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Comic Con Adventure

Subject: things to know 'n stuff
Date: Sun, Nov 9, 1997 9:55 PM
From: CordyChase

hey there everyone! i have just returned from the buffy convention thing. i have seen and touched alyson hannigan... she does exist!! this also goes for nicky brendon and joss whedon (just not in the same magnitude). i shot an entire roll of film (which i am going to pick up in about an hour) of the trio.

things i learned today:
nick and alyson are A LOT like their characters, just not as shy or reserved. Nick is just as (if not more) sarcastic than xander, and aly has a witty sense of humor. i asked joss why he chooses names like willw, xander and oz, and aly said "well, you're asking joss." someone asked joss about the whole did angel or dru make spike thing. here's how it goes: angel made dru, dru made spike... therefore, angel is spike's sire (more like grand-sire).
nicky did the xander dance. it's just as scary in real life :)
oz WILL eventually talk to willow.
and, to quote joss, "...willow WILL get to kick someone, i can't say anything else, except that it's xander."

i bought a copy of the "when she was bad" shooting script, which i later had joss sign (yippee!!!), so... you can say that i had a neat day.

"sure thing, bossy the cow"
slay the force be with you...
