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Our Official Psychobabbler

Subject: Honey Roasted Peanuts and....
Date: Thu, 09 April 1998 10:53 PM EDT


Hmmphh. Here I sit in my room with my eyes glued to a square screen in front of me.
Hands alternate from keyboard to can of honey roasted peanuts. I take the rare chance of looking around at the Tornado that blew past my room the past week.
Turn back to screen. ::crunch:: The bad thing about honey roasted peanuts is that they are sometimes hard to get out...looking for floss...get knocked off...hi sis....yeah, on computer....uh-huh.....uh-huh...yeah....ok....yeah, I was online....yeah...uh-huh...ok, bye..
click of mouse and typing a few keys to hear Mr. AOL man to welcome me into the glorious world of....uh...AOL....focus goes back to screen, with my eyes glued to a square screen in front of me....

""And you think you have problems."

resident psychobabbler
Official Grape Feeder and Taster
Hap's Kitty...~meow~
proud sister of Hanniganite Family
proud wearer of the invisible Hanniganite T-shirt
Proud member of APCL
Also proud member of WTIXC
Hamster sitter
Doing the:
"Sexy dance with Buffy"
"Snoopy dance with Xander"
"The 'I have frogs on me dance' (aka Frog Dance) with Willow"
"Bug stomping dance and 'Get the bugs off me' dance with Cordelia" (thanks Fluf!!)
"Time Warp with Giles"
Buffy's box of Oreos dumped in apple juice
Cordy's chips and dip
It's traditional among people...grapes =)
I think you've splashed on a little too much "OBSESSION FOR DORKS"
I'm sorry, I babble when I'm nervous
I do not babble. I occasionally run-on, every now and then I yammer--
