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The Beginning of the Hanniganites

Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Thu, Nov 20, 1997 5:16 PM
From: BuffHarley
Message-id: <>

I don't know if SMG has a boyfriend, but ALYSON sure does ! ! Of course she don't know about it, but she does ! ! ! !

Close to the edge, not over it yet, but close!
Rupert Rosenburg
"Willow Watcher" "Hannagan-ite"
"Hannagan Hound" "Alyson Admirer"
President of the:
"Alyson Hannagan for President"
Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Thu, Nov 20, 1997 8:17
From: N HaHa
Message-id: <>

Thanks for mentioning me. I appreciate it. :)


Founder of:
WILLOW & OZ IN '97/98
The Almighty NICKname Campaign
Proud member of:
________________________________________________ Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Fri, Nov 21, 1997 1:48 AM
From: CordyChase
Message-id: <>


Okay Nick, What do say, best of ten rounds ! ! >>

okay. you guys fight. and then, after about the fourth round, she'll realize that, in fact, I am the one for her, and we'll watch... and mock... and laugh.


"But I handed in my test... I used a number two pencil!"
"Oh... I have frog fear."
"...most importantly, it would be wrong."
slay the force be with you...
Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Fri, Nov 21, 1997 7:37 PM
From: CordyChase
Message-id: <>


nick -- _______________ <------ insert cordelia's laugh from "reptile boy" here. what young guy? where?? AND if she does go for Karyn, it'll just be a phase until she realizes that the young guy is who she belongs with (which would still put both of us one up on poor BuffHarley)... until she realizes that THAT was just a phase of the phase and will come back to me. AND THEN WE ALL WOKE UP!!!

hey, when you guys decide when and where, lemme know... i'll sell the tickets.

"But I handed in my test... I used a number two pencil!"
"Oh... I have frog fear."
"...most importantly, it would be wrong."
slay the force be with you...
Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Fri, Nov 21, 1997 8:10 PM
From: NHaha
Message-id: <>


You know, I responded to BuffHarley as a joke, and it turned into this whole mess. We should look at this realistically. On the odd chance Alyson did end up with any of us, we all know who it would be (actually, it depends on who's reading this, but we can all think what we want). So let's just stop this petty argueing and let's all call a truce. Aly is not ours to share... she is here for us to enjoy her presence. Does The Almighty Hanniganite Three all truced (if it's not a word, it should be, so there) now? Good.


Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Fri, Nov 21, 1997 9:47 PM
From: CordyChase
Message-id: <>

yeah, i was under the impression that we were all kidding-like, as well. sorry if anyone was emotionally scarred by our little "aly-drama."

and, yes, nick and buffharley, you each get 27%, leaving me with (counting...) 46%which i will use to promote TCUXACOGTALOC and buy a sweater.

Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Sat, Nov 22, 1997 10:05 PM
From: Luvdavendm
Message-id: <>

I know you three decided that Alyson would not end up with any of you, but as I was reading your posts, I did come up with an alternate plan...Alyson can spend a week with each of you, which means she has a forth week open...during that forth week, she can spend commuting between all of your houses, that will leave her with lie 4 days a month to tape the show...what an exciting life she will lead...of course this is a suggestion, and notto be taken too seriously....

Desperately in Love with David-Tina

Proud card carrying member of TCUXACOGTALOC
Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Sun, Nov 23, 1997 1:00 PM
From: JC BELL764
Message-id: <>

::Jen meeky raises her hand::

Hey, can I have one of those days to take Aly to MGM Studios so that she can see the Toy Story parade? I know I don't love her like you guys do, it's more a platonic thing, but I am a big fan, and generally speaking a mighty nice person, and um, I promise to buy her cotton candy!

"Color me stunned."
Subject: Re: Does Buff have a boyfriend, in real life?
Date: Sun, Nov 23, 1997 8:44 PM
From: CordyChase
Message-id: <>


go ahead and take her on one of my days, jess. just don't give her a ton of sugar before you bring her back... when she came back from nick's, she was bouncing off the walls... on second thought... maybe that's not all bad... BUT NO COFFEE!!! it make her jumpy.

"Her lover? I thought that was her chiropractor."
"Because of that thing her did with her feet? No, that was personal."
Almighty Hanniganite Four
Willow and Oz in 97/98 Bandwagon