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Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 09:42 AM EDT
From: Andy00

Cornelia? Is she related to Cornholio?

Learn how to spell.

Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 11:54 PM EDT
From: Andy00

How about Stuffy? She's the one who stars on all those Nyquil commercials!

Gills: Got into those fish steroids........
Xender: Warrior Princ.......nevermind......(Ooh! Hello to the Imagery!)
Angelo: Empath who works for the Center......(oops, wrong series)
Angela: Female Gargoyle who is the daughter of Goliath (dang, also wrong series!)
Foz: Kermit the Frog's bear friend
Cornhelia: Heh heh! I need TP!
Principle Slider: Much to everyone's relief, he was walking by the wrong house one night and gets sucked into a portal to a parallel dimension. Where he's a bartender......

Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 07:53 PM EDT
From: Fluf2Toes

For those not understanding the posts on this thread one suggestion:

Sarcasm - look it up.



(The Almighty MotherFluf)

"We're good here, let's just leave it."
Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 06:07 PM EDT
From: N HaHa

2. ironic criticism or repoach

Fluf, just in case they didn't know where to look >>

Lori, I believe that's my job.

job [1] (noun)

[perhaps from obsolete English job lump]

First appeared circa 1627

1 a : a piece of work; especially : a small miscellaneous piece of work undertaken on order at a stated rate

b : the object or material on which work is being done

c : something produced by or as if by work

d : an example of a usu. specified type : ITEM

2 a : something done for private advantage

b : a criminal enterprise; specifically : ROBBERY

c : a damaging or destructive bit of work

3 a (1) : something that has to be done : TASK
(2) : an undertaking requiring unusual exertion

b : a specific duty, role, or function

c : a regular remunerative position

d chiefly British : state of affairs -- used with bad or good

synonym see TASK

-- on the job

: at work

job [2] (verb) jobbed; job*bing

verb intransitive

First appeared 1694

1 : to do odd or occasional pieces of work for hire

2 : to carry on public business for private gain

3 : to carry on the business of a middleman or wholesaler

verb transitive

1 : to buy and sell (as stock) for profit : SPECULATE

2 : to hire or let by the job or for a period of service

3 : to get, deal with, or effect by jobbery

4 : to do or cause to be done by separate portions or lots : SUBCONTRACT

5 : to penalize or deprive unfairly

job [3] (adjective)

First appeared 1710

1 British : that is for hire for a given service or period

2 : used in, engaged in, or done as job work

3 : of or relating to a job or to employment

And, just for the halibut (joke's still not dead):

Job (noun)

[Latin, from Greek Iob, from Hebrew Iyyobh]

1 : the hero of the book of Job who endures afflictions with fortitude and faith

2 : a narrative and poetic book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture

Okay, that's enough definations for now.


"Devoted to the Adorable"

"Buffy is a show by losers, for losers. Be PROUD. Losers rule."
-Joss Whedon, Almighty One

Hanniganite Pres.
125 members and counting

WILLOW & OZ IN '97/98

Cubs Fan

23-18 thus far

Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 01:30 PM EDT
From: Spec159

<< I dont like cornelia >>


Obviously she's refering to Cornelia Scipio, mother of the Gracchi brothers, Erin. She was the model of the Roman ideal of motherhood... Who was actually a really nice person from all we know of her, just like Cordelia.
DOLMHO(Doubling Over Laughing My Head Off) ;)

"You're never alone, not here you're not."

Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 04:37 PM EDT
From: H Majesty


Corny? Heh. That brings a Yo Mama joke to mind (run for cover, everyone!) Here goes--

Yo Mama's so corny her feet are jealous. (sorry, couldn't resist)


She was never a bimbo. She was just superficial. "Bimbo" is a stereotypical word. True bimbos are far and few between. They're a rarity. It's usually a show or just an assumption.


Cordy has always thought of things other than herself. Like clothes, cheerleading, football players...


Sorry, hun, but there are no "perfect in every way" women out there. Everybody has one flaw or another. It's a common bond we all share. Besides, perfection is way overrated. :-)

}i{ }i{
}i{ Heather }i{
}i{ }i{

Stacy's Long-Lost Sis
Co-President and Charter Member of WTIXC
Almighty Hanniganite, FoA, WLS, and OTA
:- Visit my NEW&IMPROVED homepage!! :-

"Save time-
See it my way."

Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 04:43 PM EDT
From: SCPandich

Cornelia. Zander's girlfriend.

Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 05:30 PM EDT
From: Thinker013

I think Cornelia is Cordi's evil twin, and some how or another related to Angle. Since Nick is supposed to keep an eye on Angle, who is gonna watch Corny?

Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 08:30 PM EDT
From: Blondi7698

So we have Cornelia, Zander, Ox, and Angle. Who are we missing?

Proud Member of the Hanniganite Family
CCharter Member of the APCL
Happy New Member of the "ALA"
Hap's content (but over petted) Hamster
Taylor of Angel's snug fitting leather pants
Abate in "98"

Willow: "Uh, Angel, if I tell you something you really don't want to hear do you promise not to bite me?"

Xander: "Angel was in your bedroom?!"
Willow: "Ours is a forbidden love."


Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 09:30 PM EDT
From: KDec90

>>>So we have Cornelia, Zander, Ox, and Angle. Who are we missing?<<<

Jiles.....heh heh heh heh

Subject: Re: Cornelia
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 12:10 PM EDT
From: WBVL Lynn

Oh boy, now we have Angle and Cornelia running around the boards! Did they make it out of hell when Angel got sucked in?

LOL, I couldn't help myself :D

~~WBVL Lynn~~
Buffy Chat Host/Board Reader
Keyword: WBVL
