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Why Dan's Cool

Subject: Personal Hanni comments
Date: Thu, 16 September 1999 11:50 AM EDT

Hey everyone.

Now that I'm an official Hanni, I'd like to give my personal opinions on certain things and people. Don't worry, it's all good.

Karyn - One of the sweetest, most adorable people I've ever had the pleasure of talking to. A good friend, and she really went out of her way to help me become a Hanni. Thanks, gorgeous.

Nicky - Cute and hilarious. really should think more highly of yerself. Talk to you soon, doll.

Jessica & Kimberly: Two girls I don't know that well, but still never fail to crack me up with their interesting opinions, outrageous rambles, and altogether funny statements.

Ashley - One of my best friends in the Hanni's. Haven't talked to you in a while, hon. Mail me.

Hap - Let's see. Sarcastic? Check. Perverted? Check. Hmm. We should get along just fiiiiiiiiiine. :-)

Twirly - Slowly becoming one of my favorite people here. Never fails to make me smile.

I know I forgot some people...forgive me. But I just got up. Bah.

Keeper of the Church of Ric Olie

Dan (The King of Hardcore!)

Proud Member of the Almighty Hanniganite Family!

A Jerichoholic 4-Life!


The cute way Willow raises her eyebrows,

& Willow's judgement of what is beautiful

VM- 412-600-124
