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Angel Gets a Job?

Subject: POLL:Angel gets a job
Date: Sun, Nov 23, 1997 1:06 PM
From: Mzloril
Message-id: <>

OK all I have been reading everyones posts about Angel and Buffy doing the deed and their future so now I have a hypothetical Question Please E-mail me your answers and I'll post the results in about a week if I get a good response Here goes

If Buffy and Angel live happily ever after he of course wants to get a job to help out.. What kind of job should he get and why?

Subject: Re: POLL:Angel gets a job
Date: Mon, Nov 24, 1997 12:50 AM
From: Retozon
Message-id: <>

Pizza Delivery Man
why? cuz it's a job at night and...umm...he'll look really cute wear the hat.

"I didn't even notice"
__________________________________________________ Subject: Re: POLL:Angel gets a job
Date: Wed, Nov 26, 1997 12:22 PM
From: Rikki1970
Message-id: <>

ummmm....he would be a lab technician at a blood bank working the night shift!

___________________________________________________________________ Subject: Re: POLL:Angel gets a job
Date: Wed, Nov 26, 1997 6:27 PM
From: N HaHa
Message-id: <>

I have a suggestion for Angel's job. He could work in a mall piercing ears.

Founder of:
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Subject: Re: POLL:Angel gets a job
Date: Wed, Nov 26, 1997 7:39 PM
From: MelonJello
Message-id: <>


Nick, I'm not even gonna ask........

Personally, I think Angel would make a great bartender. He's definetely old enough to drink..... and I betcha he could make a great bloody mary!

"Right. I hired a Latvian bug man to kill Buffy so I could kiss you."
"We *so* need to get out of here"
Almighty Hanniganite
Willow and Oz in '97/98
Subject: Re: POLL:Angel gets a job
Date: Sat, Nov 29, 1997 4:05 PM
From: SCPandich
Message-id: <>

What sort of job could Angel have? The obvious one for a bloodsucker--lawyer.

(really amazed that he was the first one to mention it)
