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Beware the Ferrets

Subject: Re: NICKname nomination
Date: Fri, 23 July 1999 02:33 AM
From: Kane MacA


Indeed, of course he did. If he were to pass up such an opportunity, it would be a strong sign of weakness. And were he to begin to exhibit the slightest weakness, the smallest sign that he was losing his grip on power, we'd be all over him. We'd have him down for the count and closing in, but then he'd cleverly escape, and we'd track him down to an obscure Guatemalan village, and silently creep up, but he'd know we were coming, and then the ferrets, dear lord the ferrets...

Just Kane, for now.

(Quiet Hanniganite, and proud of it, too.) I'm lucky like a falling star fell over me... -Garbage, Supervixen

"...particularly Asia..."
