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Breakfast at the Hannihouse

Subject: Re: Breanna's Snack Bar: Bev's first day...
Date: Thu, 10 September 1998 06:43 PM EDT
From: MsLong2th

sandy walks to the bar (this is good the snack bar is on the same floor as my room.......)

bev:oooh my first customer.....hi sandy any news on bre?

sandy: not today but i sent out everyones messages by snail mail.....

will: sigh

bev: what can i get you?

sandy: mmm..some captain crunch with crunch berries perhaps? no milk..i just need sugar.....

"there is no one in the world exactly like me....sometimes even i have trouble doing it
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Vice Pres of GFC
Proud Hanniganite
Drusillas Dollie--Sandra Dee
and member of many other clubs under my other name
Subject: Re: Breanna's Snack Bar: Bev's first day...
Date: Tue, 15 September 1998 02:28 PM EDT

:::after giving Sandy her cereal and talkin for a bit Will decides to morph his way outta there to talk to Bre:::

Bev: Will can you make some more french fries? Will??? Will?!?! :::looks around the snack bar:::

Sandy: Whered he go?

Bev: Oh no! he's lost again ::sigh::: oh well I mean I gotta wait til the store closes then I'll go find him

Sandy: Wow guess he does that a lot huh?

Bev: :::nods:::

:::Will morphs over to Bre and they talk for a while:::

Beverly b
(My long sig is cleaning up SD park for me)

Subject: Re: Breanna's Snack Bar: Bev's first day...
Date: Tue, 15 September 1998 06:19 PM EDT
From: MsLong2th

Will has morphed to talk to bre....but..

sandy: oh i talked (?) to breanna's cousin today and she has recieved all of your well wishes/messages....bre should be back soon shes doing better...

bev: thats good to hear...sigh of relief......

sandy: yeah i know...i have to eat alot of captain crunch to keep this thread going...ive been eating it for what? a week straight.....sigh.....

bev: good thing you like captain crunch.....

sandy; i think i want to learn how to morph....

"there is no one in the world exactly like me....sometimes even i have trouble doing it
click here>>>>GFC.home.index.html
Vice Pres of GFC
Proud Hanniganite
Drusillas Dollie--Sandra Dee
and member of many other clubs under my other name
Subject: Re: Breanna's Snack Bar: Bev's first day...
Date: Wed, 16 September 1998 11:14 AM EDT

Will comes back happily after knowing Bre is ok...

Bev: One order of Capt crunch comin up!

Sandy: thanks glad you are extra stocked with that stuff

Bev: me too Will is always usuing to throw out thw window at the swimmers hes such a nerd sometimes

Sandy: :::laughs and eats her cereal:::

Will: hi guys! im back

Sandy and Bev: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Will: oops sorry didnt mean to scare you

Bev: Will you have to stop this do you want another lecture?

Will: No ill just go up to the balcony now

Sandy: Hey Will?

Will: yah?

Sandy: can you teach me how to morph?

Will: sure! but you gotta stop eating that cereal first

Sandy: Heh uhmmm well...can you teach me later?

Will: :::nods and goes up to bevs balcony to make Bre a welcome back card:::

Bev: Oh what a day...

Sandy: yeah but Bre is back!

Bev: that is very true!! now i dont have to run the bar anymore hehehe

Sandy: Thank goodness she is better

Bev: yeah i think everyone was worried
:::smiles with relief:::

:::Leo walks by tryin to find a friend but noone sees him:::

Beverly b
(My long sig is cleaning up SD park for me)
Subject: Re: Breanna's Snack Bar: Bev's first day...
Date: Wed, 16 September 1998 09:44 PM EDT
From: MsLong2th

sandy: i bet i can hit leo with a red crunch berry.....

bev: wait you have to hit him in the head so he falls into the pool...

sandy: (laughing....) hey where is the hannihouse anyway? is it warm all year? because even though the pool is heated and inside its strange going in a pool when its cold outside....

bev: youre right if leo falls in we can shut the heater off and watch him freeze....

sorry about the bad joke i couldnt resist....

"there is no one in the world exactly like me....sometimes even i have trouble doing it
click here>>>>GFC.home.index.html
Vice Pres of GFC
Proud Hanniganite
Drusillas Dollie--Sandra Dee
and member of many other clubs under my other name
Subject: Re: Breanna's Snack Bar: Bev's first day...
Date: Fri, 18 September 1998 07:47 PM EDT
From: Juliett421


Ali: Ahh!!!


Ali: Leo!! There you are!! Where'd you go? I was worried.

Leo: I got hungry.....

Ali: Tsk tsk, there is a kitchen in the penthouse.......come on.....

Ali: Grr...


Matt: Ali, where'd yo....Oh, you went looking for him......I should've known.

Ali: Oh come on, I was in love with him before I knew you were alive, I just can't stop like that......

Matt: Grrr.... I'll drown him in the hot tub when she goes to bed......

Ali: What was that??

Matt:.....oh nothing....

Matt's official toe sucker,
Ali-(Sheep Girl)
The Almighty Dedicated One
Member of the Almighty Hanniganite Family
Member of the OTA
Liss will be my vent friend forever!! woo!!
Subject: Re: Breanna's Snack Bar: Bev's first day...
Date: Sun, 20 September 1998 06:16 PM EDT
From: Cordygirl

At the snackbar, where Bev, Matt, and Ali are talking........

Ali: Well, what did you say?

Matt: Nothing! You're hearing things, Ali.

Ali: Maybe I am. But in time I shall find out this....evil....thing you said. Whatever it may be.

Bev: ::has slightly bemused look on her face:: Hmm....

Devon morphs behind them.

Devon: Hello!

Bev: Hi?

Devon: What? Am I interrupting something?

Ali: You sure aren't.

Devon: Well, just wanted to let you guys know that we have 9 days left until......::gets huge smile on her face::

Matt: Till what?

Devon: Oh, nothing...

Matt: What? Tell me!

Devon: You're hearing things, Matt.

Everyone sighs in exasperation at how annoying Devon is being.

§ † §
The Almighty Annoying One
Ecstatic member of the Almighty Hanniganite Family
