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Senior Ramble Babble

Subject: Senior Ramble Babble
Date: Sun, 20 June 1999 10:53 PM EDT
From: AngelNEves

Okay, this'll probably end up like a Nat Rambling, since I don't remember how my kind of babble used to work.

This is just ramble babble! (which would sound cool if that exactly rhymed).

Okay, well last Thursday was my last day of high school. It didn't really hit me at that felt like "oh, we have a week of vacation and then we go back", when of course that wasn't the case.

::scratches head:: I think I'm going to have to pull out Nat's thoughts of this when she graduated last year.

I mean, I'll miss some friends (it's hard to say sometimes b/c earlier this year, everyone was so sick of each other), but I definitely won't miss the school. More about my lovely school later. Everyone where I live dresses like clones and I swear I think every girl went to the same makeup school b/c everyone either has the same cake face. Even right down to the clothes...that's why I call people clones here. It's so hard to see someone as an individual b/c everyone looks so damb alike!! I won't even get into personality. I'm in most of the honor classes and the people I'm with are the most corruptive, nastiest people I ever met. I'm not an angel either, but at least I give consideration to people and their feelings and earn my 45 on a test...why do people have to kill themselves over getting a 100?

One guy brought hard core porn star Houston to last night's prom. lol!!

Alright, now on to Senior Awards Night, held about 2 weeks ago. The top girl of the class (barfingly much b/c so many people know she cheats...more about her later), who I'll call Pemberly, swept all the Science Awards. The science awards were all called one after another so after the 2nd I think, they pulled up a chair for her on the stage...gaggag. Okay, so I'll admit I'm jealous that she's smart (well..wait til I end this babble). But the 2nd top girl (who I'll call Sweet Girl) of the class is so much a true valedictorian in her own right. In grades, they are neck and neck but probably Pemberly had a higher weighted average (in that she probably took a harder course or soemthing) so she above. But Sweet Girl is such a sweet person, with a lot of integrity, honestly and is just so humble.
She's also so helpful, not boastful and quieter as compared to Pemberly, who is the total opposite. And I so wish the whole senior class had the power to name Sweet Girl as the valedictorian, especially since luckily at the "Senior Fashion Show" Sweet Girl was voted by the senior class "Most Likely to Succeed" hurrah!! =)

Now on to thesenioryearbookfullofyearbookstaff....that's exactly what it was -- A Senior Yearbook full of people from yearbook staff. Oh yeah, what a way to represent 630 of seniors in our school. I'm not photogenic, and don't want my picture to be splattered in the first place, but at least give consideration to those who rightfully deserve to have their picture taken, those who, okay, may not be in the "smart classes", but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to be in the yearbook. Like I want to see some of the yearbook staff at their sweet sixteens, playing with their pets, sleeping in class, eating in their homes...etc. Okay, so they took pictures of people outside the yearbook staff...but the point is, is that there are more pictures of the yearbook staff than anyone else. ::sigh::

Did I mention that the courses at my college all at the moment seem so unappealing?

My mouth is so dry, I think that's all babble I have. And I got it all out! Yay!
With graduation on Friday, and meeting with my friend to see AP2 (she went to the prom, so she'll have endless stories to tell), I'll probably more to ramble babble about next week! lol.

Thanks, good night all! =)

"I would like a nice, powerful, mind-altering substance. Preferably one that will make my unborn children grow gills."
(\o/) Eva (\o/)
City of Hanniganites
The Almighty Peacekeeping one
Resident Psychobabbler
Evon from Planet Cleocin
Grape feeder/taster of the kingdom
List maker, Hamster sitter, Hap's kitty
Sitting on someone's lap on the crowded HAaAS bandwagon
We're shorter than Seth Green Club
I make up new sayages.
The Almighty Hanniganite Family
In marriage counseling with Michael Rosembaum, Jeff Timmons, Nick Lachey and Stephen Dorff
