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Part 3

MelonJello: They're ignoring us!
Cordy105: Why did you follow me in here??
Missa97: nah, I like Willow and Buffy's clothes
Cordy105: Thats soo uncool
CIRCA 414: Pass the Shrimp Fired Rice!!! Somebody.
MelonJello: Ooh, fuzzy, huggable!
SlackerSpc: )Hey, Jen, remember my duct tape theory?
CIRCA 414: I meant fried
Cordy105: I like buffy clothes but some of them are sluty@@
RavenAmbr: yum
JC BELL764: I think she's holding out for you, Karyn!
Ashy221111: egg roll over here
Missa97: thast true
N HaHa: hm, how huggable is she, nick?
Fluf2Toes: Tired of bra straps
Cordy105: Who is Karyn!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Athena198 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
N HaHa: very
MelonJello: The shrimp fired the rice?
Question:What's it liketo play the smart girl opposite the vampire slaying Buffy?
SlackerSpc: I am Karyn.
Cordy105: What??
Fluf2Toes: She posts on our board
Cordy105: Oh im Kym
CIRCA 414: Melon LOL
Cordy105: Nice to meet you
Cordy105: LOL
EAAlysonH: I love Willow. If I could choose which character I would play,
SlackerSpc: Nice to mee t you, too.
Missa97: Yeah, HELLO they do have strapless bras last i checked
MelonJello: Hey she's a boardie!
EAAlysonH: I would choose Willow. I think people can really relate to her.
Cordy105: I would choose Buffy Sheesh
EAAlysonH: I love that. Buffy is who you want to be, but Willow is who
Cordy105: No
EAAlysonH: most people are. It's nice being so real. And the relationship
Cordy105: No alyson i wanna be buffy
N HaHa: i would want to be oz
Cordy105: And Willow is not me
MelonJello: No, I want to be Willow. Not Buffy! Willow i say!
EAAlysonH: with Oz is so fun.
Cordy105: Oz kicks@
CIRCA 414: 'm Buffy
MelonJello: Nick you'd make a great BUffy
BECA326: yeah oz!
NuttyGrl14: I would take Willow
JC BELL764: Oz is the Mack Daddy.
RavenAmbr: I just don't want Buffy's GPA
Fluf2Toes: Do you have the legs for it Nick?
EAAlysonH: I really prefer being real. I can relate to Willow. I don't think
N HaHa: sshut up, jess
Cordy105: I would want to be Jiles and Spoke@
Cordy105: j/k
Cordy105: im a girl
EAAlysonH: I could play Buffy. Sara is wonderful and I wouldn't want to
CIRCA 414: My Job is protectiong the freshmans from the Upper classmen
Cordy105: nevermind
EAAlysonH: compete with that.
JC BELL764: \
Cordy105: my job is standing on a street corner@@ j/k
Buffysums: sara?
EAAlysonH: I wouldn't want to wear her outfits though.
CIRCA 414: My GPA (honestly) is 4.0 alllthe way
MelonJello: Nick, I'm hurt...:(
N HaHa: just shows that the typing guy is HORRIBLE!
RavenAmbr: lucky
EAMC Host: Here is a question from SirJMW for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer"
N HaHa: sorry, jess
Question: I would like to know a little bit more about the actress, script writer
Question: relationship. How much can you ad lib on the show?
RavenAmbr: 3.67
HEADDAVACA: Who! I'm back!
Fluf2Toes: Thats a good onw
Fluf2Toes: one
JC BELL764: At least THAT was a good question.
SlackerSpc: 2.8 and proud of it.
N HaHa: good question for once
MelonJello: S'okay. I'll get over it.....someday....
Cordy105: Mine is like 3.5 i dunno im like 1 so i dont know yet
BECA326: qhat if she doesn't get are im?!?
Cordy105: i mean 14
NuttyGrl14: have a 3.999
N HaHa: 4.0 ha!
EAAlysonH: Our ad-libbing is mostly asked ahead of time. Joss is really open to
MelonJello: 4.0. I feel special!
Fluf2Toes: We're starting to think alike
EAAlysonH: suggestions.
RavenAmbr: that's Buffy's Karyn! cool!
HEADDAVACA: Any Hanniganties get a word yet?
N HaHa: 4.0 here too
Missa97: NO
CIRCA 414: Melon are you 4.0 like me too? YEAH!!!
MelonJello: Go Nick!
NuttyGrl14: nope, none of us
Ashy221111: no
Cordy105: Hanniganties?? you people are Obsessed
MelonJello: Go Circa!
JC BELL764: No, Elizabeth. We're waiting.
EAAlysonH: Joss is amazing about that.
Ashy221111: we know
CIRCA 414: Head NO!!
Missa97: this sucks
TAFKABH: Nope!! 30 mins in and nothing!
HEADDAVACA: yeah. so.
N HaHa: nat got 4. 0, not nick
Cordy105: I know
MelonJello: Yup. SUre are....
Cordy105: THIS SUCKS
Cordy105: BYE
N HaHa: yes we are
MelonJello: Go Nat!
MelonJello: (Not Nick!)
EAAlysonH: But if it doesn't work, we have to take the credit for it!
CIRCA 414: MElon and NIck, We deserve a treat..HoHo's for everyone
Ashy221111: Nat, take the bar exam for me
BECA326: this really sucks
N HaHa: go nat and nick
SlackerSpc: Ho ho's!!!!
EAMC Host: For the scariest fun online, check out the PCH Highway in the Entertainment Asylum
JC BELL764: The infidel has left us.
EAMC Host: at Kewyord PCH
CIRCA 414: Well Nat
Buffysums: everyone dont ever let that cordy person become a hanniganite
MelonJello: Yum.. Ho Ho's.
Buffysums: she says mean things about willow
N HaHa: bar exam? make me]
MelonJello: I think she got scared....
Fluf2Toes: Oh, fun, commercial time. Can go to the bathroom now
JC BELL764: LtlAnjill is coming1
Ashy221111: i will
SlackerSpc: And her name was Cordy. ::stifles giggle::
N HaHa: she wont
JCPandich: The only thing I find scary is this host.
EAMC Host: Keep sending your questions for Alyson!! The next one might be yours! :)
TAFKABH: Me too Fluf!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Adida2093 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
Question: Hi how are you what are your favorite hobbies?
SlackerSpc: The next one might be in your host ear.
BECA326: told you the host is annoying
CIRCA 414: JCP I know he keeps telling us Aly is in the room like we don't know that
EAAlysonH: I like sports. I like playing with my dogs. And that's about the
MelonJello: Kill the host!
Fluf2Toes: HOBBIES? Who gives a twinkie about hobbies!
EAAlysonH: only thing that I have the time to do!
Ashy221111: Somebody kill the host~!
JC BELL764: I'm going to go get something calming to drink.
NuttyGrl14: What about US????????
N HaHa: the host must die
EAAlysonH: I don't really have hobbies until after the show is done.
SlackerSpc: Slay the host!
Ashy221111: Vodka?
Fluf2Toes: Yeah, Jen, get some coffee. That will calm you
Buffysums: die host
N HaHa: I need a stake, dammit!
EAAlysonH: I love playing soccer and anything outdoors.
Missa97: where's a stake when we need one?
CIRCA 414: I'll have a blodymary with a twist of lemon
TAFKABH: Scotch???
Ashy221111: Holy water!!!!!!!!!
SlackerSpc: )Soccer!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Angel Tim for Alyson Hannigan
Question: Hi Aly! is it true you and Sarah often exchange Gag gifts? what was
Question: your favorite?
N HaHa: coffee vodka... mmm
JC BELL764: Think I'll try herbal tea.
Fluf2Toes: Glass of wine
Ashy221111: tequila?
EAAlysonH: Just before Christmas, she gave me this singing Christmas tree.
JC BELL764: Jill is on her way!
N HaHa: okay, i'm gettinmg the gun now...
NuttyGrl14: anything alcoholic for me
SlackerSpc: I'm getting the HoHo's.
CIRCA 414: Nick i just killed the last host with the last satke sorry!!
TAFKABH: I think I'll stick with my coke!
Missa97: That was my question, that person stole it
N HaHa: no ice, something strong
EAAlysonH: And I'm convinced that it's Harry Connick's voice on it!
SlackerSpc: Surge
SlackerSpc: Harry!
RavenAmbr: decaf Iced tea for me
MelonJello: Someone get me my crossbow.
CIRCA 414: Missa don't you hate when you asked the wuestion first and they just give it away to some-
CIRCA 414: one else?
N HaHa: ooh,, the scaryX-mas tree... shudder
SlackerSpc: Rocket launcher.
EAAlysonH: It's really loud and it's scared me a few times!
Missa97: YES
JC BELL764: I'm wondering if they're deliberately ignoring our message.
Fluf2Toes: Send message again everyone!
Ashy221111: GUN
MelonJello: It's got a stake with that host's name on it.....
N HaHa: let's kill him with the x-mas tree
EAAlysonH: She put it in my trailer and it scared me to death!
MelonJello: LAW
BECA326: lol
SlackerSpc: And then it will sing.
TAFKABH: Might Be Jen. Too many posts?
N HaHa: bazooka!!!
Ashy221111: Forget law, kill the host
Missa97: I think that migth think we ar ea tad bit crazy
JC BELL764: Maybe they think we're annoying.
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Daisy0051 for Alyson Hannigan
Question: Is Nicolas Brendon as cute in real life as he is on screen? How is he to
Question: work with?
CIRCA 414: Everyone get ready to fire!
JC BELL764 It was such a good plan.
N HaHa: let's sick angle on him
Fluf2Toes: Got my silver bullets
MelonJello: Aaahhhhh!
EAAlysonH: Yes, Nicki is very cute. And he's probably cuter off-screen.
JCPandich: Bang!
SlackerSpc: He is. Next!
EAAlysonH: He's got such a sense of style and great sense of humour.
BECA326: i got the holy water
N HaHa: where's a full noon when you need one?
Buffysums: she said your cute nick!!!
MelonJello: Nicki? Kill the host! And the typer!
SlackerSpc: {{{{humour}}}}}
EAAlysonH: If anyone can get milk to come through my nose, it would be him!
Missa97: heehee
N HaHa: no, she said "nicki" is cute
SlackerSpc: Oh, but that's just typer guy.
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Higgy6517 for Alyson Hannigan
Fluf2Toes: Now that was funny
Question: I have heard about a "pantsing" incident... please elaborate.
CIRCA 414: EW!!!
RavenAmbr: Let's sic the entire Scuby gang on the host!
NuttyGrl14: They call him Nicky not Nicki
CIRCA 414: Milk through the noes..that disgusting
EAAlysonH: I'm never going to live that down. During the first season,
N HaHa: higgy has a web page
JC BELL764: Darnit. I think this must be deliberate.
Ashy221111: I agree
EAAlysonH: we were doing a scene in the gym. Nicki was wearing sweatpants.
MelonJello: Conspiracy.....
N HaHa: that's it... angle's on my speed dial. give me a minute
EAAlysonH: It was Sara's idea!
RavenAmbr: lool
RavenAmbr: lol
MelonJello: Sara!?
Ashy221111: Sara?
CIRCA 414: Nick I'll liet Biffy in on the plan too okay?
SlackerSpc: Next it will be Zarah.
NuttyGrl14: c'mon we someone that can SPELL????
Buffysums: they pulled down his pants?
EAAlysonH: I accidently took his boxers down at the same time.
CIRCA 414: We'll need all the help we can get!
Missa97: LOL
TAFKABH: The stinking host can't even spell Sarah!
RavenAmbr: LOL
EAAlysonH: Sara chickened out, and I did it by myself.
Missa97: LOL
CIRCA 414: Aly aren't you the danger girl
EAAlysonH: I felt really bad, and I'll never live it down!
Buffysums: lol
EAMC Host: Here is a question from FoxStarr for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
MelonJello: She's bad to the bone.
Fluf2Toes: I wonder if they got that on film
Question: If there was a Buffy movie would you be in it??? I love your character!!!
BECA326: lol
N HaHa: nick never told me that one
JC BELL764: Should we keep sending?
EAAlysonH: Thank you! I would hope so. If not, I would be sad.
SlackerSpc: Keep sending.
N HaHa: wrong nick
MelonJello: There was a Buffy movie.
Buffysums: there already is a buffy movie!!!!
NuttyGrl14: Yeah, keep sending!!
SlackerSpc: But a new one...
TAFKABH: Why not? It can't hurt!
Missa97: A new and better one
Fluf2Toes: A new and improved one
N HaHa: a good one
SlackerSpc: We'll drown them in our quetions.
NuttyGrl14: I think it was our Nick, just too shy to admit it
Fluf2Toes: So,,,,,,,what are we thinking here
Question: How many answering machine messages did you get after you posted your
Question: phone number?
Missa97: A very good one
JC BELL764: This will be most annoying if they don't post our question.
MelonJello: We need something!
BECA326: i bet they won't:(
CIRCA 414: That typist is adding adult would say I would be so so sad
Missa97: like what
EAAlysonH: The phone calls were consistent for a while.
Fluf2Toes: What are they talking about?
NuttyGrl14: how long will she be on here?
TAFKABH: ^ hours down the drain!!!
N HaHa: i just gave a comment. "we need a new host"
MelonJello: Phone calls?
RavenAmbr: Maybe they're saving the best for last
SlackerSpc: lol, nick
Missa97: LOL
JC BELL764: She posted her phone # right before she moved so fans could call her.
CIRCA 414: Nick or nAt totally
NuttyGrl14: new typist
BECA326: thanks nick
MelonJello: lol
BECA326: lol
Fluf2Toes: I didn't know that
EAAlysonH: The response was overwhelming. It was very cool to hear the voices
EAAlysonH: behind the names.
MelonJello: I say we all send Kill the host messages!
N HaHa: it was nick... me
N HaHa: welcome
Fluf2Toes: Let's play nice
JCPandich: Now, now, kids
HEADDAVACA: that was smart of her.
JC BELL764: That's why I wrote her that letter so very long ago.
N HaHa: no
Buffysums: lets not
CIRCA 414: I'll do it you ready?
EAAlysonH: I talked to a lot of fans. But I didn't get much accomplished that day!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Jadeskie3
Question: I would like to know if at all possible maybe just a clue what will
Question: happen with you and Angel since he did go on the other side with Spike?
N HaHa: i sent it already
Fluf2Toes: She's going to leave soon
JC BELL764: Be nice to the host, or they'll never post our message!
EAAlysonH: I don't know. We don't have Angel on our side anymore so
SlackerSpc: Her and Angel... hmmm...
BECA326: start kissing up to the host
JCPandich: Let
N HaHa: williow and angle in '98
Missa97: that whay i am saying
EAAlysonH: we just have to figure out what to do.
RavenAmbr: don't go there Karyn!
MelonJello: Their's is a forbidden love....
Ashy221111: I say after this we all have a chat
EAAlysonH: We're actually not that far ahead of what you've seen.
JCPandich: Let's play suck up to the host!
TAFKABH: Geee, your a great host!!!!! Try that!
EAAlysonH: So I can't really give you a clue.
EAMC Host: Here is a question from Zandarah for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer"
Question: If you could write a storyline for Willow what would it be?
Missa97: Lets think of a good question and everyone send it
Fluf2Toes: I agree Ash
N HaHa: somebody else do it. i can't be redeemed
Ashy221111: Slayer Central?
SlayrGodss: What question do we want to ask?
Buffysums: whos her boyfriend?
NuttyGrl14: Bad Nick!!!!
Fluf2Toes: I asked if she reads any posting boards
EAAlysonH: I don't know. I guess more stuff with Oz. I love working with Seth.
JC BELL764: What about Slayer Central? Huh?
EAAlysonH: And I like exploring that boyfriend aspect.
Ashy221111: Chat afterwards
Fluf2Toes: Invite her to Slayer Central Jen
Ashy221111: yeah jen
TAFKABH: How about future leather episodes!
JC BELL764: OOOH! Good idea!
BECA326: yeah!
N HaHa: good idea
MelonJello: Jen, you should!
Missa97: yeah
CIRCA 414: Zandarah has a problem see it's a combination of Xander and Srah but she spelled Xander
CIRCA 414: wrong
EAAlysonH: More kissing
EAMC Host: Here is a question from LordJulius for Alyson Hannigan of "BUffy"

Question: Alyson: I understand you're a real admirer of Joss Whedon's work. Have Question: you ever asked him for a chance to write a Buffy episode with him? Or some
Question: other project?
N HaHa: and nicks' head ex;plodes
Missa97: ohh, more smoochies
HEADDAVACA: I can hear her!
CIRCA 414: Who is BUffy?
N HaHa: my head is intact
EAAlysonH: Oh no no no no no...I am so not a writer. That would just be bad.
Fluf2Toes: The big breasted twin of Buffy
EAAlysonH: He's also extremely busy.
Ashy221111: lol
NuttyGrl14: lol
MelonJello: lol
N HaHa: good one
CIRCA 414: fluf LOL LOL
JC BELL764: I invited her, but I sent it as a question. I think Comments go only to the host.
EAAlysonH: He's way out of my league. I could never to do that. He's a genius.
N HaHa: oops
TAFKABH: Did someone say Big Busted?
EAAlysonH: I can't express myself through writing!
N HaHa: that means that i should apologize
Fluf2Toes: Ah, sort of John

EAMC Host: Here is a question from TAFKABH for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"
SlackerSpc: YES!
CIRCA 414: John I think "Big Breasted" was what Fluf said
JC BELL764: YEAH!!!!!
SlayrGodss: WOOHOO
Question: Hi Alyson from the Hanniganites on the WB Message Board! We Love you! Do
Question: you ever visit there? TAFKABH (John) Proud Charter Member of The Hanniganites
NuttyGrl14: YAY!!!!!!!!
Ashy221111: yesa
MelonJello: John!!!!
RavenAmbr: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buffysums: ahhhjohn its you
N HaHa: YES!
JCPandich: Yeah!
Missa97: Look John
NuttyGrl14: WAy to go JOHN!!!!!!
MelonJello: Wahooo!!
CIRCA 414: YEAH JOHN!!!!!!
EAAlysonH: I go to the Buffy Web site a lot. I am on AOL but I usually sign on
NuttyGrl14: WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RavenAmbr: you rule!
EAAlysonH: at work.
MelonJello: GO JOHN!
EAAlysonH: But when I'm at work, I also have so much else to do that I haven't been on that much.
Ashy221111: yaeh
TAFKABH: Thank You, Thank You!!!
MelonJello: She has AOL!
HEADDAVACA: that was cool, you're the bomb John!
Ashy221111: go john
NuttyGrl14: yeah!!
Buffysums: yay go john!!!!!
MelonJello: Go John!
EAMC Host: Here is a question from JAC 1986
Question: Hi, my name is Tom, will you be my Valentine?
N HaHa: i apologized to cool host guy
JC BELL764: Oh, well, that was cute.
CIRCA 414: NO!!!
NuttyGrl14: She answered a Hanniagnite ?!!!!!!
CIRCA 414: Me too
MelonJello: Didn't we do this already.....
EAAlysonH: I don't think I can. I'm sorry. My boyfriend would be upset.
Fluf2Toes: Way to go John, She read your name. You must be proud
BECA326: i know
Missa97: Is this name they are using is that her aol name
CIRCA 414: Nutty did you miss it
N HaHa: she's my valentine
CIRCA 414: Scrool up if you did
TAFKABH: I have to copy this sucker!!!
EAAlysonH: t depends what being a Valentine means.
MelonJello: No Missa
JC BELL764: No, this is a temporary name.
Fluf2Toes: Someone saving this log?
NuttyGrl14: no
SlackerSpc: No, her AOL name is different.
MelonJello: I am!
Ashy221111: What is her aol name
RavenAmbr: What is it?
NuttyGrl14: I saw it
N HaHa: i'm going to save it
Missa97: okay
BECA326: maybe we could find out her sn
EAMC Host: Here is a question from greengirl
Question: Alyson, if you could be a character in any TV show or movie, who would
Question: it be and why?
CIRCA 414: I don't think that she uses that Screen Name
EAAlysonH: I would want to be someone in Toy Story, because I want to be a cartoon.
SlackerSpc: I know what it is, but she's never on.
Fluf2Toes: Send New questions!!!!!!!
HEADDAVACA: She said that she's been around the message board and she knew about the Hanniganites!
EAAlysonH: I just think I would be a good cartoon. I would want to be one
RavenAmbr: What is it?
HEADDAVACA: I just heard her say that!
TAFKABH: They told her about the Hanniganites!!!! YES!!!!!
EAAlysonH: of those alien guys that gets fed to the dog.
JC BELL764: She said that for real?
MelonJello: She knows!!!!!!
N HaHa: YES!!!!!!
EAMC Host: Here is one from Moriah556
Question: What do you think of all the online clubs devoted to Willow?
Ashy221111: She knows???
Missa97: Thast so cool, she knows
BECA326: how did u find out?
HEADDAVACA: Yep, I have Real Audio, she said it.
BECA326: wow she knows
EAAlysonH: I think that's wonderful! I try to visit but I see way to many pictures of
MelonJello: That is so very cool!
EAAlysonH: myself.
JC BELL764: I have Real Audio, but I can't hear a damn thing.
N HaHa: elizabeth, you are my new best friend
EAAlysonH: I think they know more information on me than I do!
N HaHa: did she see the orgy posts???!!?
MelonJello: Elizabeth, you rock!
NuttyGrl14: I hope not
RavenAmbr: I hope not
Missa97: I hope not
RavenAmbr: lol
EAMC Host: Alyson, well all of your online fans are glad you joined us on AOL tonight!!
MelonJello: Jinx
CIRCA 414: Elizabeth you do indeed rock
BECA326: elizabeth, john u guys rock!
EAMC Host: Thank you for chatting with us on the Entertainment Asylum tonight
Missa97: its over
MelonJello: Is she leaving??
TAFKABH: TThanks Guys! (Sniff)
NuttyGrl14: noooo, she go buh-bye????
Buffysums: nooo dont gooooo
HEADDAVACA: I'm the bomb, thanks :)
JC BELL764: What exactly did she say? Just that she'd heard of us?
EAAlysonH: Thanks so much for having me. I had a great time!
MelonJello: Nooooo!
BECA326: she is leaving!
CIRCA 414: OH NO!!!!! IT'S not over is it!!!
N HaHa: Aly, we logve you!
BECA326: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
N HaHa: I can't speel
EAMC Host: Buffy fans, join us in the Entertainment Asylum message boards for more Buffy chat
MelonJello: Don't go!!!
EAMC Host: at Keyword Asylum
OnlineHost: “EAAlysonH” has left the room.
HEADDAVACA: I guess they typist can't write everything, she/he sucks.
NuttyGrl14: Come back ALY..............
BECA326: she's gone
CIRCA 414: Okay the minute she leaves I'm posting on the boards no one post before me until I say so!
Buffysums: ahhhh....she left
N HaHa: please come back
BECA326: i gtg now
Ashy221111: Everybody yo Slayer central we must talk
EAMC Host: For more chats with your favorite celebrities on the Entertainment Asylum check out
JC BELL764: Slayer
Fluf2Toes: I can still smell her perfume
CIRCA 414: Don't go
MelonJello: She's gone!
TAFKABH: Hey, We got a MENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
EAMC Host: the Asylum chat at Keyword: EA Chat
Ashy221111: sorry
JC BELL764: SC is open for business!
RavenAmbr: CVan someone link me up to SC?
BECA326: we need the link
NuttyGrl14: Someone send me a link to Slayer central??? Please!!!!!!!
RavenAmbr: can
N HaHa: we miss her
MelonJello: Jen, can you send me a link?
Buffysums: someone link me to slayr cental
BECA326: lets just make a private room buffy
CIRCA 414: Someone send me the link.
Fluf2Toes: I''ll link NuttyGrl14
Missa97: some send me a link I want to go to the chat room
EAMC Host: Good night everyone!
N HaHa: i'll be right there
BECA326: link me
HEADDAVACA: She's still talking about her stunt doubles.
OnlineHost: Copyright 1998 America Online, Inc.
NuttyGrl14: thanx Fluf
N HaHa: shut up host
Missa97: Good idea a private room
N HaHa: gr
MelonJello: Go away host guy!
OnlineHost: “EAMC Host” has left the room.
HEADDAVACA: She's answering Anime Nut's question
MelonJello: Argh
N HaHa: YAY!!!!!!
MelonJello: Domain!
N HaHa: he's gone
CIRCA 414: Yeah lwats all go to a private chat room or somethingI have lots of Snickers left to spare
BECA326: private room
Buffysums: i sent aly mail
HEADDAVACA: She's talking about fans who don't know her from Willow
JCPandich: How do we get there?
MelonJello: can someone please send me a link?
HEADDAVACA: She thinks the kids are sweet...
SlayrGodss: <----------needs a link too
BECA326: k go to the ppl on top then go to private room buffy
Missa97: I need a link
CIRCA 414: Whats was her Screen Naameagain.
MelonJello: I need to read the real transcript!
RavenAmbr: k
HEADDAVACA: They're talking about her tatoo of dolphins
JCPandich: What's the ppl?
HEADDAVACA: She won't show the tatoo.
JCPandich: How are you hearing this?
HEADDAVACA: I hope this is helpful.
Missa97: what about a room
JCPandich: SCP actually
BECA326: yeah where are they talking about this?
N HaHa: there will be a transcript of the RA stuff, right?
N HaHa: the ra stuff will be availible online later, i think
Missa97: yeah I bet there will
Missa97: well if where not going to a room i'm posting
RavenAmbr: hey guys, where are we going?
N HaHa: i'm going to sc now. bye

Post Note: Long, I know! Sorry! But so you all know, according to those at Real Audio portion of the chat saw and heard Alyson mention the Hanniganites by name. I'll see if I can figure out how to get the WAV file of it up here eventually.

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