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Karyn Needs Therapy

Subject: Karyn needs therapy 'n stuff
Date: Sun, 12 September 1999 11:29 PM EDT
From: WBSellOut

As if that were anything new. =)

Okay, so I finally picked up my Target gift certificate that my grandma left with him last Christmas. Yesterday I saw "Brokendown Palace" and it happens to have an AWESOME soundtrack. Putting two and two together, I decided to buy the soundtrack with my gift certificate.

They didn't have it, which was really no big surprise because Target never has the CD I'm looking for. Now, here's the part that leads me to need professional therapy. What did I buy instead? No, not that Jewel spoken word thing. I bought the Britney Spears CD. Yes, I bought the BRITNEY SPEARS CD.

This could have to do with the fact that last night I dreamt that Britney was my best friend and we were in a movie that really sucked and Eric Stoltz was in it, too. When I woke up, the first thing I said was, "It figures Eric Stoltz would be in a movie like that."

Of course, it's not secret that I'm a closet pop music freak (See: 1001 posts regarding the Spice Girls). But Britney Spears???? She's 25, by the way. This is a fact I have decided to make up. Why? Because it's fun.

Help. Me.

"Tomboy. Alright, call me a tomboy. Tomboys get medals. Tomboys win championships. Tomboys can fly. Oh, and tomboys aren't boys." - Julie Foudy

Slay the force be with you,
Karyn - AHF VP
Almighty Jester One
