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Evil Competition

Subject: who is more evil
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 12:40 AM EDT
From: Xanfan

Okay, I have seen the question a couple of times, "Who is more evil, Scott or Nick"?

I am going to have to say that based on personal experience, Scott is MUCH more evil!!

However, Nick has a few more years to catch up to Scott, and I am thinking that seasoned properly, Nick might out do Scott!!!

Still searching Stacy,
The Almighty Rule-Making One

Subject: Re: who is more evil
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 02:42 AM EDT
From: SCPandich

Oh, great, I'm number one, but I have to worry about someone catching up to me.
Subject: Re: who is more evil
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 05:35 PM EDT
From: Thinker013

I still have to say........................... KEEP THEM AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alone, I can deal with them, as long as they are seperated.......... but together? That is when I begin to get scared ::shivering from the thought of it::

Proud member of the Hanniganite family
Member of the Unoffiial Ozzie and Amy club
Member of BLF
Subject: Re: who is more evil
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 10:32 PM EDT
From: MikeLa23

About a month ago, Scott claimed he wasn't actually evil, just a thinker of evil thoughts. Now he's going around telling everybody that he is evil. I think it's just part of some evil plan to prove how much more evil he is than Nick.

Subject: Re: who is more evil
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 12:32 AM EDT
From: AkaAlyToo

My personal opinion is Scott wins. But he just barely edges out Sarah. Sorry Nick, you come in third.

The Almighty Helpful One
Abate in '98 - And NOBALONEY
GodParent of Jennifer's Adopted Invisible Daughter
Ever-loyal member of the Hanniganite Family
Secretary of OverThinkers Anonymous Member of WLS
Keeper of Willow's decrypted City Council security codes
Keeper of Ted's miscellaneous parts after Buffy did him in.
(We can rebuild him. We have the technology. OOPS, wrong show.)

If you can't explain yourself, it could be that you are, in fact, not yourself.

Subject: Re: who is more evil
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 02:10 AM EDT
From: Sarahinaz


woo hoo! i don't know why i'm happy that i'm evil, but i am. now what if the three of us were to combine our evil powers...

the almighty cap unuser


official torturer

(special food ruining division)



founder and president of OTA

born again hanniganite

keeper of ted's secret ingredient
Subject: Re: who is more evil
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 11:24 PM EDT
From: N HaHa

What many people are forgetting is that, although I am not as evil as Scott or Sarah, I am also younger than both. If I keep hanging around those two, I have the potential to be the most evil person without a life in the world by the time I reach 25 (that will be 9 years of experience added to my present evilness).

All I'll say is that I have potential. Evil potential.

Scott is evil. In Austin Powers, Seth Green plays Scott Evil. Coincidence? Probably. But it had to be brought up.

ubject: Re: who is more evil
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 01:55 AM EDT
From: Sarahinaz


if you factor into the equation the two and a half years that i spent unconscious 90% of the time we are pretty much the same age. besides in nine years when you are 25 we will also have 9 years more experience too. by the way, in my drawing class everyone is always amazed because i have a really aggressive style of drawing, and they always say "you are such a quiet innocent person and you draw these pictures that look like they were drawn by a mad person." anyway i just think its funny that they think i'm innocent, and i haven't babbled today so i thought i'd get it out of the way.
the almighty cap unuser


official torturer

(special food ruining division)

founder and president of OTA

born again hanniganite

keeper of ted's secret ingredient
Subject: Re: who is more evil
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 06:00 AM EDT
From: Rikki1970

The Chef Boyardee Ravioli kid has them all beat in his evilness. Until I see Scott or Nick popping up in old Andy Griffith reruns, he shall remain the most evil one of all.
