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The Cowering in Fear Club

Subject: The Cowering in Fear Club
Date: Sat, Sep 12, 1998 2:12 PM
From: AlyHanFan

Hi! I was wondering what The cowering in Fear Club it something I can join?



Subject: Re: The Cowering in Fear Club
Date: Sat, Sep 12, 1998 2:24 PM
From: JuIiet743

Hi! I was wondering what The cowering in Fear Club it something I can join? >>

It's a pretty long story..but I don't see why you can't join..half the people that are in it just added it to their sig one day..I think I was the third member of that and sarah started it (sarah's back sarah's back!)

Subject: Re: The Cowering in Fear Club
Date: Sat, Sep 12, 1998 4:31 PM
From: JuIiet743

so can I just add it to my sig? >>

yeah sure..I don;t see why not..cause it's not like you could e-mail me an essay abotu why you would make a good cowerer or something.. :)
