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Eggs, Contagions and Weird Come-ons

Subject: Hard boil those suckers! 'n stuff
Date: Thu, Jan 15, 1998 9:20 PM
From: SlackerSox

Okay, I just find it really creepy that a lot of us have been really cranky and tired this week... especially the week of THIS episode. I made sure all my eggs were in the fridge (this is true, I'm not pulling a Willow on ya'll).

"Yes. Everyone hit me."

"But Ho-Ho's are a vital part of my cognitive process!"

Almighty Hanniganite Family
Founder of the now resurrected TCUXACOGTALOC ©1997
Subject: Re: Hard boil those suckers! 'n stuff
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 1998 2:27 AM
From: SCPandich

>>I made sure all my eggs were in the fridge (this is true, I'm not pulling a Willow on ya'll).<<

I don't know... Let's see your back.

(That was a joke, not some kind of weird come on)
Subject: Re: Hard boil those suckers! 'n stuff
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 1998 3:42 AM
From: SlackerSox

My back? Umm.. hey, what was that sound?

(That was some kind of wierd come on, either... I promise)

"Yes. Everyone hit me."

"But Ho-Ho's are a vital part of my cognitive process!"

Almighty Hanniganite Family
Founder of the now resurrected TCUXACOGTALOC ©1997
Subject: Re: Hard boil those suckers! 'n stuff
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 1998 3:43 PM
From: N HaHa

(That was some kind of wierd come on, either... I promise)>>

Either Karyn made a typo, or was actually making a weird come on, I'm not sure which.


"Devoted to the Adorable"

"Buffy is a show by losers, for losers. Be PROUD. Losers rule."

Almighty Hanniganite Family
The Man of the board- ask Erin.
Founder of:
WILLOW & OZ IN '97/98
Keeper of:
Willow's Adorableness
Subject: Re: Hard boil those suckers! 'n stuff
Date: Sat, Jan 17, 1998 1:54 PM
From: Star 380

Ever notice we're all working off each other? We all get sick at the same time, we're all hyper at the same time... I tell you, there's something strange about them thar boards...

"Does Elvis talk to you?"

Proud Member of the Hanniganite Family
"People underestimate the value of a good ramble."
Subject: Re: Hard boil those suckers! 'n stuff
Date: Sat, Jan 17, 1998 7:17 PM
From: NuttyGrl14

the boards r contagious! It's some kind of evil plot by the WB to keep us coming back. It's something in the monitors!!!!! I'm not crazy, it's true I tell u! TRUE!!!!

"Shoot me, stuff me, mount me"-Xander Harris
The Slayer Prophecies™ newsletter
Buffy tVS On-Line Fan Club™
WILLIOW & ANGLE in '98 [evil twins]
Keeper of:
Dru's Tarot cards
