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Well, this is where I have a bunch of famous- or at least memorable- threads from the Hanniganite and Buffy boards at AOL, and now the Hanniganite mailing list.
The **star** thingies indicate a new thread.

Karyn has by far been one of the biggest Xander and Cordelia supporters on the board. And it all had to start somewhere... The beginning of a bandwagon that has recently been revived.

The Beginning of the Hanniganites
Wondering how the Hanniganites came about? It started out as a fight over Alyson, and soon became the Almighty Hanniganite Four... Where is Jess nowadays, anyway?

Angel Gets a Job?
Lori brought up an interesting question, and I think I just gave away what the question was...

The Aly Shrine
Ah, John, Nick, Karyn and others fighting over the location of the shrine to Miss Alyson Hannigan. Memories.

Why WML Was the Hot Bomb
Karyn's reasons why What's My Line was worth seeing.

Teacher Talk
Jen and Kerrid's secret is out... =)

The Missing Dialogue from WML
Another Karyn post, this time chronicling the missing dialogue from a certain scene in What's My Line part two.

The Return of Angle
I didn't know Angel's evil twin Angle was around this long. Apparently he's been around longer than most current board posters.

Um... Karyn's success with TCUXACOGTALOC made her create another bandwagon.

Protecting Today's Youth...
And of course, it's a Karyn post! =) The wrath of Angle must be stopped... But how?

The First Annual Usual Awards
Kind of sort of based on Nick's weekly column on the boards called the Usual, he did a kind of poll on it. Here are the results.

Karyn's Ripping Off Nick's Idea Awards
Karyn takes Nick's idea and runs with it.

Xander vs. Angel
Can you list 7 reasons why Xander is better than Angel, or vice versa? See what some other people said.

Happy New Year
New Year's 1998 Wishes from the Hanniganite president himself.

Williow and Angle in 97/98
The famous Williow and Angle bandwagon comes into existence.

Nick's Spellchecker
Nick gets his badly needed spellchecker. (Duh) Once again calling MelonJello... We need you back, if only for that! =)

The Orgy Posts
Those of you who were around for New Year's 1998 should remember a certain thread... Starting with the preview for S&I which showed Angel in bed with someone (no one knew who), imaginations ran wild and Angle was suddenly the town whore.

Comic Con Adventure
Karyn visits a Comic Convention and regales us with her tale of meeting Joss, Nick and Aly.

This page was torn from the site when I found this post. The Almighty NICKname campaign comes into play.

The Ark
Basically, the David Droolers have a plan to kidnap David Boreanaz, put him onto the ark and... Use your imaginations. This is a brand new thread that I might improve on, but I need to go through and find the posts. And you droolers post too damb much!!!

Buffaholics Chocoholics
Started by none other than the Chocolate Queen herself, Fluf, we Buffy fans now have a support group for our addiction... Warning, this started due to the intense caffeine posting of early 1998...

Stuck in the 80's
Definitely one of the most fun threads, this one became an homage/slam on the 80's and the pop culture in it. And since posting it, I can't get the Smurfs theme out of my head...

Coffee Talk
Those of you who were around early last year know about the coffee addiction certain people went through. NOTE: I have since given it up... Three times... But this is what happens when you dare us to stop the coffee...

That Recurring Character Kid
This is a thread I'm putting up for Elizabeth, who has become a Jonathan afficianado. Did I spell that right? Anyway, Elizabeth, hon... You called him "that kid." Go check it out.

Eggs, Contagions and Weird Come-Ons
I don't know. Just go see.

Oscars and the Like
This thread started as me complaining about my senior prom, and turned into our future field trip to the Oscars.

Learn it, Use it, Promote it
Who remembers CQTM? =)

Karyn's movie
Well, basically Karyn puts out the casting call for a horror movie she was writing. Hey, Karyn, I'm still unknown!

Thw WB's Must-See Thursday
Started with rumours of a Buffy spinoff (it'll never happen) and became a running joke.

Jan the Vampire Slayer
Sarah proves that Jan Brady would be the perfect vampire slayer...

Well, the Buffy obsessions are just the tip of the iceberg. Here's more of the stuff we're into.

Drooling and all that
One of the original drooler threads, the guys and girls fight over what sex should be in their bathing suits in an upcoming episode...

The Oscars and Madonna
Karyn explains why Madonna is her hero.

Nick posts on who could be the werewolf besides Oz. He doesn't think this is funny, I think it's hysterical.

Spike and Dru Talk
This is a post from way back when, when we still had folders. One of our posters discusses his first opinions of Spike and Drusilla.

Real World
Evil Angel goes on MTV's The Real World...

You Know You're Obsessed When...
A pretty good list of ways to know you've gone off the deep end with the Buffy phenomenon.

I almost think this is from a forward, but it's funny. Kerrid posted a few interesting questions. Definitely worth a read.

Why Buffy Doesn't Suck
Karyn dismisses all those "Buffy sucks" trolls with a simple top 10 list.

Scott's Speculations
Scott (well, duh) has some interesting ideas on how people would react to Angel after the events of Becoming.

Comic Con 2
Yep, she went to a second one. And spoke to Joss.

Hap's Adventure
And Hap went to a convention type thing. If you've seen pictures floating around the net of the cast at the Museum of Television and Radio or whatever, those are his.

Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Some poor soul actually had to ask who Alyson was. I hope he didn't want a straight answer. (Note to Nichole, check out the length of your sig! Half the HTML work just went to that thing!)

Spicing Up Our Lives
Good old fashioned ripping on the Spice Girls. Or at least it would be if Nick had a joke.

Our Official Psychobabbler
Um, if you think I can Ramble, check out what Eva did in this post...

Hick Talk, Starring Sarah
Started out as one of my rants, and ended with Sarah telling one of her stories. She's got great stories. =)

It All Started Here...
The Dru thread has been going on the Buffy board for over a year now. It's an endless ramble of about six people? Makes no sense, but it's cool. It will outlive us. And I have the very first post.

Decrepit Schools
Rozenfrei rambles about the school he went to. Which brought up some painful memories about our own falling-apart grade schools.

Faith Kissed Buffy!
For those of us who believe in the subtext between Faith and Buffy (viva la subtext!), Enemies turned out to be a triumphant episode. (Especially for Karyn.)

Nick = The Devil?
Alex starts thinking he heard Nick in a song...

Mike's Story Circle
Others besides me and Eva can ramble. This time it's Mike. But it's funny.

Beware the Ferrets
Don't ask. Just read.

Senior Ramble Babble
Eva's wonderfully off-the-wall thoughts upon leaving high school. (Woo hoo!)

Karyn's Dream
Karyn posts her Buffy dream to the board. You could try analyzing it if you have nothing better to do.

Another Karyn post, she rambles about the events of the episode Choices.

Delaying Studying
And now a ramble from Nick. We're all good at this babbling thing, huh?

Kenz's Ramble
And now it's Kenz's turn. But for some reason this strikes me as really funny.

Get Down and Get Funky
Thanks to Karyn, we now have Buffy character-related songs. We should sing this at our next Hannichoir concert.

The Hot Fudge Sundae Analogy
Ah, Mike's sundae analogy. A thread that lives in infamy.

Another famous thread, evil twins )other than Angle) I think oringated from here. It's also where some fish jokes are housed, but I instead put the quotes from Nick, Mike and Andy on the Quotes page.

Evil Competition
People vote on who's most evil: Nick, Scott or sarah.

1999 Nurses Ball Ramblings
I Ramble about General Hospital's Nurses Ball. Deal with it.

Um, Karyn invades Sunnydale with a film crew.

Go Fish
An alternate Go Fish. It's quicker, direct to the point, and more relevant to the plot than the actual episode.

How the Law Relates to Buffy
Scott channels the spirit of a lawyer. I have no idea what this was for, or why, but...

More Evil Competition
Alex, Ashli and Scott lay down their evilness... They describe what they've done... Scary.

Nick's Formula
Nick teaches us all how to figure out how old they are in minutes. He actually does this. He actually has a formula.

Top 10 Ways to Know You're Angle
My top ten list... It's kind of self-explanatory, dealing with the list someone posted about Way to Know you're Angel.

Welcoming Back Lindsey
Lindsey comes back to the boards, and Eva tells her what's been going on.

Saluting the Flag Day
Mike tells us why Flag Day is so damb cool.

Breakfast at the Hannihouse
Just what the title says. Kind of a round robin-Raid type thing, only much MUCH calmer.

Shab's take on the Angel promo
Someone get the sugar away from Shab...

Why everyone should watch Farscape
Yeah, I'm plugging my new obsession. Why should everyone watch it? To avoid mistakes like this one.

This requires explanation: sarah started it on the Dru thread. I ladled on the list, and now Al's making up limericks.

Psychic Al
Al displays his foretunetelling abilities.

Um, it starts with John and Hap. Need I say more?

Attn: Nick!
Danielle finds an interesting little tibit for Nick.

Karyn Needs Therapy
We knew that, (love you, Karyn!) but it's for an interesting reason.

Kotter!, sarah!
sarah comes back to the boards.

MotherFluf's Kitchen
The kitchen gets an interesting new rule... And this was supposed to be a thread but the only one I found was Alia's, sorry. DO NOT read if you don't want to be singing songs from Annie for the rest of your life.

Why Dan's Cool
It's just a very "aw" post.

Too Much of the 90's
Lori posts a fun list. Read if you feel like laughing.

Sleep Deprivation
Dan, honey... Go to bed. =) Danielle, I hope you don't actually do that...

The Mono Thread
Karyn gets sick.

Alyson the Lurker?
The list starts to wonder if Alyson might be watching...

Signs to Know You're Xander
Al comes up with a list...

Rant On!
James comes up with an impressive rant.

Rant On! part two
Natalie rants about her ex-movie theater job.

**Rant On! part three**
Danielle goes on a music rant that I still remember whenever I hear Jessica Simpson...

**The Raid**
Check it out, the very first Raid post!

**Ow, My Spleen!**
This started when Kris said her friend might have a spleen injury, and while we felt bad for her friend (whose spleen is fine), Nick has corrupted the way we think of spleens.

**X-Files/Hamster Xover?**
Koren posts something from the X-Files universe.

**Jill's Movie**
Jill, the Almighty Extra One, tells us all about her experience on the set of Never Been Kissed.

**Viva La Subtext!**
Gather round and watch Karyn break down the wonderful Jossian subext once again.

**Eew Scott**
A newbie post from early third season gives Scott something to grumble about while Alex laughs hysterically in the background.

**The Cowering in Fear Club**
Kelly joins the club!

Another newbie post that I thought was absolutely hysterical.

**Kill the Furby!**
This is what happens when a Furby (aka the minion of Angle) invades Alia's home.

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