a question now
TAFKABH: You know, we have to flood this sucker!!
N HaHa: yep. and flood we shall
TAFKABH: If we don't get a mention, this sucker rigged!! :0)
N HaHa: big time
N HaHa: it's Natalie stealing the computer long enough to say hi. Hi.
N HaHa: are you sending it as a question or a comment?
TAFKABH: Hi Natalie!!!!!!!!!!
CIRCA 414: okay so how do we send our questions to aly do we have to do it now?
N HaHa: hi, john!
N HaHa: we don't have to, but it's gonna be packed. click on the participate button
CIRCA 414: I'm new at this so I nned help
N HaHa: hi, vicky!
CIRCA 414: you're the only one who splees my name right on the first go...
N HaHa: splees?
N HaHa: she's just that good
CIRCA 414: spells...maybe I should learn how to spell too!!!
TAFKABH: Click on Participate in event. Paste your question and click on ask question.
CIRCA 414: Are you guys sister and borther? I' know I'm being dumb but well humor me:)
N HaHa: john, are you sending the message as a question or comment?
N HaHa: yeah, we're sibs
BECA326: hey guys
CIRCA 414: okay thanx!!
N HaHa: hi there!
CIRCA 414: hey beca
TAFKABH: Hi Beca!!
CIRCA 414: just reading your post a minute ago
N HaHa: john, question for you
TAFKABH: Uh, okay.
N HaHa: are you sending the message as a question or a comment?
BECA326: is this the row we are all meeting in tonight?
N HaHa: planning on it. at least, 8 of us
TAFKABH: As a question so she might answer it! Yes this is the row!
BECA326: k bye for now
TAFKABH: We can make another row if needed!
N HaHa: okay, but it's more of a comment
CIRCA 414: bye
N HaHa: bye
TAFKABH: Well, I was posting as the last line: Do you ever visit there?
N HaHa: john, could you send me the list of people we have to contact?
N HaHa: okay
CIRCA 414: Ditto TAF
TAFKABH: Uh, Yeah, I guess I could. Its a long sucker.
TAFKABH: Hang on!! Ya'll keep posting!!
N HaHa: i'm sending out an e-mail to those people saying where we are
TAFKABH: Great! Erin10584, JC Bell764, HMajesty, NuttyGrl 14, QueenC 1698,
TAFKABH: Theres more!
CIRCA 414: okay!
TAFKABH: HEADDAVACA, Fluf2Toes, Ashy221111, RavenAmber, UJungj,
TAFKABH: Theres more
CIRCA 414: keep going youcan do it!!
TAFKABH: Lioness016, tenderh4rt, LETAdPRNCS, MelonJello, BECA326, Missa97
TAFKABH: Please don't ask for that again!! :0)
N HaHa: is that it?
TAFKABH: What, , , you want more???!!! :0)
N HaHa: i was just making sure. i'll also put karyn and nodakskip on, okay?
TAFKABH: Of course Nats with you so I didn't put her down. Oh course. I thought they were going wi
TAFKABH: th you
TAFKABH: The video thing
N HaHa: okay. i'm sending it now
TAFKABH: Forward ho!!!!!
TAFKABH: Is everyone sending??????
TAFKABH: The message that is!!!
N HaHa: i'm not going to the web version
N HaHa: i'm sticking here
TAFKABH: Yeah, I know. I goofed on the message. I'm tired.
N HaHa: that's okay, i'm sick
TAFKABH: I've been working on this for 5 hours now.
N HaHa: wow
TAFKABH: Sorry, get well!
N HaHa: stomach flu. i wasn't in school. not fun
N HaHa: thanks
N HaHa: and natalie's sick too
TAFKABH: Circa??? you still ,there?
CIRCA 414: yep
TAFKABH: Aww Get well soon kiddo!
TAFKABH: You sure are quiet!
CIRCA 414: Just going back and forth between the this and the WB message boards. Everyday after schoo
CIRCA 414: I get on here and speak my mind and kee myself updated
CIRCA 414: school...I ran out of room
N HaHa: i was there earlier since i wasn't at school
TAFKABH: Where did BECA go?
TAFKABH: I hope she posted the message!
N HaHa: i don't know
TAFKABH: Tick Tock Tick Tock!!!
N HaHa: mail away! i just sent it after explaining how to ask a question (to sescape confusion)
TAFKABH: Great idea Bud!!! That is always a question in these things!
N HaHa: i know. it was natalie's idea to tell them
N HaHa: she likes to be mentioned
CIRCA 414: Beca said that she had ro go
TAFKABH: Yes!!!!! Thats Our Natalie!!!!!!!
N HaHa: yes it is
CIRCA 414: totally
N HaHa: :) me again
TAFKABH: Ro Go ?? :0)
N HaHa: nat's nuts
TAFKABH: And it rhymes!!!!
N HaHa: i'm just that good
TAFKABH: Buffysums is coming!!
N HaHa: so, john, you have a chat before aly's?
N HaHa: cool
Buffysums: hewo
TAFKABH: Uh, , ,nope! I have just devoted all my time to you know who!!!
N HaHa: hi there!
Buffysums: all my hanniganite buddys
TAFKABH: Hi ya Buff!!!
Buffysums: im so happy
TAFKABH: Glad you made it!!
Buffysums: me too
N HaHa: oh. fluf posted something about you having a chat a half hour befre aly's
Buffysums: do you think since were in row 73 they might not exapt our questions?
Buffysums: exept
N HaHa: they except from anywhere
Buffysums: im sorry i cant spell today
TAFKABH: Naw, she wanted everyone to meet in that roon before we came here. It wasn't a chat
Buffysums: oh
N HaHa: oh, okay. are you going to go?
Buffysums: no im staying
Buffysums: i wouldnt mis aly i was depressd cause i missed david
TAFKABH: If we post it enough, they will see it!!
NuttyGrl14: hello
Buffysums: hey nutty
N HaHa: hi nicky!
NuttyGrl14: hi nick
TAFKABH: I might check in about 20 mins from now. Or I might ask Fluf to pass on row 73
NuttyGrl14: hi Buffy
CIRCA 414: Hey buffy
CIRCA 414: Still trying to cope with the pain?
Buffysums: yeah
N HaHa: no matter what, i'll keep the row reserved
Buffysums: hi circa
Buffysums: ok
TAFKABH: Oh yeah!!!!!!
CIRCA 414: hey nutty
CIRCA 414: thanks N
N HaHa: welcome
Missa97: Wow I got in the row
TAFKABH: How many can be in this row? I think it's 16
Buffysums: hey missa
N HaHa: hi melissa!
Buffysums: wheres karyn?
Missa97: hey
N HaHa: i think it's only 8 people
Missa97: no it's 16, because I just changed rows
N HaHa: really? good
Missa97: when do we start sending that message
TAFKABH: Really? Well, lets keep track of how many we have and be ready to create a new one!
Missa97: OKAy, sorry
N HaHa: sometimes, they won't allow all 16 people in, though. from natalie
N HaHa: 6 now
NuttyGrl14: only 6 of us so far
Buffysums: how do you send the message?
NuttyGrl14: Hi Nat!!!
Buffysums: i never chatted before
NuttyGrl14: click on "Participate in event!"
N HaHa: hi, nicky and melissa and buffysums!
Buffysums: oh ok
N HaHa: the two of us are working off of my sn
Buffysums: hey nick
N HaHa: hi there
Missa97: hey, which do you choose, comment?
Buffysums: can we start sending messages now?
NuttyGrl14: Yeah, I just sent a ?
N HaHa: anytime you want
Buffysums: im going to send a million
NuttyGrl14: *othertim*
TAFKABH: Make it two and you have a deal! :0)
Buffysums: my question has been recieved
Buffysums: you want to know what i asked
N HaHa: sure
Buffysums: i asked if she was currently involved with anyone
TAFKABH: My Baby Dino impression
NuttyGrl14: Exactly what is the "Hanniganite message" we r all gonna send?
Buffysums: yeah i want to know the message to
Missa97: yeah, i've seen to different messages so far, which is rigth?
N HaHa: whichever one
Missa97: oh okay...
SlackerSpc: Grr... Arg...
TAFKABH: Copy and paste is easiest!
Missa97: that is a comment we are sending right??
N HaHa: i changed it a little for me, so whatever you want to say. just mention the board and
N HaHa: hanniganites
N HaHa: hi karyn!
SlackerSpc: Hi!
NuttyGrl14: hi Karyn!!
CIRCA 414: Hey Karyn
TAFKABH: Hi ya Karyn!!!!!
N HaHa: hi, karyn! This one's from Natalie
CIRCA 414: Did you get my e-mail?
Buffysums: karyn.....hey
NuttyGrl14: Is anyone gonna send aly the adress for thw Hannigawhat? page?
SlackerSpc: Yes, I got the E-mail, I just have yet to update again.
TAFKABH: Thats a GREAT idea!!!
CIRCA 414: Nutty thats a great Idea
CIRCA 414: Some on should do it
NuttyGrl14: I'll send it right now
TAFKABH: Great!!!
CIRCA 414: Okay Karyn
SlackerSpc: Aw, let me!
Buffysums: did anyone read my post about joyce and giles?
TAFKABH: Karyn should.
CIRCA 414: Great NUtty
N HaHa: go for it karyn
HEADDAVACA: Hi everyone!
CIRCA 414: IT's only fair that Nutty do it she came up with it and all.
Missa97: no, what did you write?
SlackerSpc: Am I just sending it to the thing or do we have some secret access o Aly?
Buffysums: i wish we did....
HEADDAVACA: We has some subconsious access to the Almighty Adorable One, Karyn.
CIRCA 414: Make sure whoever sends it to Aly tell her with love from all Hanniganites
N HaHa: hi elizabeth
TAFKABH: I'd buy a tcket!
Buffysums: ok...
SlackerSpc: Should I send it as a question or a comment?
TAFKABH: Yes, please add the WB Board and the Hanniganites to all messages!
Buffysums: i asked aly if she was currently involved with anyone....
CIRCA 414: Slack a question that way they will be sure to rreply...well a chance of replying
HEADDAVACA: Have you guys posted your questions/comments?
NuttyGrl14: Hi sent the address for the page
Missa97: I have posted two
TAFKABH: I have posted several hundred! :0)
CIRCA 414: Yes I have
CIRCA 414: I posted four like three hundred times.
HEADDAVACA: That's cool, John.
Buffysums: so this officialy starts at 8?
Missa97: well I guess, but you have been doing the pasting thing
CIRCA 414: Nutty thats awesome
CIRCA 414: Buffy yes
Buffysums: ok...
TAFKABH: Yep! Its the easiest way to go!! :0)
TAFKABH: Like I said to Nick, If we don't get a mention, this thing is rigged.
Buffysums: yup
SlackerSpc: Okay I sent a question.
Buffysums: what have you guys been asking aly?
N HaHa: john is oh so right
NuttyGrl14: How many of us r gonna show up, about?
SlackerSpc: I asked who her favorite Spice Girl is... ha!
NuttyGrl14: I asked Aly if she's ever checked out the WB boards
Buffysums: karyn...who yours?
N HaHa: i asked what it's like to work with seth green again
SlackerSpc: Sporty
HEADDAVACA: Llol karyn!
HEADDAVACA: Mine too, karyn.
N HaHa: this is why karyn rocks
NuttyGrl14: I also asked what she does to prepare for a role
SlackerSpc: Well, I HAD to ask. :)
Buffysums: ::thinks about seth:: alys so lucky
SlackerSpc: Okay, I'll brb.
CIRCA 414: I asked her what was her most challangung role.
TAFKABH: Buffy if you im me I'll send you the Message.
Buffysums: ok
NuttyGrl14: I sent the "Hanniganite message" twice I think
N HaHa: i sent it 5 or 6 times
N HaHa: he won't stop cutting and pasting!! AAAAH!
NuttyGrl14: We might scare her. She's gonna be deathly afraid of her last name for the rest of her
NuttyGrl14: life
N HaHa: our row seems to be full
Buffysums: its full? so soon?
NuttyGrl14: only 8 ppl
NuttyGrl14: it holds 16
Missa97: what kinda questions are you people sending?
TAFKABH: Nick ya wanna make a row 74?
Buffysums: well what can i say there are just so many people who love aly
NuttyGrl14: U can say that
N HaHa: sure
Buffysums: hey theres still room
TAFKABH: You want to, or me?
NuttyGrl14: we can still fit 8 ppl
TAFKABH: We will probably need the extra row anyway!
Missa97: Thats funny, she could also be like cool, I have a fan club
N HaHa: check out all of the other rows. only 8 people
SlackerSpc: I am back.
NuttyGrl14: John, should we tell her about the Aly newsletter
Buffysums: go to help and it says it holds 16 people
N HaHa: they lie
Buffysums: be careful lets not make her think were rabid fans
TAFKABH: We will need the extra rows then! LOL Nick. They Lie??
Missa97: how come I didn't know about the newsletter, :(
SlackerSpc: We should tell her about the Aly Commemorative Christmas Ornament.
NuttyGrl14: It's all over the board Missa
TAFKABH: While you tell her, could you tell me too?
Buffysums: yeah i dont know about no newletter either :o(
N HaHa: it says 4-16. i think that means that they can vary
Missa97: I guess I'm blind
SlackerSpc: Dude, I didn't know about a newsletter.
TAFKABH: What newsletter?
Buffysums: hey you see what you've done karyn doesnt know!!
N HaHa: john's making a newsletter3
Missa97: see
N HaHa: it'll be sent to all hanniganites on the list
Buffysums: am i on the list?
N HaHa: everyone in here is on the list
TAFKABH: Everyone is!
NuttyGrl14: how many Hanniganites r there?
Buffysums: cause i remember there was only 5 hanniganite when i became a member
TAFKABH: 4, 5 thousand.
SlackerSpc: There's abouta dozen on the page.
N HaHa: there are over 50
TAFKABH: Is everyone still posting?
Missa97: wow
NuttyGrl14: wow!!! almost everyone
SlackerSpc: I haven't gone through all the messages lately. It's overwhelming.
NuttyGrl14: just don't get buried in all the messages!
TAFKABH: The message to Aly.
NuttyGrl14: we might not be able to find u
SlackerSpc: Okay, from this point on, I'm British. I'm denouncing my American heritage.
Buffysums: please stop i was on tuesday an then i came on today and there were 201 posts
NuttyGrl14: 26 mins. and counting
TAFKABH: PLEASE don't forget to mention the WB Board!! And the HANNIGANITES!!
Buffysums: i wont
NuttyGrl14: Y r u now British Karyn?
Missa97: on every message we send right
SlackerSpc: Because it's more fun.
Buffysums: i just sent aly a comment about how us hanniganites just idolize her
NuttyGrl14: u like the accent , huh?
BECA326: hey guys i had trouble getting in it was full
Buffysums: hey beca
NuttyGrl14: hi Beca
TAFKABH: By the time this thing is done, Aly will know of the Hanniganites!
SlackerSpc: I can't be a true Spice Girl unless I'm British.
Buffysums: can only hold 8 people
Missa97: Of course she will, if she isn't scared of us, heehee
TAFKABH: Hey Nick, did you make the other row?
NuttyGrl14: True, also u need HUGE platforms
SlackerSpc: Brits get to use cool works like "kip" and "nosh"
NuttyGrl14: I think we're gonna scare her
Buffysums: and if its possible get into a tabloid karyn
Missa97: don't forget "bum"
N HaHa: i've had my hands tied. i'm going to in a second
SlackerSpc: Hey, I WILL accomplish my goal.
SlackerSpc: Yes.
SlackerSpc: Ooo.
N HaHa: hold my spot
Row 74
Nodakskip: test
N HaHa: hi
Nodakskip: hey
N HaHa: i have to find other hanniganites to fill this row up
Nodakskip: going to try to do teh real video to
N HaHa: are you going now?
Nodakskip: im on both aol and the net
Videopro2r: hey there...
Nodakskip: welcome to row 74
N HaHa: i'm going to go back to 73. fluf is going to tell people about the other rows. bye
Nodakskip: ok
N HaHa: hi fluf
Fluf2Toes: Hi Nick
Fluf2Toes: What am I suppose to tell people?
Ashy221111: hey fluf
N HaHa: to come to rows starting with 74
Fluf2Toes: Ash, glad to see you took time off from court TV
Fluf2Toes: Will do Nick
Ashy221111: hahaha
TAFKABH: Hi ya Fluf!!
Ashy221111: almost missed you guys, meeting ran late
Fluf2Toes: John, I made it!!!!!!!!!
N HaHa: john, why'd you come here?
Fluf2Toes: Ah, Warriorrat, I think your mom is calling
TAFKABH: YES!!! Hey we have two rows going!!!
Fluf2Toes: Where is everyone else?
Ashy221111: thats good, the more the merrier
TAFKABH: I wanted to talk with Fluf.
N HaHa: i'm going to make a third row
RavenAmbr: Hi guys! It
N HaHa: oh, okay
RavenAmbr: 's Raven
TAFKABH: Go for it!!!!
Ashy221111: hey raven
N HaHa: hi raven
RavenAmbr: Hi Nick!
TAFKABH: 73 is okay by themselves.
Fluf2Toes: I'm here
RavenAmbr: Hi Ash, John
Fluf2Toes: You talking to me Ash?
Ashy221111: yes
N HaHa: okay i'm back
TAFKABH: I only have one kid!
Fluf2Toes: They are running around naked. Tough. Deal with them later.
Ashy221111: lol
TAFKABH: What is the # Nick?
N HaHa: 75
Ashy221111: gotta get out of this suite brd
Fluf2Toes: Might I just say how cool this is
Fluf2Toes: Jen just IMd me. She's on the way
HEADDAVACA: Ooops. Did I just do that.
N HaHa: yes, you might
N HaHa: yes, you did
HEADDAVACA: Sorry to barg in, I just wanted to see who was in here.
Fluf2Toes: Trying to steer Jen around. Where should I send her?
N HaHa: hi elizabeth
RavenAmbr: Hi elizabeth
TAFKABH: There are only 4 in 73 now.
Ashy221111: hey karyn
HEADDAVACA: )Maybe by the end of this we'll reach row 200?
Fluf2Toes: Jen, is confused
Fluf2Toes: Trying to help her
N HaHa: 75 has no one. want to move jen and us there?
RavenAmbr: I'll go
OnlineHost: “EAMC Host” has entered the room.
SlackerSpc: Do it, do it.
EAMC Host: Good evening everyone
EAMC Host: We will be chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
Row 75
N HaHa: hi there
EAMC Host: in just a few minutes
RavenAmbr: This is cool
EAMC Host: Send in your questions NOW using the Participate In Event button
HEADDAVACA: Can I come in?
EAMC Host: on the right hand side of your chat screen
N HaHa: sure
SlackerSpc: So, like, all my questions before didn't count?
RavenAmbr: sure. Hi
EAMC Host: Share points of view with other members on all your favorite entertainment.
RavenAmbr: I think we do that. =o)
EAMC Host: Interact on the Entertainment Asylum Message Boards at Keyword Asylum
EAMC Host: and choose MESSAGE BOARDS at the bottom of the screen
HEADDAVACA: So do we have to write our 100 posts agian? Woo Hoo!
N HaHa: i think all the earlier questions still count
EAMC Host: Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" will be joining
EAMC Host: me onstage in just a few minutes, so send in those questions for her now
N HaHa: i think
EAMC Host:Good evening everyone
Ashy221111:thats scary
EAMC Host: We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" LIVE in just a few minutes
EAMC Host: Send in your questions now using the Participate In Event button on
EAMC Host: the right side of your screen
EAMC Host: For the best in horror, get scared along the PCH Highway in the
EAMC Host: Entertainment Asylum at Keyword PCH
SlackerSpc: Well, that's exciting.
HEADDAVACA: I'm supremely thrilled.
Ci Ci 03: what special person is coming in here?
Bigpopa671: Canon??
Ashy221111: happy
CanonElan2: hi popa
Bigpopa671: *Yeahbaby*
CanonElan2: *bigpopa*
Ci Ci 03: anybody famouse coming in here?
Buffysums: hey
Bigpopa671: The Bigpopa is here
SlackerSpc: *Ohgod*
Buffysums: im skipping rows now
Ci Ci 03: hi buffy
Buffysums: hi
Ashy221111:key karyn
OnlineHost:Live from Studio I in Hollywood! The Entertainment Asylum presents ALYSON HANNIGAN, "Willow" on BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Alyson is taking your questions LIVE so send them using the PARTICIPATE IN EVENT button on your chat screen. Check out the fun in the Entertainment Asylum! Keyword: ASYLUM
SlackerSpc: ]key?
Buffysums: yay!!!!
Buffysums: aly!!!
Ashy221111: sorry, hey
Buffysums: yay!!!
Buffysums: wow
Bigpopa671: Yippy!
RavenAmbr: Thanks Nick
Buffysums: sorry im a little exited
SlackerSpc: Oh, btw, yes, I'm still stuck on the Spice Girls.
Ashy221111: oh god
Buffysums: karyn that ok we all hve an addiction
HEADDAVACA: Didn't notice that one Karyn, since when?
EAMC Host: Alyson will be joining me onstage in just a few minutes
Ashy221111: ook at the name...
SlackerSpc: Since a couple weeks ago.
N HaHa: i'm going back to 74 now
N HaHa: bye
Ashy221111: bye
RavenAmbr: bye
EAMC Host: So send those questions in NOW for Alyson. :)
Buffysums: im going to 73
Bigpopa671: hmmmm,,,Think she might have a thing for Buffy??
Row 74
JC BELL764: Yea!
JC BELL764: Hi!
N HaHa: i'm back!
EAMC Host: For the best scares online, check out the PCH Highway in the Entertainment Asylum
N HaHa: hi jen
EAMC Host: at Keyword PCH
JC BELL764: Yea! Hi, Nick!
Buffysums: hi
JC BELL764: I am logging this, btw.
Fluf2Toes: Nick's back. GREAT!
MelonJello: Hi Nick!
N HaHa: natalie says hi to all
Fluf2Toes: Good idea Jen
Buffysums: hey nat
Fluf2Toes: Hi, Nat
Ashy221111: hi nat
Buffysums: hey fluf glad you could make it
MelonJello: Hi Nat!
EAMC Host: We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" here on the Entertainment Asylum
N HaHa: hello, ash!
JC BELL764: I love this! I know everybody! It's like a big party!
TAFKABH: Its about time!!!!!!!!!!
EAMC Host: Alyson will be joining me onstage in just a few short minutes
Ashy221111: hey nick & nat
MelonJello: Hi Ash!
EAMC Host: In the mean time, send in your questions for Alyson using the
Ashy221111: hey jess
MelonJello: See, same row, no more IMs
Fluf2Toes: We've got nine people here now
EAMC Host: Participate In Event button on the right side of your chat screen
Nodakskip: i just hope this works
Fluf2Toes: NO ONE MOVE!
JC BELL764: How'd we do that?
Ashy221111: i know
Ashy221111: do what
Buffysums: yay im sending another message
TAFKABH: Nick, you still here?
EAMC Host: Remember: Alyson can only see your questions and comments IF you use the
N HaHa: yeah
EAMC Host: Participate In Event button to send them
MelonJello: We just planning on flooding the messages?
Ashy221111: yep
JC BELL764: I've sent other questions, too.
N HaHa: i just asked if she's seen all of the hanniganite quuestions yet
EAMC Host: Share points of view with other Buffy fans on the Entertainment Asylum
Fluf2Toes: Sent it about 20 times already. What do we do if she answers right away?
N HaHa: hi jess
EAMC Host: message boards.
Fluf2Toes: Got to come up with another question
JC BELL764: Send other questions!
TAFKABH: Good question Nick!!
N HaHa: thanks
MelonJello: hey Nick (and Nat)
EAMC Host: Just go to Keyword Asylum and then click on Message Boards to join in the fun!
N HaHa: nat says hi jess
JC BELL764: I asked how she reacted when she saw Sarah's sign on SNL.
OnlineHost: Live from Studio I in Hollywood! The Entertainment Asylum presents ALYSON HANNIGAN, "Willow" on BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Alyson is taking your questions LIVE so send them using the PARTICIPATE IN EVENT button on your chat screen. Check out the fun in the Entertainment Asylum! Keyword: ASYLUM
Fluf2Toes: Sometimes you can IM them if they don't have it turned off
N HaHa: she'll answer that one
N HaHa: woohoo!
Fluf2Toes: Good question Jen
EAMC Host: Alyson will be here in just a minute, so keep those questions coming! :)
Nodakskip: there is about 40 people on the EA web site waiting to chat
MelonJello: Jen, that's a good one....
Fluf2Toes: Only 40?
N HaHa: oh, man. that's a lot of people
NuttyGrl14: Hola all
Buffysums: hey nutty
Fluf2Toes: Hi Nutty
Buffysums: glad you came
Ashy221111: i wonder how many hanniganites we have present
MelonJello: Hi!
NuttyGrl14: U left me Buffy!
HEADDAVACA: I missed my family :(
Fluf2Toes: 14 people in this row now
JC BELL764: We're all over the place!
SlackerSpc: Did everyone make it into this row?
Buffysums: i know im sorry ::hangs head in shame::
Ashy221111: how your sister Jan
JC BELL764: Hi, Karyn!
NuttyGrl14: Bad Buffy!!!
Ashy221111: jen
RavenAmbr: I did
JC BELL764: Hi, Raven!
MelonJello: We're all here Karyn!
OnlineHost: Live from Studio I in Hollywood! The Entertainment Asylum presents ALYSON HANNIGAN, "Willow" on BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Alyson is taking your questions LIVE so send them using the PARTICIPATE IN EVENT button on your chat screen. Check out the fun in the Entertainment Asylum! Keyword: ASYLUM
Fluf2Toes: Hey, Raven
RavenAmbr: Hi Jen
MelonJello: Ooh, big row!
MelonJello: Hi Raven!
JC BELL764: Nick, what's the body count in the Family?
Buffysums: 3 minutes till aly....
RavenAmbr: Hi all
Buffysums: yay
SlackerSpc: Spice Girls rule! I mean.. uh... um... Hanniganites!
BECA326: hey guys everyone in?
N HaHa: i'm not sure
Ashy221111: Karyn!!!!!!!!
EAMC Host: Hey everyone! Alyson is just about to join me onstage
Missa97: I changed rows
NuttyGrl14: yup, everyone
JC BELL764: Anyone know our membership number?
Fluf2Toes: This guy is a pain in the ass
EAMC Host: so keep those questions coming for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
MelonJello: Someone should ask Aly which spice girl she's most like (Karyn...)
BECA326: circa didn't get in!
SlackerSpc: I did.
Ashy221111: i did
BECA326: me too
SlackerSpc: Or I asked who her favourite was.
N HaHa: hi karyn
Buffysums: 2 minutes till aly!!!
Missa97: We all left 73
NuttyGrl14: NOOO, not Circa
N HaHa: too late
SlackerSpc: Jen, I HAD to.
EAMC Host: For the best scares online, check out the PCH Highway in the Entertainment Asylum
HEADDAVACA: Aaah. No SG questions?
EAMC Host: at Keyword PCH
Ashy221111: somebody go get circa
Missa97: that sucks
Fluf2Toes: 15 here now
Nodakskip: i might be over at the website more so fill me in if i miss anything
JC BELL764: Tell Circa to join our row.
MelonJello: Wouldn't it be cool if she said sporty?
MelonJello: :)
Missa97: no Sarah q's
N HaHa: i just did
JC BELL764: Nodak, tell me if there's video.
Fluf2Toes: Anyone listening to this in sound?
SlackerSpc: Yes, because Sporty rules.
Ashy221111: Posh
JC BELL764: Sound?
SlackerSpc: porty.
OnlineHost: “AOL LIVE” has entered the room.
MelonJello: I like Posh too....
Fluf2Toes: You're suppose to hear it with RealAudio 5.0
TAFKABH: Nope fluf, I can't. :0(
NuttyGrl14: Ginger
Missa97: I wish I could do the th e video thingy
MelonJello: She's got that drama thing going on....
Ashy221111: me too
Fluf2Toes: I'm not either and I have 5.0
NuttyGrl14: she's the most norm.

Okay, Alyson's in this next one, I swear to God
I can't brave this chat!