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Part 2

OnlineHost: “EAAlysonH” has entered the room.
OnlineHost:“AOL LIVE” has left the room.
SlackerSpc: Sporty.
EAMC Host: Good evening Alyson!
Buffysums: ah...its aly
Missa97: she's here
MelonJello: She's here!!!!
EAMC Host: Welcome to the Entertainment Asylum
TAFKABH: Hey this great with all the Hanniganites!
N HaHa: i just wanted to hang out with you great people
RavenAmbr: yeah!!
SlackerSpc: ALYYYYY!!!!!
MelonJello: I feel faint!
Ashy221111: she's here
Fluf2Toes: COOL
N HaHa: YAY!
Missa97: COOL
BECA326: yes!!!!!!!!
EAAlysonH: Hi. Thanks. It's good to be here.
Buffysums: its aly
Buffysums: yay
NuttyGrl14: Can I faint now/
Fluf2Toes: Someone fan Melon
TAFKABH: Oh My God Its Her!!!
N HaHa: she spoke!
EAMC Host: Alyson, here is your first question from DavidKauf
BECA326: go aly!
Question: how did you get to be on buffy?
MelonJello: I need air! Air!
JC BELL764: :::Jen, jumping up and down:::
Missa97: you can't you would miss the show
EAAlysonH: I auditioned about nine times and finally they gave me the job.
N HaHa: answer our questions!
Fluf2Toes: SSSHHHH
EAAlysonH: It was just a process of elimination.
MelonJello: I would give her the job right away!
Missa97: be quiet
Ashy221111: me too
N HaHa: 9 times? that's just wrong
Missa97: me too
BECA326: i know
EAAlysonH:The audition process was nerve racking. The suspense was killing me!
Buffysums: lets be quiet
Missa97: hell buffy had to aud, like 15
NuttyGrl14: She should've gotten it on the first try
CIRCA 414: i'm in
EAMC Host: Here is a question from OtisCat
Question: Alyson: When Sarah Michelle Gellar was on Saturday Night Live, she held
Question: up a sign at the end saying she missed you. This doesn''t mean you've left the
Question: show, does it?
BECA326: yeah
Missa97: COOL
EAAlysonH: No, she was in New York for a week and she was going through withdrawal.
JC BELL764: Shazam!
N HaHa: hi, circa
CIRCA 414: Hey N haha
MelonJello: Hi circa
RavenAmbr: Hi there
N HaHa: hi there
EAAlysonH: It was just a joke...a funny thing to do.
Missa97: Hi
CIRCA 414: Hey all
Buffysums: yay its aly!!
NuttyGrl14: CIRCA!!!! YAY!!!
EAAlysonH: The whole cast is like a family.
MelonJello: Aly withdrawal. Sigh
EAMC Host: Here is a question from SKloss761 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
Question: Do you think Willow will ever break out of her sweet innocent ways?
Ashy221111: how sweet
EAAlysonH: I don't know. Maybe if she
NuttyGrl14: Family= Hanniganites
EAAlysonH: is possessed. I think that's pretty much her nature.
EAAlysonH: She's standing up for herself more now.
SlackerSpc: ANd kissing Oz.
BECA326: me guestions were stupid
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Turbo1311 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
Question: how is it like working with sarah?
BECA326: questions i mean
Missa97: thats for sure
Fluf2Toes: Did Sarah write these questions?
EAAlysonH: It's great. It's interesting. Our job is the best job. I love my job more than
NuttyGrl14: who cares about SARAH?????
JC BELL764: I will just die if they don't post our question.
MelonJello: hi sarah
Fluf2Toes: Keep sending it in!
EAAlysonH: anything.
Missa97: be nice
NuttyGrl14: We must be heard!!!!!
EAAlysonH: It's just like a big family. We have on going jokes. Sara and I are always
MelonJello: Ask about aly! Not sarah!
EAAlysonH: buying each other silly presents.
NuttyGrl14: Aly! ALy! ALY! ALY! ALY!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from QueenRegi for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
Question: Alyson, Hi, my name is Stephanie. For my college Rhetoric class, I am
Question: writing a paper about how I feel that willow and I have some of the same traits.
Question: It would be really cool if I could have a quote from you on whether or not
Question: ou are like Willow.
MelonJello: They better post it!
EAAlysonH: Okay. I'm similar to Willow. Sometimes we're really close but
Fluf2Toes: What the hell was that about
SlackerSpc: I should have used the "school project" tactic.
EAAlysonH: sometimes we're really different. We have the same sense of humour.
MelonJello: )Rhetoric?
JC BELL764: Is that a question or a dissertation?
CIRCA 414: lol Slack
NuttyGrl14: it always works
BECA326: lol
EAAlysonH: We might be the only two laughing at the same jokes.
SlackerSpc: Yes, she used "humour"!
Missa97: I't s like philosohpy
Fluf2Toes: lol, Jen
MelonJello: Spice girls have gotten to Aly!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from MinakoP for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
Question: Alyson, I think you are such an incredibly actress and on "Buffy" you
Question: make Willow have an awesome personality. Would you marry me? =D
N HaHa: what about us?
Missa97: what about us????
JC BELL764: Incredibly?
MelonJello: Nick, was that you?
Fluf2Toes: Ah, GEEEZ
EAAlysonH: Thank you. I don't think I'm allowed. My boyfriend would be very upset if
BECA326: what was that?
Fluf2Toes: What the heck is that crap
N HaHa: nope
N HaHa: NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Missa97: thats a stupid question
Fluf2Toes: She has a boyfriend!!!!
NuttyGrl14: Nick, u better get to her fast!!!
MelonJello: Boyfriend!??
JC BELL764: See, Nick? She stuck up for you!
EAAlysonH: I came home and told him that I got married over the internet!
Buffysums: she has a boyfriend
RavenAmbr: sorry nick.
SlackerSpc: Her what?!????
CIRCA 414: That whole marry me thing is so childish I wouldn't even respond to that!
BECA326: she has a boyfriend!
Fluf2Toes: Nick, you sly dog
NuttyGrl14: Boyfriend???????????
N HaHa: i'm just that good
EAMC Host: Here is a question from MelissaS9 for Alyson
Ashy221111: nick u bad boy
NuttyGrl14: Nick u 2 already together?
Missa97: boyfriend?????, who
Question: Just wanted to say that I think your character is amazing and the
Question: direction that Willow is going in is great Basically, I merely wanted to tell
Question: you that I think You are fantastic. What do you see for Willow in the future?
MelonJello: Nick, you didn't tell us...I'm hurt.
TAFKABH: So Far Not so good!
EAAlysonH: Hopefully, she will have more of a relationship.
N HaHa: he didn't even tell me
EAAlysonH: I think she will always love Zander.
SlackerSpc: Yeah, with a werewolf...
Ashy221111: poor nat
SlackerSpc: Zander????????
Fluf2Toes: Who is typing for them?
JC BELL764: Oh no! The evil twin got to Aly!
EAAlysonH: I like the fact that she is being more aggressive.
NuttyGrl14: it's Xander now Zander!!!
BECA326: what about oz?
N HaHa: she made me promise
MelonJello: Zander?
EAAlysonH: I like the direction that she is going in.
BECA326: xander
MelonJello: Ahh! Angle got to her!
SlackerSpc: Arg.
Fluf2Toes: Nick, we're your pals. You couldn't tell us?
Missa97: thats whati'm saying they spelled it wrong
NuttyGrl14: so u turn on ur family Nick?
HEADDAVACA: Any ?s from the family yet?
SlackerSpc: Nope.
NuttyGrl14: nope
EAMC Host We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" here on the Entertainment Asylum
JC BELL764: And she said SARA, too.
N HaHa: when aly makes me promise, i listen
Ashy221111: i now
EAMC Host: For the scariest fun online, check out the PCH Highway at Keyword PCH
Fluf2Toes: It's whoever it typing for her
Missa97: duhhh
MelonJello: Someone else is typing for her.....
SlackerSpc: Maybe there's a typer guy.
Fluf2Toes: OH good a commercial
HEADDAVACA: Blah, blah, biddy, blah.
Buffysums: aske her another question
MelonJello: I'm so stuffy, give me a scone.
EAMC Host: Here is a question from SilverCD2 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
N HaHa: so far, it's rigged
Question: How is it working with Sarah, and DAvid, and the guy that is supose to
Question: be your "boyfriend"
MelonJello: Sorry couldn't help it.
HEADDAVACA: ::Hums the Jepordy theme song::
Fluf2Toes: Didn't we hear this ALREADY
JC BELL764: "that guy?"
TAFKABH: Yes Nick!!
Missa97: heehee
BECA326: what about the hanniganite message?
EAAlysonH: Everyone is wonderful. We really have the best time.
NuttyGrl14: Who's her real life b.f.?
N HaHa: that person meant oz
EAAlysonH: Sometimes when we're all in the same scene, it's hard for us
Ashy221111: keep pushing the hanniganite
Fluf2Toes: BORING!!!!!!
N HaHa: i am
MelonJello: That guy? Who are these people....
EAAlysonH: not to giggle. And Sara and I are the worst!
MelonJello: Sara?
RavenAmbr: Are you guys still sending the message?
N HaHa: typer guy sucks
EAAlysonH: We have to start thinking about dead animals to stop laughing!
Fluf2Toes: Nice to know they like to giggle
EAAlysonH: It's so much fun though.
Fluf2Toes: Dead bunnies, not funny
Ashy221111: and playful
Missa97: what
NuttyGrl14: dead???? ick!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Marveena for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer"
HEADDAVACA: But I guess it works :(
SlackerSpc: It's a typer guy because she's speaking, remember the Real Audio thing?
Question: So how how does it fell to be in onw of the top 10 most watched shows in
Question: the us ..and in your honest opinion did you EVER think it would be so popular
Missa97: yucky
MelonJello: They can take care of themselves...
EAAlysonH: I don't know that were on the top ten most watched show.
Fluf2Toes: Not the dead ones
MelonJello: (The bunnies.)
CIRCA 414: Of course she knew it would be popular shes ALY!
JC BELL764: I'm getting freaky here.
EAAlysonH: I had no idea that we would be this popular.
CIRCA 414: Thats a dumb question
TAFKABH: This sucks so far! (well Duhh)
BECA326: really
EAAlysonH: We knew it was a great show, but we had no idea that it would
Missa97: thats what i'm saying, my questions where good
Fluf2Toes: Everyone send in NOW
N HaHa: our question must be answered!
EAAlysonH: hit people the way it did. It feels amazing. This is great time for me.
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Sk8erwenc
Question: How did you get discovered?
JCPandich: Hi guys.
EAAlysonH: Both of my parents were photographers.
NuttyGrl14: Someone send me the Hanniganite message again, so I can send it?
JC BELL764: Hey, Pandich!
Fluf2Toes: Hey, you made it
Missa97: dumb question
MelonJello: Is that SCP?
TAFKABH: Just did!
EAAlysonH: When I was a baby, I would model for them.
NuttyGrl14: hi JCP!
CIRCA 414: Whoever is typing for Aly is makingher dumb...What is: This is great time for me
RavenAmbr: Hi
SlackerSpc: {{{JCP}}}}
EAAlysonH: Then I started doing commercials. Eventually my mom and I
EAAlysonH: moved to California so that I could act.
BECA326: hey
N HaHa: hi there
JCPandich: Yes, it's SCP, under the disguise of his evil twin, JCP ;)
Ashy221111: hey jc
EAAlysonH: It's always felt right to be in front of the camera.
Fluf2Toes: Its the evil Pandich
Buffysums: aww
MelonJello: So Angle's gotten to you too, huh?
EAAlysonH: I wanted to be Cindy Brady when I watched the Brady Bunch!
HEADDAVACA: I hear ya Fluf
SlackerSpc: The Pandich part gives you away. :)
Buffysums: she wanted to be cindy brady!!!
EAMC Host: We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan here on the Entertainment Asylum. Keyword Asylum
Missa97: yucky, Brady bunch
TAFKABH: I'll do ti!
Fluf2Toes: Cross your fingers everyone. Keep the evil away!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Adamreck for Alyson Hannigan
Missa97: heehee
Question: Alyson.. what's yr. favorite part about making Buffy?
SlackerSpc: Yes, we know who;s chatting.
MelonJello: Stakes! We need stakes!
EAAlysonH: I love driving into work and seeing monsters!
CIRCA 414: BEing Cindy Brady is like saying I'm adorab;e
JCPandich: JCP isn't terribly original.
Ashy221111: ANd Hoy water
NuttyGrl14: it's Williow and Angle not Aly!!
JCPandich: And I have to use his computer.
Missa97: holy water
EAAlysonH: When you park your car, you see demons hanging out in the parking lot!
Fluf2Toes: Watch out Ash, short the computer
CIRCA 414: LOL Fluf
EAAlysonH: And the cast and the crew are wonderfull.
Ashy221111: sorry, tired
Cordy105: hey hey hey
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Earthrise for Alyson Hannigan
JC BELL764: Hi, Cordy!
MelonJello: Wonderfull?
Question: I think that you are really cool, is there any parts of the show that
Question: are really scary?
BECA326: didn't she already say that?
NuttyGrl14: hi Cordy!!
Fluf2Toes: Yada, yada, yada, what about us!
Cordy105: umm hey
MelonJello: Hi cordy!
Cordy105: Scary
CIRCA 414: Beca these people are stupid
Cordy105: I SAID HEY
EAAlysonH: The part where they say we can't make any more shows...that's scary!
Missa97: thast what i'm saying
Cordy105: SHEESH
TAFKABH: The host must have a lot of family!
Ashy221111: come on they need to get to us
BECA326: i told you
MelonJello: Answer us. We need to be heard!
EAAlysonH: I try to do as much of my stunts as possible.
Cordy105: Word!!
CIRCA 414: Aly I'm with ya on that one
Missa97: what the heck, i want so good questions
EAAlysonH: There really isn't anything scary.
SlackerSpc: Hear us, for we are the Hanniganites.
N HaHa: what about us?
Ashy221111: Yes
EAAlysonH: Once you see the people behind the set, the monsters are a lot less scary.
EAMC Host: Here is a question from HrsheyKis for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
Question: Are you thinking of doing any movies?
NuttyGrl14: C'mon we're more IMPORTANT!!!
SlackerSpc: Arg.
Missa97: she did one, these people are dumb
EAAlysonH: I hope so. I did one movie that will be coming out soon called Dead Man on Campus.
Ashy221111: i think they are ignoring us
N HaHa: come on, question guy. come through for us!
MelonJello: C'mon! No fair!
BECA326: so much more important
JC BELL764: I keep sending the message!
N HaHa: gr
Fluf2Toes: This is RIGGED. Write your congressman/woman
MelonJello: It's a conspiracy....
JCPandich: My, some of these questions are so stimulat..zzzzz
CIRCA 414: Please the names HrsheyKis thats what makes the people melt like butter
EAAlysonH: I play a girl similar to Willow, without the brains!
TAFKABH: So do I jen
EAAlysonH: I think of her as a farm girl.
Fluf2Toes: Wake up Spandich
MelonJello: Willow? A farm girL?
EAAlysonH: She's kind of dumb...basically.
JCPandich: Ow! Quit with the hitting!
BECA326: ahhhhhhhh we must be heard!
EAAlysonH: But she's funny I hope!
JC BELL764: No, her character in DMOC.
Missa97: gosh I might just fall asleep
Ashy221111: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Fluf2Toes: YOU UP NOW?
JCPandich: Wake up!
BECA326: this is boring.....
Missa97: thanks, I needed that
MelonJello: ::Ice down the back:: Up yet?
CIRCA 414: Hey no sleeping no matter how much the question are a bore
Cordy105: Willow is a cool character
Ashy221111: gggggggggggg
JCPandich: How many sent in the message?
JC BELL764: She isn't receiving IMs.
NuttyGrl14: ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz
Missa97: chills....
N HaHa: it's aly, i can't fall asleep. even if they are bad questions
CIRCA 414: Aly in not the boring one here it's these idiotic questions
Ashy221111: i did
SlackerSpc: Respect for Aly, she can't help that the questions suck.
Fluf2Toes: She is just a telephone line away
EAAlysonH: It's a comedy.
Missa97: okay, I will stay awake
BECA326: and the stupid host
Ashy221111: somebody call
EAAlysonH: It doesn't sound like it, but it is lighthearted!
EAMC Host: We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" here on the Entertainment Asylum
MelonJello: I say after the chat, we stake the host.....
EAMC Host: Here is a question from AngelGrl8
N HaHa: we know this
Question: Who would you rather kiss--Oz, Xander or Angel?
MelonJello: You guys with me...
Missa97: we can call?
Cordy105: Alyson is nasty
JC BELL764: What a DUMB question!
SlackerSpc: Buffy.
Cordy105: OZ!@@
EAAlysonH: Oh my goodness. Wow. That's a very difficult question.
Ashy221111: I'M with u
Fluf2Toes: That's a good question
N HaHa: she wants to kiss me the most
EAAlysonH: I think I should be able to kiss all of them and then tell you
Fluf2Toes: Sorry, Jen, it was better then the others
CIRCA 414: FLUF you took the words right of of my keyboard
Ashy221111: NICK!!!!!
EAAlysonH: who is the best!
TAFKABH: Me second!
Cordy105: Kiss David
JC BELL764: I guess, but it's still dumb.
NuttyGrl14: Of course she wants u Nick
CIRCA 414: David!!
JCPandich: Where do we line up?
N HaHa: i know
Cordy105: David is my Husband
Cordy105: LOL
BECA326: angel!
SlackerSpc: Behind me.
EAAlysonH: Oz would kiss back, so I think Willow would kiss him.
NuttyGrl14: Everyone wants u
Cordy105: I mean NAOT
Cordy105: Not
Cordy105: LOL
Fluf2Toes: lol
CIRCA 414: David I know him!!! He's MINE!!! Boy I sounded like PHYCHO
Fluf2Toes: Fingertied
Cordy105: My bust
N HaHa: took a while to get that
TAFKABH: I don't believe the stupid questions that are being asked!!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from HydroxyAp for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
Question: Hello Alyson -- With you and Nick appearing at the Comicon last year...I
Question: was surprised that no one from Buffy was at the Fangoria "Weekend of Horrors"
Question: in NYC a few weeks ago. Are there any plans for you or other cast members to
Question: appear at SciFi/Horror cons?
Cordy105: NO HE IS MINE GIRL@@
MelonJello: Nick, you were at comicon?
EAAlysonH: Probably. Had we heard about it or been invited, I'm sure we would have went.
Cordy105: What the hell question is that??
JCPandich: A reasonable question.
SlackerSpc: Yeah, I didn't see you at ComicCon Nick.
BECA326: i'll solve the problem i'll take him
N HaHa: i wasn't there. they meant other nick
Fluf2Toes: Damm, I would have gone!!!!
Cordy105: I didnt understand
CIRCA 414: COrdy LOL
Ashy221111: me too
EAAlysonH: We've been to about three conventions and they're usually a lot of fun.
MelonJello: Ah-hah. The OTHER nick.
SlackerSpc: Oh, yes, Nick that smells good Nick.
Cordy105: im like " what"
Missa97: We need hanniganite questions on
N HaHa: ooh, burn
Fluf2Toes: Lets start our own convention and invite them
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Minizeus
Question: do think that buffy and angel are done or will they get back
Question: together
MelonJello: Karyn, are you saying the other nick doesn't smell good? Play nice?
Missa97: LOL
Cordy105: yeah@
Ashy221111: I second that Fluf
JC BELL764: We're being boycotted!
EAAlysonH: I don't know. Angel is evil now, and that's sort of sad.
N HaHa: thanks, jess
Missa97: good idea
SlackerSpc: No, I just mean that I have smelled that Nick.
CIRCA 414: I wouldn't answer that question
BECA326: what time did u guys send the first thing in?
TAFKABH: Can I come to your convention Fluf?
Fluf2Toes: Did anyone try to IM her?
N HaHa: okay
MelonJello: Just standing up for a fellow Hanniganite
SlackerSpc: I'm sure Nick smells fabulous.
Fluf2Toes: Sure, all are invited
JC BELL764: I did, Fluf. No accepto.
Buffysums: i tried to im her
EAAlysonH: Of course, David is the sweetest guy. But it's fun to watch him
N HaHa: natalie sent her's at 5 ct
Buffysums: she isnt recievin im
EAAlysonH: play this character so evil.
Missa97: yAh like she would tell us they will get back together
CIRCA 414: She agrees with us about Angel everypne
BECA326: i know
Cordy105: Evil@@
Cordy105: LOL
Missa97: yeah
Cordy105: Angel is fine
N HaHa: what about us?!!!
CIRCA 414: I should really start proof reading my sends
JC BELL764: You think they're boycotting us?
EAMC Host: Here is a question from OzSugar for Alyson Hannigan
Question: if you weren't an actress what career would you choose and why?
Ashy221111: i need chocolate
Cordy105: with that flower thing iin " phases"
SlackerSpc: I think Angle is fine.
NuttyGrl14: They're trying to get rid of us!!!!
JC BELL764: Oh, for heaven's sake.
SlackerSpc: And Zander.
N HaHa: same here, ashli
EAAlysonH: When I went to college I was leaning towards psychology.
CIRCA 414: Pretty Okay question
BECA326: i'm trying my hardest to keep awake
Cordy105: NOT ZANDER
Fluf2Toes: I have chocolate here Ash, want some? Jelly sticks
MelonJello: I second that Karyn.
EAAlysonH: I also love animals so any work like that would be good.
SlackerSpc: And Cordi and Jiles and Buffie.
Missa97: Cool thats my major
Cordy105: LOL
Ashy221111: Oh, thanks Fluf
BECA326: buffy
MelonJello: Angle and Zander are hot. So's Oze
EAAlysonH: But my real ambition was always acting, so I was never too
RavenAmbr: Geiles
CIRCA 414: Anybody want some Doritos?
EAAlysonH: committed to these other ideas.
EAMC Host: We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" on the Entertainment Asylum
N HaHa: and Os
Ashy221111: gooodddddddd, feel better
SlackerSpc: And Mz Kalande
JC BELL764: Fluf, I saved you a choco-drenched Twinkie.
Cordy105: cordi Jiles buffie zander ozz angle
MelonJello: Circa, pass them this way....
Fluf2Toes: Thanks Jen.
EAMC Host: For the most excitement online, check out the Entertainment Asylum at Keyword Asylum
Ashy221111: Dr. Pepper anyone
Cordy105: jennifur kalender
N HaHa: mmm... asbestos
SlackerSpc: And Spoke.
N HaHa: another commercial
Missa97: I'm on a diet, none for me
JCPandich: Yeah, excitement, right.
Cordy105: Drusillaaa
Buffysums: buffie simmers
N HaHa: drew
Fluf2Toes: Asbestos make them crunchy
CIRCA 414: Passing them MEllon
EAMC Host: Keep sending in questions for Alyson. The next one may be yours!
RavenAmbr: drew
Cordy105: I have Dr Pepper
Fluf2Toes: BULL!!!!!!
SlackerSpc: Oh shut up, host!
BECA326: that's how my friend spell buffy i correct her everyday
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Raininfir for Alyson
Question: Hi Alyson! I think Willow is the coolest. It is great the way she has
Question: taken action and has really spoken up for herself more this season. Will we
Question: continue to see her break out of her shell even further as the season continues?
MelonJello: Ooh! Ash, here! Dr Pepper!
TAFKABH: I doubt it!!
Cordy105: Yeah i wrote in 5 questions sure it will be mine
JCPandich: D'oh!
EAAlysonH: You were supposed to see a lot more in this past episode, but
CIRCA 414: I want some pepsi I need caffien right about now
Ashy221111: ::passes DP
EAAlysonH: some of it was cut.
N HaHa: anyone got pepsi
Cordy105: OO
MelonJello: Thanks Ash.
RavenAmbr: agugghhhh!
JCPandich: They cut her? Grrr
Cordy105: No what ill take surge
Fluf2Toes I'd love to get the cuts on the floor
Ashy221111: Your welcome
Missa97: that sucks
MelonJello: That hit the spot.....
EAAlysonH: I'm very hurt about that...but she does speak up more now.
Cordy105: What did they cut her with??
NuttyGrl14: They cut her???
RavenAmbr: I want the cuts!
Fluf2Toes: There's a garbage can I would empty
NuttyGrl14: cut ALY???
TAFKABH: Burp, sorry.
BECA326: my friend always ims me and goes are you reading the buffie message boards i told her all
N HaHa: i just want one of our questions answered
EAMC Host: Here is our next question for Alyson Hannigan from LMS144587
Cordy105: The cut her with a knife@!!!
Missa97: stupid th escene
Question: where do you guys get your awsome clothes?
CIRCA 414: Anybody have any Reeses I need some choco-rama
MelonJello: I need the uncut version! Joss, are you out there1
BECA326: about buffy and message boards
N HaHa: snickers...
Cordy105: Her clothes suck@
EAAlysonH: On the show, we have great costume people that shop at
Ashy221111: twix?
N HaHa: no all of them
EAAlysonH: amazing places. They find the coolest clothes.
Cordy105: Milky Way baby@@
N HaHa: I'll take twix!
JC BELL764: I keep sending . . .
N HaHa: m&ms
CIRCA 414: Caldor?
Ashy221111: here.......
Cordy105: Circle K
EAAlysonH: When they shop for me, they always buy fuzzy clothes.
NuttyGrl14: Cordy if u don't like Willow y u here?
N HaHa: mmm, thanx
MelonJello: I need Pixie sticks!
Missa97: The GAP, is where I shop
Fluf2Toes: I got m&ms too
EAAlysonH: I have the best clothes on the show.
BECA326: i'll take some
CIRCA 414: The Big- K
Cordy105: IM KIDDING
TAFKABH: Everybody Keep sending! Please!
Buffysums: )anyone see on phases she slid in the mud and then suddenly wasnt dirty anymore
EAAlysonH: Although I'm sure everyone's looking at Buffy's short skirts.
N HaHa: i'll take some, fluf
Ashy221111: we are
BECA326: i love the gap
Cordy105: SO SHUT UP
EAAlysonH: But I'm the fuzzy, hugable one!

Give me some caffeine, I'm going for more!
Get me the hell OUT