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Delaying Studying

Subject: Delaying studying
Date: Tue, 01 June 1999 09:07 PM EDT
From: N HaHa

Hi all,

I know I usually don't do too many babbling posts (well, at least I don't start threads which are just me babbling... without a good reason), but it is currently 30 seconds after the 33th minute of the 7th hour since 12 noon this June 1st in the year 1999. From the time listed above, it is exactly (give or take a bit because I'm sure my clocks and the school's don't match... the school's clocks don't even come close to matching each other) 44,790 seconds until my Consumer/ Gifted final tomorrow, followed by my European History final, and, quite frankly, I don't feel like studying, nor will I until probably 10 tonight. Also, my dad called dibs on the computer after I'm done, and I don't like him using it (I have my reasons). So I'm just going to babble on a bit, probably to the amusement of some.

Anyway, I've noticed a few things recently:

*Easily two of the coolest villains in movie history, Darth Vader and Darth Maul, are pure evil and I can prove it. Arrange their names in chronological order (Maul was a Sith lord before Vader). Now turn it into a complex sentence fragment, Darths Maul and Vader. Take the capital letters together and what do you get? DMV. Pure evil.

*If the baseball playoffs started right now, the Cubs would repeat as Wild Card champs while the Red Sox would win the AL East (As far as I know. Things might have changed), reassuring me that it is sound To Believe.

*Andy Griffith is 73 years old today, meaning that he is actually a little younger than I had figured.

*It is June 1 and I have an illness that I usually contract in December (bronchitis). There is something inherently wrong with that fact, especially since I go to Europe on the 8th.

*Speaking of Europe, I leave from O'Hare and then go to Atlanta and onto Paris. Coming back on the 23rd, I go to JFK in New York and then back to O'Hare. Now this is O'Hare Airport. It has consistantly been the world's busiest airport until last year when Atlanta topped us by a very small margin (to two significant digits, I believe they were tied). Sarah went straight to Paris after stopping at O'Hare. Why is it that my plane has to stop in Atlanta (no offence to any Atlantans reading this)? All it does is add miles to the trip.

*On to Star Wars. My biggest complaint is that I have to wait another three years to see Episode 2. I CAN'T TAKE THIS WAITING GAME, DARTH LUCAS!!! Ah, that's better.

And that is all because, well, I'm out of stuff. If you read this far, congratulations. If you didn't, well, I could say anything I want about you, couldn't I? But I won't because I'm a better person than that. Neener neener.

Okay, that's all. Have a night.

I Believe,

"Devoted to the Adorable"

"Buffy is a show by losers, for losers. Be PROUD. Losers rule."

Hanniganite President

Cub Fan

This Day in History
1869 - Voting Machine patented by Thomas Edison

