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The Lost Dialogue From WML

Subject: the real truth 'n stuff
Date: Thu, Nov 27, 1997 4:42 AM
From: CordyChase

okay. curiosity has gotten to me. right now, i am really going to watch the cordy and xan in the basement scene, with the volume turned up really, really loud, AND, i'm going to give you guys the play by play. i'm not doing the whole thing, just from right before they kiss till their done. ready? okay. here goes:

"If I have to spend thirty more seconds with you, I'm gonna..."
"I'm gonna what? Coward!"
"I hate you!"
Okay, I'm turning it up... let's see what happens. It's kind of hard to hear over the music, but I'm sure it'll come through. I'll type it smaller to symbolize that quiet nature of the dialogue.

"Oh, Xander, I can't believe this is happening!"
"I know! And it's all thanks to Karyn's TCUXOGLY thing..."
"It's TCUXACOGTALOC. God, Xander, learn to spell."
"It's not even a real word, Cordelia, so get over it."
They've stopped kissing.
"We so need to get out of here!"

WOW! That's so exciting! They mentioned the campaign and everything! Thanks for bringing it up, Jess.

"I know what it means, dorkhead!"
";Dorkhead? You slash me with your words!"

Almighty Hanniganite
Founder of TCUXACOGTALOC ©1997
Willow and Oz in 97/98 Bandwagon
