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TV Gen

TVGEN: Welcome to the TVGEN/Yahoo! Chat Auditorium. Our guest tonight is Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Alyson Hannigan, who plays Willow, a shy wallflower who becomes Buffy's friend and confidante.

Alyson Hannigan: Hi!

TVGEN: The season finale of Buffy airs tomorrow night on the WB Network. Nothing will ever be the same again!!!! Let's get to the questions!!!

Dark_night2: Alyson, when do you start filming the new season?

Hannigan: I was told July 22 is our start date.

Cordy_Fan: Alyson, If you had to pick your favorite Willow outfit, what would it be. :)

Hannigan: Wow, good question! I had this one dress that was sort of a fleece puffy dress thing, so comfortable. So I liked that dress. It was in the episode when I was interrogating Jonathan, one of the students who the swim team picked on. You didn't get to see much of the dress but I loved it.

Sunrise84: How are you today? Thanks for chatting with us!

Hannigan: I am great! Thanks for being there to chat with!

Cordy_17: Do you think there is a chance for a Willow/Xander pairing?

Hannigan: Oooh. I don't know. Anything is possible in Sunnydale!

nave2: Is the awesome Alyson Hannigan single?

Hannigan: No!

Planetalanis: Do you and the other cast members play practical jokes on each other?

Hannigan: Sometimes. Not as much in the second season as we did the first season. Just because once you play a practical joke you have to hear about it in almost every interview so it gets a little repetitive. So then, its like, enough already! At least that's my experience.

Dutchess08: When you have time off, what kind of things do you like to do?

Hannigan: Well, I love to play with my animals, my dogs and cats, and go see movies, and shop, I guess. Actually shopping and I have a love hate relationship. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it. And just anything.

Planetalanis: Do you ever visit any of your fan sites on the web?

I have, but now I'm pretty frustrated with the computer that I have so I don't actually go on much anymore. BUt I am going to buy a new computer, I shopping for one right now. I just haven't decided what kind yet.

amielx: What's the strangest thing you've gotten from a fan?

Hannigan: Wow! I don't know, I guess I don't really get many strange things. I just get normal stuff. Beanie Babies, CD's from people's bands.But they also go through a security system first, so I might not have seen the strange stuff. I've heard some scary stories from the security people though.

Sunrise84: Do you have any advice for an aspiring actress? I love acting, and I think I would love to work with you!Br> Hannigan: Well, be persistent. And don't take rejection personally. And just believe in yourself.

JackDawson107: What is your favorite beanie baby?

Hannigan: Actually it's one I don't have, it's Spook The Ghost.

Cordy_Fan: Alyson, can you tell me when we will see season 3 ??? and will Willow be back?

Hannigan: I hope I'm back! I don't know when season three will start airing.

Capsfan007: What projects are upcoming this summer for you?

Hannigan: Dead Man on Campus is coming on July 25 I believe. And then as far as filming, I'm still looking for a project to do over the break.

Kat48173: What's your favorite episode of BtVS you've done so far?

Hannigan: That's so hard to answer. Wow! There's so many. I liked doing the episode where Zander puts a love spell on everyone but Cordelia. That was fun.

JohnNDana: Whose been your favorite actor/actress to work with?

Hannigan: Wow! John Ritter was amazing to work with. But I've worked with, everyone on the show is wonderful. I've worked with great people!

Buffy912: Can you relate in Willow in any way?

Hannigan: Oh, yeah, definitely. Wow! I don't know. Willow and I are very similar because we're shy. But not always. We both have the same sort of sense of humor that not everyone quite understands. And we look alike!

ALANIS_2000: Did you star in My Stepmother is an Alien?

Hannigan: Yes.

Tall_Dark_N_Handsom: How long do you hope to stay with the show?

Hannigan: As long as they want me.

AsH1440: Alyson, what kind of music do you listen to? what are your favorite bands?

Hannigan: I listen to everything from classical music to rock. I'm a big Everclear fan. Radiohead. Just a lot of different types of music. Depends what mood I'm in.

Dot-man: Any plans for a Willow spin off show?

Hannigan: Not that I know of.

SpikeSlayer: What other movies have you appeared in?

Hannigan: Just My Stepmother Is an Alien, and Dead Man on Campus.

Loner_3: What do you think about real vampires?

Hannigan: I don't want to run into any in a dark alley. And I do wonder if they really wear Raybans.

SpikeSlayer: Can you tell us anything about tomorrow's episode?

Hannigan: It's on right before Dawson's Creek!

Skills_97: Did you want to be a actor growing up?

Hannigan: Yes. Ever since I can remember I've wanted to act. I've just always known that that's what I want to do.Rigamarol: Any in-cast romances?

Hannigan: No. We're all pretty much spoken for, but not by each other!

MariahC306: Alyson, are any of the actors on the show similar to their characters and if so, in what way?

Hannigan: Well, Nick is definitely similar to Zander in their sarcastic wit. Charisma is nothing like Cordelia. And Tony is nothing like Giles. So basically Nick is like Zander., That's what you have.

PicoDelSol: What would you like to see happen during the third season?

Hannigan: Wow! I don't know. I hope to explore Willow and Oz's relationship a bit more. And just basically keep going in the direction that the show's been going in.

Twinstar81: You guys go out together right? What do you do on a night out with your co-stars?

Hannigan: We'll go see bands play at the local clubs out here. Or we've been known to hit the bowling alley. We've gone miniature golfing before. Whatever fun things come to mind.

The_annointed_one: Does Joss let you have liberties with your character?

Hannigan: Yeah. I mean we have to ask first.

BuffyDa2nd_slayer: What changes would you make to the Willow character?

Hannigan: I'd cut her hair -- oops, already did that! But basically, that's it. I love her the way she is.

JohnNDana: Do you do your own stunts?

Hannigan: Not all of them, but as much as I can I do myself. But if it requires being thrown down a flight of stairs, no, we don't do that ourselves. We can do the little ones. We have an amazing stunt team that does the big stuff for us.

ALANIS_2000: what is it like on the set?

Hannigan: On set is great. It's fun. The crew is incredible. It's a big family to me.

Amysomers: If you had to pick any other character on the show to play besides Willow, who would it be?

Hannigan: I don't know. Obviously my first choice is Willow. I love Willow. But if not, Principal Snyder! Or, Drusilla.

Allegra_16: what's it like working with Sarah?

Hannigan: Oh, it' It's great!

JP2Bells: Who were your acting influences growing up?

Hannigan: Cindy Brady! That's pretty much who I wanted to be! And I also liked Shirley Temple. Something about the girls I guess!

Sg36: Describe your typical day at work.

Hannigan: If there is such a thing. I'll show up, go into makeup and hair and get dressed. Then rehearse the scene. Then kill some time while they're lighting the set. Then go in and film scene. Basically do the same thing over and over for the rest of the day. With the occasional trip to the snack food table.

Artemis1013: Aside from Buffy, do you watch TV, what kind of shows do you enjoy?

Hannigan: I love The Simpsons. I like X-Files and King of the Hill. Sunday night Fox! I love the Dennis Miller Show and Rosie O'Donnell.

LiLpiggy82: How much fan mail do you get?

Hannigan: I wouldn't know the number, but I get bundles. Every couple of weeks, a bunch.

Toocrazy44: How old you were when you started television business?

Hannigan: I started doing commercials when I was five in Atlanta, Georgia.

Lucy_Mann: What show would you love to guest on?

Hannigan: Hmm. Probably X-Files, or The Simpsons.

Dot-man: Would you ever want to get into directing?

Hannigan: Umm, maybe short films. But not for a while. I still have a lot to learn.

The_annointed_one: How has your life changed since taking the role of Willow?

Hannigan: It's changed drastically. I have a better house, a better car. And just nice knowing that I have an incredible job to go back to in a couple of months.

Sarahluver: If you could be anyone in the world for one day who would it be?

Hannigan: Bill Gates. Bill Gates yesterday, before he got sued by everybody. He's got a trampoline room!

Caustins: why is the show successful

Hannigan: Because you guys watch!!

Dawson631: What is the best experience you've had so far on the show?

Hannigan: Wow! I don't know. Those are hard to pinpoint questions. I can't just say, here, this is it. The whole show experience has been incredible. I can't just pick out one specific incident.

Giles_The_Watcher: Who would you like to have as a guest star on the show?

Hannigan: Rosie O'Donnell. She'd be fun. She could be a teacher that turns evil.

The_annointed_one: Are you into computers as much as Willow or even more so?

Hannigan: I'm into them. I don't understand them as well as Willow. She's much more literate than I am.

Alanna80: hey, Alyson, are you ever really scared by the show?

Hannigan: When watching I am. When we're filming, there's only been a couple of times when I've been scared because we've rehearsed it so many times. BUt watching it, there are many times that I've been frightened even though I know what's going to happen.

Twinstar81: Are you allowed to keep your wardrobe? Hannigan: No. Not allowed. Sometimes we get to keep the shoes. Only if they were free.

JackDawson107: Alyson, what is the tatoo of on your ankle?

Hannigan: Tribal Dolphins.

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